
21st Century Kim

Hello my readers!

First things first, this is my first chapter in a really long time. I apologize for the lack of udpdates, and really there is only one true reason why I haven't been updated: I am at my last year in high school and doing my best for grades. I still have that dream of going to college in America, and it is bright. But of course, I have not forgotten about any of my stories or contests! It is just taking longer for me.

This chapter is not much, but it is a buildup to what is going to happen next... leading up to Hoya coming to visit the boys. What will happen? Well... the aftermath of the kiss is now.

Sungyeol silently opened the front door to Dongwoo's apartment, creeping through as the clock struck midnight. He held the door open for Myungsoo, who carefully sidestepped through the apartment. The kitchen and living room area was close to pitch black except for the slivers of light shining through the blinds. Sungyeol turned the knob and gently pushed the door to a close, releasing his hand as the coast was clear. Dongwoo and Sungjong were sleeping at this point, and the two came home later than expected.

"Where is Sungjong?" Myungsoo asked, pointing towards the living room. There was no shadow of Sungjong's body to be seen.

"Keep your voice low. He's probably sleeping on Dongwoo's floor," Sungyeol figured, walking towards the living room and placing dropping his keys on the dining room table. 

Myungsoo agreed with whatever Sungyeol said and followed him to the living room, his heart feeling anxious from everything. "Only the two of us are sleeping in the living room?"

After kissing each other for the first time, Sungyeol and Myungsoo spent their time together at Namsan Tower before closing. The two took their time returning home, taking every possible detour to prolong their getaway and talk to each other more. At the last leg of their trip, Sungyeol allowed for the sleepy prince to rest on his shoulder. Now that they returned back to the apartment, they both realized one thing.

Dongwoo, Sungjong, or anyone else know a single detail of tonight.

Not to mention, this would be their first time sleeping in the same room together after their kiss. Not that Sungyeol expected anything else to happen. Tonight was a milestone, and neither Sungyeol nor Myungsoo knew exactly what was going to happen next.

"We'll sleep like we have been before, just spread out the mats. Nothing new," Sungyeol smiled, patting Myungsoo on the back. 

Myungsoo turned to catch Sungyeol in a blank stare as he looked out the window. The prince knew that Sungyeol was thinking about something, and he wondered if they were thinking the same exact thing. "What do we tell everyone?" Myungsoo asked.

Timing was a thing, and Sungyeol knew when he kissed Myungsoo that revealing his feelings came with a great risk. Falling for someone of a different era, not to mention knowing that he had to bring the Crown Prince back at some point. It would be selfish to keep him in his time for the sake of the relationship and their happiness, and Sungyeol understood that. From the beginning, Sungyeol knew that the relationship was fated to end.

But Sungyeol was not planning on worrying about it anytime soon, because at this very moment Myungsoo made him happier than any other person. This was a new relationship, and he wanted to make Myungsoo feel as comfortable as possible.

"When the time is right," Sungyeol assured. Confessing the relationship also held the risk that the group dynamic could change. Especially if for some reason, the two of them ended on a much more idiotic note, Sungjong would be pressured to take sides. Sungyeol stretched his arm out and placed it around Myungsoo's shoulders, pulling him closer as he continued staring out the window. "If it's ever right, we'll tell my brother and Dongwoo."

That was when the front door opened, not as gingerly as their own entrance. The keys jingled as a person walked in and threw the keys right at the table. Letting out an exhausted yawn, a backpack along with a pile of books dropped on the floor.

"I'm tired..." the person spoke in his yawn, closing his eyes for a split second.


Sungyeol hastily retrieved his arm back and discreetly pushed Myungsoo away from.

Exaggerating his yawn, Sungjong opened his eyes as he dropped his arms to his side. That was when he noticed an odd silhouette of two people pushing each other away by the window in a panic. Who is that hugging? Sungjong scratched his eye to decipher the picture in the darkness. "Sungyeol? Myungsoo? Is that you?"

Sungyeol cleared his throat, turning his head slightly to catch the shadow of his brother at the corner of his eye. "Yeah, it's us," he spoke.

Sungjong smacked his lips together, walking towards Sungyeol and Myungsoo in the living room to start a casual conversation. "I've been at the library all day..." 

Neither Sungyeol nor Myungsoo responded.

"How are you two?"


Hello? What's wrong with you two. "Are you guys gonna say something?"

The two kept quiet, displaying some distance as they stood next to each other. Sungjong noticed the strange feeling between the two, as it was not as friendly as it normally was. It made Sungjong quite uncomfortable, tempted to make a gesture, like snapping his fingers, to get some words out of the both of them. Sungjong could tell that Sungyeol and Myungsoo were trying to hide something.

Why were you two hugging earlier?



It was also the middle of the night, and Sungjong was tired.

"Go to sleep, it's almost 1:00," Sungjong ordered, scratching his eyes as he went on his journey to the bathroom. He was fed up with the whole day and had no intention of figuring out what was going on with Sungyeol or Myungsoo this late. 

It was a day of revelations. Revelations that furthered the relationship. Revelations that needed to be kept secret in the meantime. Revelations that made Kim Myungsoo's stay in the 21st century much more complicated. Nonetheless, Sungjong was right. It was too late for Sungyeol to ponder the situation much longer, and looking onto Myungsoo, the prince was nodding his head and ready to fall to the floor. 

"He's right," Sungyeol declared, grabbing onto Myungsoo's shoulder and pulling him closer for a quick peck on his forehead. "Time to sleep."




The news spread around town.

Daehyun used his finger to trace his name in the dirt. Careful with his , he signed like calligraphy for hours. The room was almost pitch black except for a tiny window that shone a little illumination. Rewriting his name to amuse himself as he waited for the light. Or a person.


Daehyun had lost all sense of time for the day. He spent most of his days sleeping, drawing in the sand, and eating whatever the guards gave him. To go from the royal attendant of the Crown Prince, to being painted as the palace traitor by the man he still suspected killed King Myunghae. Daehyun was bitter, being locked up until his own trial for treason. 

The door opened.

The first light he had seen in hours. Daehyun turned his head to watch a slender shadow appear at the doorway, fading into the light as the shadow closed the door behind itself. Daehyun could hear footsteps growing closer. Shivers sent down his spine, the eerie steps and heavy breathing almost taunting him. He knew it was neither a guard nor Sunggyu walking to him. But who could it be.

As the figure grew closer, the shadow revealed itself in a gray and midnight blue hanbok. The jewels of her sash shined in the minimal light provided. Half of her face revealed itself to what used to be a bright angel. Her pale face and demeanor exposed her loneliness and despair, though she tried her best to hide it.

"Na... Naeun," Daehyun stammered. "What are you doing here?" His knees buckled as he bowed in front of her, his forehead touching the dirt where his name was written.

"Daehyun, please do not bow for me," Naeun smiled gently, shaking her hands for him to stop.

Daehyun's eyes teared up as he raised his head, staring straight into Naeun's eyes. "How are you, old friend?"

"As you can expect." Naeun cleared and held her hands together. "Everything is in disarray. The whole family is up-in-arms over Myungsoo's... you know..."

No one wanted to say the word, but Daehyun believed it was part of the healing process to accept everything for what it was. "Suicide?"

Naeun shook her head and covered her face. "I am sorry, Daehyun."

"Myungsoo was an important person to both of us. I just cannot believe that this is what it came to, and I am saddened by this whole situation. I could care less about my trial. I only want what is best for Moonsoo and Queen Jinyoung. I want the House of Kim to heal."

Naeun nodded her head in agreement, biting her lip before she continued. "I have been looking to Sunggyu for support in this manner."

His name only brought a putrid taste to Daehyun's mouth. Daehyun choked on the thought of his best friend's cousin waiting impatiently to take Naeun whenever he could. It was no secret that the two of them had shown much chemistry after Myungsoo's disappearance. Let alone, he hated the fact that Sunggyu him. Even though Daehyun did not want to accept the fact. He knew Naeun had moved on. "At least he is there for you," he said regretfully.

Naeun did not know what else to say, knowing that Sunggyu was the one who declared treason on Daehyun in the first place. It was not her place to make a comment like that and seeing Daehyun suffer in his cell, Naeun turned her head away. "Do you think Myungsoo would be fine with this happening?"

Daehyun coughed, realizing why Naeun was here in the first place: a blessing. A blessing that she only felt she could receive rightfully from his guard. Not even from his mother or brother. Daehyun had his truthful answer.

The one where he rains on Naeun and tells her about the cunning person Sunggyu can be, manipulating everyone around him to get what he wants. The one where he tells Naeun that if she is going to turn to Sunggyu, then she is a bigger fool than he is. The one where Sunggyu was the one who really killed King Myunghae, not Myungsoo. 

But Daehyun also recognized that in his position, he was about as reliable as a rat. He had become a traitor, and only releasing this information would further complicate the matters. Daehyun unfortunately knew his place. "All Myungsoo wants is for you to be happy, and if that means following your heart, then so be it."




Sungyeol and Myungsoo walked into History 31, seven days and counting until the big test. The class was a lot more anxious, burying their heads in their textbooks with minimal discussion before class started. Myungsoo held onto Sungyeol's drink, following him to take their seats. 

"If you want, you can have a sip," Sungyeol granted, throwing his backpack on the table.

Myungsoo still remembered the first time he took that deadly sip of a caffe americano. Everything that he had drank in Starbucks was infinitely better than the monstrosity he was holding. "I cannot fathom you drinking three of these cups a day. It is disgusting."

"More for me," Sungyeol laughed. 

As Sungyeol was about to grab his coffee from Myungsoo, an undesirable person walked up to them to start a conversation.

"Woohyun," Sungyeol snided, lounging in his seat to prepare what the kid had in store today. "Yes?"

"Are you ready for the test next week?" Woohyun asked, leaning against the table in an effort to taunt Sungyeol a little more.

The upcoming test is the first midterm that Sungyeol received in a while. After a good record of essays and quizzes for the past two months, all Sungyeol needed was over an 82 for his assessment to bring his grades up and make up for the past failing he received. Of course, it worked in his favor that Myungsoo was right there next to him, and the test was about the Crown Prince himself.

"Let's just say I have a very good feeling," Sungyeol smirked.

Don't give me that smug look. "You think because one day you have the highest grade on the essay, you're better than everyone else?" 

"Is that a hint of jealousy I hear?"

Woohyun scoffed, shaking his head in disgust. "You're lucky, Sungyeol. That's all you are."

Myungsoo kept to himself, blankly staring at Woohyun as he warmed his hands up with Sungyeol's caffe americano. Patiently waiting for their banter to end, Myungsoo was lost in the train of thought.

"What are you staring at?" Woohyun barked, glaring right at Myungsoo's dumbfound face.

Myungsoo jumped in his seat, blinking his eyes and waking up from his daze. A little coffee splashed onto his shirt as Woohyun got his attention. "I have nothing to say."

Woohyun bit his lip. Myungsoo's responses always puzzled him. Let alone, Myungsoo's presence confused him. One moment, Myungsoo is willing to debate Woohyun in front of a large group of people. The next moment, Myungsoo is as aloof as an innocent child. "Anyways... Taeyeon wanted me to give you this." Woohyun reached into his back pocket to retrieve a folded up envelope to pass to Sungyeol.

"What is this?" Sungyeol asked, receiving the gift between two fingers and raising it in front of his face to inspect.

"Taeyeon had tickets to see the new movie out at the Cineplex about Emperor Gojong."

"Grand Cross?"

"Yeah. Taeyeon has to work late for her research and told me to give the tickets to you." 

"Nice!" Taeyeon had spoken to Sungyeol months ago about the upcoming release of the film, which focused on Emperor Gojong as the final king of the Joseon Dynasty. Sungyeol shoved the tickets in his backpack, flashing a smile even for Woohyun's gratitude. "Thanks man."

"Yeah," Woohyun shrugged, walking away. "Oh, by the way. There are two tickets, so you can bring whoever you want."

As Sungyeol watched Woohyun walk down to his seat, he turned to Myungsoo and waved the tickets in front of face. "Taeyeon used to talk about this move all the time... the Joseon Dynasty lasts until the 18th century, and he is the final King."

"I understand," Myungsoo nodded. "What is a movie?"

Sungyeol chuckled. "You know how Sungjong watches those television shows back home at night?"


"A movie is a television show, except longer. Its time is equivalent to watching two shows straight. Instead of watching a movie at an apartment, you go to what is called a movie theater, and the movie will play on a screen that is six times the size of our television screen back home."

Myungsoo nodded once more. "Are you going to watch it."

"Yeah," Sungyeol hummed. "You know, if you have nothing to do this Friday, you can come watch with me."


"Why not! You might as well find out what happens in the future. It should be fun. I swear, you won't fall asleep during this." Sungyeol rested his arm on the back of Myungsoo's chair and discretely rubbed his shoulder. "What do you say?"

Myungsoo grinned and grabbed the second ticket. It was a stiff piece of paper with sharp edges and words finely printed to signify his attendance on Friday. The Crown Prince had always been fascinated with the moving pictures provided back at his apartment and Sungjong's computer, but the idea of watching one on a grand scale piqued more of his interest. Entertainment these days was much more complex than he ever expected. Nonetheless, he was very interested in checking out the movie, and of course, hanging out with Sungyeol. "I will watch."




"How does it feel to be back home?" Dongwoo asked, pouring out some popcorn chicken into a bowl mixed with steamed rice and other seasonings.

"At least the window is fixed," Sungyeol shrugged, pointing straight to it. The window glass was tinted more than the previous window, and a little of the design was changed. After living in Dongwoo's apartment for a week, Sungyeol, Myungsoo, and Sungjong finally returned to their apartment. The four of them sat at the dining table on Friday afternoon, sharing beers and popcorn chicken to end the week. "By the way, thank you so much for hosting us. You're always a great friend."

"You guys are always welcome," Dongwoo smiled, stuffing his face with more chicken. "What's the plan for today?"

"I'm gonna take Myungsoo to watch a movie for me. You know, show him what watching one is like at the Cineplex in Gangnam."

"Nice. Hope you don't mind returning the favor for tonight. I might as well sleep here if I'll be partying here again tomorrow."

"No problem."

"I do not like this," Myungsoo complained, puckering up his lips as he finished his bottle of beer. The boys resorted to buying Hite brand this time around for its cheap price. Unfortunately, the prince was not impressed. 

"Drink more, that's how you like it," Sungyeol chuckled, ruffling up Myungsoo's hair.

"Aish, stop it!" Myungsoo blushed, his cheeks turning red with the mix of alcohol and Sungyeol teasing him.

As the two played around at the dinner table, Sungjong sat down relatively quiet than usual. With narrow eyes, he held a piece of popcorn chicken in his hands as he observed everyone at the dinner table. In group settings, Sungyeol and Myungsoo seemed a lot closer than normal. Times when Sungjong encounters Sungyeol and Myungsoo in the living room or kitchen, the two scramble to stay apart from each other while Sungjong is present. The whole ordeal was suspicious, and especially after catching the two hugging last Saturday, something was not right.

"We're gonna head out now." Sungyeol patted the top of Myungsoo's head and motioned for them to leave. "We gotta catch the train, so wash our dishes."

"Thanks," Dongwoo grumbled, stacking their dishes in the middle of the table.

Sungyeol tugged on Myungsoo's arm and shared a quick smile with him before pulling him out the front door.

As the door closed on them, Dongwoo got up to throw the dishes in the sink and headed straight towards the couch. "They want me to wash the dishes for them. I can't believe it."

Sungjong waited for the right moment to speak. The moment where he knew that Sungyeol and Myungsoo left the apartment, and they would not be coming back anytime soon for something they had forgotten, like a jacket or their wallets. Sungjong had a lot to say, but he needed the right moment to address it. "Have you noticed anything different with Sungyeol and Myungsoo recently?" Sungjong asked, finally throwing that piece of popcorn chicken in his mouth.

Dongwoo shrugged, grabbing the remote from the coffee table. "Not really."

Sungjong chugged a few refreshing gulps of beer to wash down the chicken. He let out a satisfying exhale as the liquid fizzed on his tongue, waiting for the carbonation to settle before explaining more. "Sungyeol and Myungsoo act weird around me now."

"Don't they always," Dongwoo smirked, rolling his eyes. "When they have to deal with someone like you-"

"No, I'm serious!" Sungjong walked over to Dongwoo, snatching the remote control out of his hand and throwing it on the couch. Sungjong placed his hands on Dongwoo's shoulders and looked at him sternly. "The way Sungyeol acts around Myungsoo... is kind of the way that Sungyeol acted around Taeyeon when they first started dating."

Dongwoo raised an eyebrow, uncertain what Sungjong was implying. "Are you trying to say..." Silence spent for him to think. "Are you trying to say that Sungyeol and Taeyeon are back together?!"

"NO!" Sungjong groaned, shaking Dongwoo's shoulders. "I think Sungyeol and Myungsoo like each other, damnit!"

Dongwoo was so startled by the accusation, he had to blink his eyes and pinch his hand to figure if Sungjong really asked him that question. "Where does that even come from? The Crown Prince of Korea hundreds of years ago... likes my best friend, your brother? Some average history student?!"

"They always hung out together, but now they act a little different. At your apartment last weekend, they were hugging when I got back from the library. As I got in, they pushed each other way."


"Do I have to spell it out for you? I think Sungyeol likes Myungsoo."

"Oh really?"

"This might be the real thing!" Sungjong pleaded with his friend, shaking his shoulders to convince him the reality. Followed by a forehead flick to send Dongwoo into submission. "Think about it!"

Dongwoo took some time to reflect on Sungyeol and Myungsoo's previous reactions, his eyes shrinking as several pieces connected together. "Myungsoo was really upset at the hospital when Sungyeol yelled at him."

"Sungyeol was upset that he yelled at Myungsoo."

"Sungyeol saved Myungsoo during the incident a couple weeks ago."

"Myungsoo sticks to Sungyeol more than any of us."

Dongwoo looked up to the ceiling, more of their story falling together. "Myungsoo told me that he had to tell me a secret at the hospital, but Sungyeol came to us just in-"

"Wait, a secret?"


Sungjong gripped his hands closer to Dongwoo's neck and pretended to choke him. "Myungsoo had a secret, and you didn't say !"

"I didn't think it was that big of a deal!" Dongwoo argued, wrestling Sungjong's hands off his collarbone. He took a deep breath, questioning every interaction for the past month. "I mean, it's possible... if they really are dating... well... umm..." Dongwoo stuttered, shutting his mouth and walking away towards the kitchen.

"What, Dongwoo?" Sungjong poked, following Dongwoo and cornering him at the counter. "What?"

"They don't look bad together," Dongwoo let out a small grin. "Met in a hot tub. Myungsoo had a difficult time adjusting to the times of the new era. Sungyeol was there to help. The two helped each other with their personal lives and have become better people because of it. They're both really happy now, and sure. Maybe after Taeyeon, your brother wanted to experiment with men."

"God, what is wrong with everyone!" Sungjong groaned, ruffling his hair. "We're one day away from this becoming a makjang. We have to stop this."

"What would it matter if they were dating?" Dongwoo wondered, observing Sungjong's overbearing worry over the new relationship. "I don't think it's a bad thing."

"But it is." Sungjong had his reasons.

"What do you we do now? Are we just gonna confront them when they come back to the movie? I don't really want to do that."

"We're not gonna confront them later," Sungjong smirked, a sly smile flashing on his face as he raised his eyebrow. "Because we're finding them now."

Dongwoo's eyes lit up with worry. Sungyeol and Myungsoo were secretly out on a date, and spying on them was the last thing he wanted to do."NOW? Hajima, are you crazy?!"

Sungjong grabbed Dongwoo's wrist and hoisted him towards the door with much determination. "If my life is a makjang, it's gonna be better than You Who Came From the Stars." 

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nataliawong #1
Chapter 29: Authornim, update please.
nataliawong #2
Chapter 29: Authornim, would you please update this amazing story.
Sumayeol #3
Chapter 29: Wow
Chapter 29: I miss this fic ??? coming back again after awhile
nataliawong #5
Authornim,please update soon.
Chapter 29: AAAAAAAAAAAA <3
I missed this fic
I'm glad is back <3
neko_chan #8
I can't believe you're back and you updated and I was SO slow to even notice! I will be back to tuck into the new chapter. Thank you for continuing with this story <3
aidsseason #9
Chapter 29: I just saw this today that this got updated. It's really weird why I'm not getting any notifications when a fanfic updates. Wow I'm very happy that you're back and this story is finally going to reach its conclusion, but at the same time I'm also sad because that means another great story will end here in aff. Thank you for the update and thank you for the story you've made.