Girls Talk and YoungWon

Marrying Mr. Arrogant
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The next day you were sitting and watching tv. You were feeling much better, since you had met your parents and friends, so you didn`t miss them as much as you did, before. Hoya was sitting next to you and he was watching tv as well. His phone rang and he picked up. "Hello,Yeah, Chinja?" he looked at you "Okay I`ll be right there" he hung up. You tilted your head to the side. "Who was it?" "Daniel, his cousin came yesterday to visit Daniel, I haven`t met him for a long time, so he asked if I wanted to come along, they`re going out" he smiled sheepishly.  "Can I go?" You nodded. He smiled. "YonJoo is coming over, she will spend the day with you, since we are going out" You grinned.

He went to his room and got dressed. After that he went outside. You waved goodbye to him and he waved back. You went back to watch Tv. Suddenly you heard someone knock on the door. The maid opened the door. You saw YonJoo coming into the living room. You grinned and gave her a hug. "Unnie!" you smiled. She giggled. "I can call you that right?" you smiled sheepishly. She nodded "Of course"

She looked at you and tilted her head to the side. "Why are you still in your pajamas?" you looked at her confused. "What do you mean, we are going to be at home, aren`t we?" she shook her head. "We are going out, go and get yourself ready" you nodded and did as told. You wore this (

You both went outside, and took the bus to the mall. "It`s been a long time since I have taken the bus" she smiled. "This feels nice" you looked at her surprised. "Jeongmal?" she nodded. "I always bring my car with me everytime I`m going somewhere" "You can drive?" you looked at her. She nodded. *I should get my drivers license soon*

You both got out of the bus and started shopping. You went to an accessory shop, and found alot of different things you liked. You took them with you to the cashier. When you had to pay, you saw that the things were to expensive, so you decided to set them back, but YonJoo stopped you. "Here" she took out a card from her bag. "You don`t need to pay" you shook your head. "No, it`s not mine, it`s Howon`s credit card" your eyes rounded in surprise. "When did he give that to you?" "When I was going to knock on the front door of your house, he gave it to me, and told me to take you out on shopping, since he hadn`t taken you out" she smiled and gave you the card. *That`s sweet* you beamed and payed for the stuff you liked.

After you two had been shopping for a long time, you both decided to sit at a cafe, and relax. You both sat down and ordered cappuccino. "Did you have fun today?" you beamed and nodded. She giggled. "You`re really cute" you smiled. "Komawo" she smiled. The cappucciono came and you both started sipping on your drink. "So, how is everything between you and Howon?" YonJoo asked. "It`s better now then before, but we still argue over small things" you sighed. "That`s normal, don`t let that ruin your relationship" you nodded.

"But, I`m not really sure if I want to keep this relationship going" you sighed. "What do you mean?" YonJoo became serious. "I don`t know, after visiting my parents house, I kind of miss my old life" you looked at her. "You and Howon went to your hometown?" she asked. You nodded. Her eyes rounded in surprise. "I`m not going to make the choice for you, but you`re making a big mistake if you let go of Howon" you looked at her confused. "Why?"

YonJoo took a sip of her cappuccino, then started talking "because, Howon has changed alot after meeting you" you tilted your head to the side. "He took you to your parents house, and he gave you his credit card, something he would never do before" You nodded. "But-" "The only thing I`m saying is that he has become more soft, after meeting you, he cares about everyone else besides himself, and believe me that`s something new" she raised her eyebrows. *Maybe she is right*

After talking, you both went out of the cafe. YonJoo suddenly stopped and started waving to someone. You looked at the direction she was looking at and you spotted Daniel with some other guy, but you didn`t see Hoya anywhere. Daniel waved back.

Daniel stood infront of you now, with his cousin. "Hey, what are you guys doing here?" YonJoo asked. "We couldn`t do what we planned on doing" Daniel sighed. "Why?" YonJoo tilted her head to the side. He turned around and looked at someone. "Because she came along" Daniel shooked his head. You saw Hoya and Nara coming to

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i really love your story! please write more hoya's fiction authornim
Chapter 31: this is unbelievable cute
Trin20k #3
Chapter 31: This story was adorable, I just read it in one sitting. Now to start reading the sequels!
Fardiah #4
Chapter 31: Great story ^_^
its May 2015 and here I am, lurking on this page because i missed reading this and im gonna read it all over again.
gett-n #6
great job!
babyxieee_ #7
Chapter 31: nice story author-nim! ∩__∩ gonna ship this couple kekeke~
jenn44 #8
Nice story i love reading it!
Chapter 31: kyaa !! this such a cute story .. good thing hoya is my no1 bias in infinite or i'll hate him for sure .. kekeke ,, but i'll love him for being a sweet husband here >.< good job author-nim . i love this story ^^