▸ Let's keep it a secret

Luhan P.O.V

Sehun seemed very reluctant but the feeling of pain must have convinced him for he nodded and he was moving to sit on the couch. I sat behind him and he visibly tensed.
"Calm down Sehun, this will help with the pain, I promise." I smile assuredly at him and his shoulders slump in defeat. I grin and lift my legs on the couch so I'm kneeling behind him. I place my hands on his back and in circles so he would relax even more. After a minute or so, I move my hands to his shoulders, my fingers pressing and trying to ease the pain. I can feel the vibrations when Sehun starts humming and I take that it means that I am helping. I massage the knots out and after a while Sehun is slouched over and I wonder if he fell asleep.
"Are you feeling better?"
I laugh and stand up. Sehun whines but it is half hearted and his eyes are closed.
"Come on, get up. You don't want to sleep there."
"I do want to sleep there." Sehun mumbles out.
"Yes, there."
"Where is there?"
"Bubbles?" I ask and I put a hand over my mouth to stifle my giggles. Sleepy Sehun is an extremely adorable Sehun.
"Okay bubbles you can sleep, but in the bed, come on." I say pulling him up.
It takes a lot of effort from me and a lot of muttering of bubbles and at one point cookies to get to the bed. When we got to it, all he managed was to plop down, falling asleep almost instantly.

Luckily he already put on his pajamas so he isn't going to be uncomfortable while sleeping. And I don't have to go through the awkward process of undressing and redressing him. It would be just slightly too awkward for the both of us.
I struggle moving him until he is properly lying in bed. I covered him with a blanket and then went around the bed to lay on my side.
I feel almost every part of my body aching but I know I have to suffer through this. A short thought of it would be easier without me having to work crosses my mind but I crush it. Yes it would be easier. But there is no other way and it's not only me I have to take care about. I have to do this for Sehun as well. Even though we've known each other for such a short time, I feel like I am growing more attached to him. I wonder if this is what it feels like to have a little brother? I don't know but I really should go to sleep now, it's late and we have to wake up early again. Maybe not as early as today cuz training starts at ten but we still have to be up sometime around seven.
I close my eyes tight but even after twenty minutes, as my phone kindly supplies, I am still wide awake. I shift and roll and sigh but it's no use. Just as I am about to roll on my back again, a weight drapes over my back and it startles me. I lift my head and look back and I see Sehun's arm. I instantly relax. Moving carefully as to not wake up the exhausted boy, I turn so I am facing Sehun.
His face is relaxed but once every few minutes his nose scrunches up as if something is displeasing or something. It makes me wonder what he is dreaming about.
I focus on Sehun's even breathing and try to match my breathing with his. This relaxes me a great deal and without even noticing, I am fast asleep.
I want to throw my phone out of the window as it rings to wake us up, but my still asleep brain reminds me that that might not be such a good idea. I agree, even though right now I'm not sure why exactly it isn't a good idea.
I try to drag myself out of bed and towards the bathroom but my legs are tangled up in the sheets. So I end up with my legs on the bed and my upper body on the floor. I debate staying like this until I hear a laugh from the bed.
I scowl but make no move to lift myself up.
"Luhan?" I give him a groan in response, everything else way too much effort.
"That can't be comfortable."
Yes it isn't comfortable but Sehun still gets only a groan.
"Maybe get up?"
Another groan, Sehun I don't feel like talking.
"Okay wait." I hear shuffling and Sehun's feet enter my line of sight. He untangles my feet from the death trap and pulls me up to my feet.
"How come you are still half asleep?"
"Tired." I force out as my eyes close. I feel like I am gonna fall asleep even though I'm on my feet.
"Hey, don't fall asleep." Easier said than done.
"How bout this, you go to the living room and watch some TV and properly wake up while I get cleaned up and then you can go as well.
I hum a response and trudge out of the room. My body flops down on the couch much in the same manner Sehun's has last night. I stare at the TV. I don't know how much time has passed when Sehun comes out of the bedroom and sits down beside me. We sit in silence for a good while until Sehun's voice breaks the silence.
"This seems very interesting but don't you think it would be better if you actually the TV?"
I look at him and then back at the TV realising that I really did not turn it on.
"Well the black screen is quite interesting, but I have to agree with you bubbles, it would be better to turn it on." I say as I reach for the remote and switch on the TV.
"Bubbles? Okay you are still half asleep."
"Nope. I am wide awake now." I give him a bright smile and his eyebrows knit in confusion.
"Then why did you call me bubbles?"
"No reason." I say as I get up and stretch. "And sorry about earlier, I have trouble waking up properly when I am tired."
"It's fine, I'm glad you are okay."
"Yeah. And I think I'm gonna go take a shower now."
"Okay. I'll make us some breakfast. Do you want anything special?"
"Ummmm cereal?"
"I agree."
"But we really need to start eating more than just cereal."
"Yeah, we can start doing that from tomorrow."
I nod in agreement and go to the bathroom. The shower is relaxing as always. When I get out I feel much better, the pain in my muscles still present but easier to ignore.
In the bedroom, I find a clean pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt.
The sight back in the living room makes my smile. Sehun is sitting on the couch watching some cartoon and there are two bowls of cereal placed on the table in front of him. I take one and move to sit but Sehun suddenly coughs.
"Are you okay?
"Are you sure?"
"Well? What's wrong? Are you sick?" I feel panic well in me.
"I'm fine but-"
"Could you maybe, if you want to, of course-"
"Sehun spit it out."
"Hand me my bowl?" Sehun gives me an innocent smile and I give him a long hard stare.
"You are a lazy brat Sehun. But I will give it to you because I am nice."
"You are the nicest person ever! The king of nice! The epitome of kindness and-"
"Oh shut up." I laugh and sit down next to him. We spend the next half an hour watching TV, eating and chatting from time to time.
Soon it's time to get ready for training.

I find that I am very much looking forward to it despite the hard work we will have to do.

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OP_Robin11 #1
hey there!!
sorry i just found your story. what i can say is i llooovveeeee O(≧∇≦)OO(≧∇≦)OO(≧∇≦)O your story and hope you'll be update this whenever you're ready.
please updated author:)
Chapter 31: Waah~ Please update soon!!
Chapter 24: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww lovely
minalee553 #5
Chapter 31: Awww thanks for the update and the really cute awkward and fluffy .....It was perfecl ♥♥♥♥♥♥(*^﹏^*)
ojamashimasu #6
Chapter 30: HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUTHOR-NIM!! Thank you for the great works! I love it!! Hwaiting!!^^
Chapter 30: Omo today is my sisters birthday as well kkkk happy birthday ^^
Chapter 29: Poor HunHan :cc
Chapter 29: This chapter was sooo cute *____* the ending had me like ¬u¬
Chapter 29: I want more!!!! Lol. The separation always end up like hell therefore they must endure it. Be tough boys :)
Looking forward for sssm*t in next chapter haha