Love Hurts

Hello Cold World III: I Only Want to Dance With You
Love Hurts
The one who loves more hurts more. It hurts so much because I love you more. Are we really in love? I don’t know. The question keeps coming into my heart, who the hell are you?

“I can’t believe it… W-why?”


“So I can kill you when I have the chance.”




She looked back at him with her eyes wide open and her body slightly starting to shake. Right then and there, she could hear the shatter of her heart into millions of pieces, destroying everything she built up around him and their relationship for the past three years.


Her breaths were getting short with her heart hitting her chest so strongly, it was hurting her. She looked back at him with endless happy memories filling her mind only to disappear with his present gaze, looking back at her with a pure blank expression; just simply no emotions at all.


“Everything was a lie? You set me up?! What did I ever do to you! Why are you doing this to me?!”


She wasn’t capable of standing with her knees buckling under her, making her fall on the ground as she grabbed onto her hair, passing her fingers through them while reaching out for some air to breathe.


On the other side of the room, Hyunseung was looking back at her feeling numb himself. Pushing his broken heart aside, he had to obey to the orders; it’s not like he had a choice in the matter, anyways.


A light click caught her attention as she slowly lifted her head up to him only to see a gun pointed at her. With her eyes wide open, her gaze shifted until she was looking straight into his eyes, seeing nothing else but the color of his deep brown eyes.


“H-Hyunseung, please do-don’t do this-”


“I’m sorry, but I have too… I’m ready to give you a head start of three seconds or I shoot. 3… 2…”


Despite the fear that was streaming through her veins, she could clearly see that he was shaking, as if he was hesitating on whether to pull the trigger or not. She took this chance to get up, but almost stumbled along the way when she reached for her front door, the same moment the gun was fired.


She opened the door and rushed down the stairs until she reached her sidewalk where she ran away without looking back nor without knowing where she was running too.



The gun shot was heard from outside, alarming Ji-Hoon that was still there, hiding in his car. He quickly jumped out when he saw Seonya running out of her own home with Hyunseung standing by the entrance, holding the gun in his hand.


From where he was standing, he saw the boy drop the object and slid down until he was on the ground. Ji-Hoon took this chance to run towards Hyunseung and rushed up the stairs until he arrived on the porch and quickly grabbed onto the boy, taking him by complete surprise.


The older man had his gun pointed straight under Hyunseung’s chin, ready to pull the trigger at any moment.


“Just s-shoot me. I know you want to.”


“It would be way to easy to do that. I should just make you suffer for what you did to her.” He shoved him against the door behind him knocking the back of his head in the process. “Why did you even do it?! Huh?! It wasn’t enough for your sister to die and now you’re dragging her into this ?!”


My sister died because of you!” Just at the thought of his sibling, He pushed Ji-Hoon making him back off, only to comeback and push him inside the house by throwing in a punch directly on his face. The impact made the boy fall flat on the floor and grazed over the newly bruise that tainted his skin.


He tried getting up but got another blow with Ji-Hoon’s gun making him fall once again before getting the weapon pointed straight at his face.


“Goodbye Hyunseung.”


From there, another shot was fired.



She kept running until her legs couldn’t hold onto her anymore.


Catching her breath, she started quietly walking around in the midst of the crowd in downtown, just in the beginning of the afternoon.


She quietly let her tears fall down her cheeks, not having the energy of wiping them away while she was aimlessly walking around, not knowing where to go. Her home wasn’t safe anymore and even staying at her uncle’s was a bad idea.


She was on her own and there’s wasn’t anyway for her to stay strong; the last straw broke and destroyed everything she knew, or thought she knew.


The perfect solution that came to mind was to run away.


As long as she was far away from here, she didn’t care where she could run to. Nothing was waiting for her anymore so there was no reason to stay any longer. She just wanted to disappear.


‘I should just go back home… He should be gone by now, right?’


She turned around and walked back to where she came from, taking her time; she arrived an hour later and stared at the manor before walking up the steps. She slowly opened the door and peaked her head inside before stepping inside and closing it behind her.


She took a deep breath and started walking further inside. She looked to her right and saw that Hyunseung wasn’t there.


A part of her was relieved while the other part was hurt, only making her realize that what happened earlier was real. Blinking her eyes to dry her tears, she quickly climbed up the stairs until she was on the second floor and walked to her room where she gave a longing glance around with her eyes landing on the wall that was filled with pictures of her and Hyunseung through their years together.


Walking up to it, she stared at it before ripping out one picture and then the second one, the third one and it went on with her movements becoming more rough and angry each time, leaving her to destroy the pieces of her memory as she finally broke down.


In just a matter of minutes, her room turned upside down, throwing from one wall to the other anything that was a reminder of her love for the boy that betrayed her, which ended up being everything.


Making her way to the closet she roughly pulled onto the door and gasped out in shock when she saw that his clothes were gone. She ran to the dresser and pulled onto his drawers to see that they were empty, making her throw them away.


She dropped herself on her floor and hugged herself close while swinging her body front and back. The pain was too hard and becoming too overwhelming for her to handle; she felt to weak to do anything else but to simply cry the aching that was beating inside her heart.


‘I need to get out of here…’


She got up and went straight to take out her suitcase from her closet as she placed it on her bed and threw her pile of clothes in there, with no care at all. Once she was done, she zipped it up and went up to the attic looking for a small red box; finally setting her eyes on it, she threw it on the ground letting it broke in two as it opened, revealing endless amount of money and at least three credit cards that she shoved inside her purse before getting back up and rushing down back to her room where she grabbed onto her suitcase and went back down to the first floor.


She put on her jacket, took her keys and shut the door closed as she walked to her car where she threw the suitcase in the back seat and drove away, her main goal being of getting out of the city.


The moment she was driving away, a black car was following her from afar, curious to know where the girl was going.


‘Let’s see where this betrayal is going to take you…’



Hours have passed and now the sun was starting to set.


The big towers and the city roads were out of the picture now that Seonya was out of town and randomly driving without even knowing where she was going.


She was too preoccupied by the road in front of her to notice that someone was following her just a few miles away from her.


While driving, something further away caught her eyes making her step down on the pedal, slowing down her car in the process. She got out and simply stood there, staring at the trailer that was a few feet away, surrounded by the high grass. She huffed out while shaking her head and glanced back at the small trailer before walking up to it.


Standing at the door, she hesitated before knocking on the door. She tried a few couple of times and decided to go in only to find it empty.


From on end to the other, everything was gone.


“So everything was a set up… Figures…” She bit her tongue trying to control her anger and rushed back outside as she shut the door, stepping back towards her car.


Halfway through, she stood still with her breathing becoming short, signs of another yet breakdown. She passed her fingers through her hair before crossing her arms over her chest and lightly turned around to look back at the trailer, flashbacks of her first time coming back into her mind.


‘I actually trusted you Hyunseung… why did you lie to me?’




Hearing her name out of nowhere, she quickly turned around to found Joon standing behind her with his hands in his pocket as he was taking small steps towards her. She looked up at the sky and right back down on him, finding it amusing to see that she has been followed.


“Did Ji-Hoon send you to spy on me?”


“You could say that… Do you want to talk about it?”


“I’d rather runaway.”


“It doesn’t work. Believe me.”


“And how would you know?”


“Because I’ve been there. I know how it feels to have some you trust betray you.”


She glanced back at the trailer behind her and then back at him before stepping towards him. Once she was standing in front of him, she wrapped her arms around his waist, which took him by surprise but quickly adjusted knowing that she needed a shoulder to cry on; he wrapped his arms around her shoulders as he gently the back of her head, letting his fingers softly touch her brown hair.


“Why does it hurt so much? Why does love hurt so much?”


“I wish I knew the answer… I’m sorry.”


At his words, she started to cry once again, the reality sinking in even deeper than ever. Her grip on his back got tighter as she pushed herself closer to him. He did nothing but stood still in silence without stopping to caress her hair, trying to soothe her even though he knew that it wouldn’t bring anything.


It was long ago, but he knew how it felt like. He knew exactly how she felt at the moment; as if the world came crashing down and everything you knew turned out to be a big fat lie, all the dreams and hopes about the future just vanishing in just the snap of fingers.


“Come on, let’s take you back…”


She pulled herself away and wiped the tears out of her face before looking up at him. “I’m not going back. There’s nothing left for me anyways…”


“What about Ji-Hoon?”


“Screw him. He ruined everything; I don’t need to him and apparently I don’t even matter if he is sending one of his men to spy on me instead of himself.”




“Don’t. please… Don’t try to act like you care because I know that you were forced to look after me, just leave and go back to the mansion. I don’t want to see you nor anybody else anymore. It’s over.”


She turned her back on him and started walking away only to be interrupted by his words.


“Running away isn’t the answer.”


“Maybe not to you, but to me… it’s the only solution that I’ve got.”


She turned back and climbed inside her car as she drove away, leaving the boy standing alone in the middle of nowhere.


author's notes



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4/05: The fourth one will involve Mir as the main character :)


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Chapter 35: Awww, the ending was so sweet. I enjoyed throughout. Well done!
Can't wait for the next story XD
Chapter 34: Time has gone fast, can't wait to find out what happens. I'm looking forward to your upcoming stories too, keep up the good work! :)
Chapter 30: wow....let the drama begin.
Chapter 28: Somehow i want her to end up with hyunseung. Poor guy...
Chapter 28: s going down, I honestly got ''hide yo kids, hide yo wife'' replaying in my head because of the plot. haha! :) Keep it up!!!
Chapter 25: OH MY GOD!!!!! I didn't think you would put so much drama!!! But i absolutely love it *many many hearts to you*
and I really really wish a happy ending authornim. You know.. They suffer a lot and they need piece I guess *puppy eyes*
Chapter 24: It just keeps getting better, I love a bit of drama! Great work so far!:)
Chapter 23: I need to know what happens next!!!! Keep up the good work authornim :)
Chapter 1: You're back! Just when i was abt to deactivate this acct haha ^^ so happy to be reading your stories again. Loving it so far, as always :)
Chapter 20: I feel similar to aplusfourever! There are so many coincidences ><
i hv the feeling this is getting really good! Keep it up :P