Then I met you

"Hi, good morning Kris," he grinned. It's Tao.


Kris' jaw fell in disbelief. He rubbed his eyes, making his eyes see clearer. Maybe then he'll stop his hopeless delusions. 


But the panda stay still in his place, watching how the taller reacts cutely.


The elder stared at the younger wide eyes. To Yifan, the scene is so dreamy. Like he is still lost in his deep slumber. And now that the panda is right in front of him, he could just wipe the morning glories off and stare at the creature the whole morning, even day.


"Hey..." Kris said shyly, realizing how his hair is messy and his clothes wrinkled. In short, a mess.


The smaller grins from ear to ear. At first, Tao was really anxious when Kris stares at him like right now. But then, he realize; he wouldn't like it if Kris stare at others like that, would he?


Gently, the younger pushed Kris aside so he could get inside his condo unit. He drags along a large luggage bag, the blonde notices.


The panda roamed his eyes over the condo unit. Nothing change. The furniture, the always organized things, the scent. Nothung really change and he like it that way.


"Waaahhh.." Tao whispers. "I miss this place," he continues to mumbled. Its true. The youngster really misses the place. The morning scene that happen months ago and the warmth. He can't really forget this place that easily.


 "What's that?" Kris said, making the younger jumped a little.


He look over the tall figure of Kris. He chuckled. Kris looks like a drowsy little boy. The taller is rubbing his eye and the other is looking at him sleepily. 'Kris-gege really looks cute,' Tao thought.


Then he remembered Kris' question. He smirked devilishly and pointed at his luggage bag.


"This..." he emphasizes the bag. "Kris-gege is a luggage bag," Tao laughed when Kris' face turns into a cute frown.


"I know that," the taller snapped. Tao could only suppressed the laughter.


"Okay... inside this bag, contains my clothes," Tao continued to play yaja time. This time Kris is like a young boy and Tao is a big hyung, teaching the boy about the classification of bags. Tao chuckled.


"Why so?" Kris said tilting his head to his side confused. The panda likes this cute side of Kris. So naive and innocent. So cute.


"Because..." he moves closer to the elder, only realizing how the blonde's figure hovers him. "... I'm staying, pabo," Tao said and reach over the taller's bed hair and ruffles it.




Lay woke up with a start. His head spin a little and his stomach churn. He quickly move towards his bathroom and head straight to the toilet. He felt all the alcohol go up and out of his mouth. He got drunk last night.


His eyes divert towards the clock. Its 12 in the afternoon. He reminisce. 



After he had kissed Yifan, he walks out. He leave Kris wondering. And also he left his heart with Kris. He quickly dialled Joonmyeon's number and invite him to go to a club. Lay doesn't want to get drunk in the same place where he stole a kiss from his first love.


He and Joonmyeon went to the nearest club. He told Joonmyeon all of his problems and what he saw and did. Yes, he saw the kissing panda and Kris on the couch. The door, that time, is not locked.


Joonmyeon just listened to him. Then he suggest that maybe its better if Lay go away first and heals his own heart. It sounds a great idea so he decided to book a flight.



As Lay reached over the gargle, he notices his mirror. His reflection is horrible. He looks like a mess. And also he smells puke. Quickly, he grabbed the gargle and pour some in his mouth. 


Because he smells like puke, he took his clothes off. He step inside his shower and let the water run through his body. It felt calming.


Then Kris popped up in his mind.


Those gummy smiles that he rarely sees but always adores, those hazel brown eyes that held all of the blonde's mysteries and all of those kind and sincere actions—all of this, all the reason why he fell in love with Kris.    


He sigh as he turn off the shower. He dries himself off with a towel and wrapped it around his waist. He realize that after what had happen last night, the blonde needs an explanation and of course, apologies.


His eyes quickly roams the room, looking for a phone. They need to talk. To Lay, he really don't want his hyung, his first love, to be mad at him. He punch Kris' number and wait for the other line to pick up.


But looks like the other line is busy. 'Maybe, still sleeping,' Lay thought as he walk over his walks in closet. He picks up a simple v-neck, a blue cardigan and a brown pants. He got dressed and went to his car.


He is going to Kris' condo.


* * * *


Lay arrived and he is now face to face with Kris' condo unit. He didn't bother pressing the doorbell, instead he knocks. He knows how the blonde hates his doorbell. When no one answers, he fished out Kris' duplicate keys.


He and Kyungsoo have each one. He opens the main door. The first thing that he notice is the luggage bag and the unorganized couch. Its like something happens on the couch.


He quickly disregards the couch and look at the luggage. 'Is Kris leaving? Is it because of me?' Lay wonders. He got worried and walk towards Kris' bedroom.


No more knocking, he twisted the door's doorknob and pushed the door open. But he immediately regret it.


This is the second time he barge inside a room without knocking. And he hurt himself. Maybe this would be a lesson for him. Knock first before you enters.


He regret it. He regret everything that had happen since he barge inside the VIP room until now. Maybe if he didn't come here and opens this door, maybe he won't get hurt and fly away without crying. 


He held his heart and a tear rolled down his cheek. 



Tao is snuggled in Kris' embrace, sleeping together under Kris' sheets.


 A/N: What do you think happen before Kris and Tao end up under one sheet? Hmmmm.... *dirty thoughts*dirty thoughts*


Hehe... anyways I'll post a oneshot of ChanBaek/ BaekYeol. 

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Thank you again! This story has come to an end! Hope you enjoy it like how I enjoy writing it! Love you all! ♥


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Chapter 26: This was really an amazing story. Thank you for this.

(Sorry for not using any smiley faces or anything, I hope you understand why.)
Chapter 16: is it really youre first time to write ? hahaha! im just kidding.
Chapter 1: Please update soon!