Business Trip

Marrying Mr. Arrogant
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You woke up the next day. You looked at Hoya and he was still asleep. You remembered what happened that night, and you blushed. He was still holding you around your waist, so it was hard for you to come out of his grip. Everytime you tried to get up, he held you tighter and closer to him.

Now your faces was just an inch away, you could easily kiss his lips, your cheeks turned red. You decided to just lay like this because you couldn`t do anything after all. You sighed. Suddenly you saw that Hoya`s lips curved into a smile. He opened one of his eyes and looked at you. You blinked, "You were awake all this time?" He nodded. "You`re so mean" you hit his chest. He chuckled. "Did you sleep well?" You nodded. "Who am I kidding, of course you slept well, you were sleeping next to me" he smirked. You rolled your eyes and pushed his arm off you. "Whatever" you opened the door, but turned around before you went out. "Thank you" you smiled and went out. He became happy. *Finally I managed to do something right*

You sat and ate breakfast with your parents and Hoya, of course. Everyone was having a good time, and you were enjoying every minute of it. After eating you went to your room and started packing your belongings, and Hoya did the same. When you were done, you and Hoya went outside to the car. Your parents followed you outside, to say goodbye. *Where is Rin and the guys?* you tilted your head to the side. You were just about to sit in the car when you heard someone call for you. "____~ wait!" You turned around an

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i really love your story! please write more hoya's fiction authornim
Chapter 31: this is unbelievable cute
Trin20k #3
Chapter 31: This story was adorable, I just read it in one sitting. Now to start reading the sequels!
Fardiah #4
Chapter 31: Great story ^_^
its May 2015 and here I am, lurking on this page because i missed reading this and im gonna read it all over again.
gett-n #6
great job!
babyxieee_ #7
Chapter 31: nice story author-nim! ∩__∩ gonna ship this couple kekeke~
jenn44 #8
Nice story i love reading it!
Chapter 31: kyaa !! this such a cute story .. good thing hoya is my no1 bias in infinite or i'll hate him for sure .. kekeke ,, but i'll love him for being a sweet husband here >.< good job author-nim . i love this story ^^