Then I met you

(Tao's perspective)


Tao is awaken by a sudden creak of the door. He squinted his eyes open. He look up. There he saw the most beautiful face he have ever seen. The blonde's eyes are still shut closed. Tao smiled. 


He really can't believe that he can get this close to Kris. It was like yesterday; Kris is a star, hard to reach. But now, he is here, by his side.


Tao reluctantly stood up. He wants to stare at Kris' sleeping face. But eventually, he felt like someone trespassed Kris' condo unit. And the trespasser needs to be caught. He could stare at Kris later.


As he twisted the doorknob and pushed the door open, he drags along a baseball bat. Just for precautionary measures. He tiptoed towards the dining table and peeked over. 


He saw this familiar guy. The one whose hand dare to creep up to Kris' shoulders yesterday. The man is crying. The one who played a song with Kris, Lay.


As he look at the tears falling down the man's cheek, he somehow knew what this Lay is going through. The pain of giving up someone whom you love the most. He has been in that pace. Tao remembered his past self, two moths ago.


Tao almost squeal when Lay suddenly stand upright. He walks towards the door but then stop and spun around. The swelling eyes of Lay roamed around the condo unit. Then a small sad smile formed across his lips.


"Please take care of him, Tao..." Lay mutters.


Tao smiled sympathetically. The panda doesn't even wonder why Lay knew his name. Well, you had to know your enemy first before going to a battle, right?


As the door shut, Tao mutters; "Will do, Lay. Thank you,"


He stood up and walk back towards the bedroom. His thoughts wonders back to that chestnut haired guy, Lay. Maybe he and Lay could be friends. They seem to have the same personality.


As he walked over the bed, he stares at the sleeping figure of the blonde. "I'm lucky that he loves you...." Tao murmured as he lay beside Kris. "... to the point of giving up and letting you go," Tao smiled sadly, remembering his past self and Sehun.


He saw Kris wrinkled his nose. The panda chuckled. 'Yifan-gege is so cute' he thought. Then his mind drift back to Kris' reaction when he said that he is living with him. It was so priceless and at the same time so cute.



[Flashback: Earlier that morning, around 3:30am]

"I'm staying, pabo," Tao said as he reached over the bed hair of Kris and ruffles it.


The blonde's head bobbed back and forth violently. Tao was quite impressed when he saw the blonde's reaction. But then the impressed Tao was now replaced by an amused Tao.


Kris's eyes widen as realization hit him hard. Tao chuckled. "What!?" The taller asked, staring intently at the grinning panda.


The younger instantly frowned. The way Kris' voice is raised made Tao guilty. Maybe he is pushing himself towards Kris more forceful than he thought. Maybe Kris really didn't want him even after the kiss. 


Tao bit his lips as he answered,"I-I'm staying."


Kris harshly scratch the back of his head. Damn! He can't resist the guy's charms. The way the panda bit his lips made Kris dizzy.


Tao saw how the taller's face creased in frustration. At some point he knows that Kris isn't frustrated about him staying, its because of some other thing. Tao continued his facade. He started to let his eyes waters, faking tears. 

This is what Tao is at his best, aegyos and acting.


"Fine!" Kris said passing through him and heading straight to his bedroom. Tao frowned as he sat at the couch. Looks like the tall guy is angry. He sighed and decided that he'll leave before dawn. For the meantime, he'll just sleep at the couch.


When Tao finally settles himself at the couch, he felt a lingering presence hovering over him. He relunctantly look up, he was afraid that it might be a ghost.


But then he saw Kris bright red. Tao raised a brow. 


"Ummm... the bed.. too big... u-ummm... you know.." Kris uncomfortably shifted from foot to foot. Tao suppressed a giggle. "..ummm... you can sleep beside me if you want?"  Kris said quickly and glance away.


Tao grinned like a fool. Kris is so cute. His face was tomato red. But then Tao's eyes widen, 'Is Kris making a move on me?' Tao thought. 'Cause if he does, I won't play hard to get.' 


Tao giggled at his ertness. "Sure!" The younger stood up and head straight towards the bedroom and lay on the bed.


He waited for the blonde to come. He didn't wait that long since the taller come in an instant. But Kris just stood there. His face is written woth the word "HESISTANT".


Tao laughed. Of course, Kris isn't thinking about having . Kris is his innocent, naive gege. And nothing can't take that away from him. Tao smiled sincerely.

"Come on," he said, patting the bed. "I won't do anything, I promised," Tao grinned mischieviously. "..well, that is unless you want me to."


"He he..." Kris laughed nervously andcstarted walking towards the bed. He sat at the side and look at the panda. "And I also promise I won't do anyhing silly... or y," Kris mutters the last part that Tao almost missed it.


The pnada giggled as he and Kris got under the comforter. Its really cold and they are both tired. They both closed their eyes. Kris almost drift to sleep when a body snuggle closer to him and hugged him.


Kris was about to say something when Tao's dreamy voice stop him. "Let's just stay this way."


And he let it. Because somehow he felt comfortable. He never felt so right for so long.

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Thank you again! This story has come to an end! Hope you enjoy it like how I enjoy writing it! Love you all! ♥


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Chapter 26: This was really an amazing story. Thank you for this.

(Sorry for not using any smiley faces or anything, I hope you understand why.)
Chapter 16: is it really youre first time to write ? hahaha! im just kidding.
Chapter 1: Please update soon!