Chapter 8 - Clubbing: Get the Party Started!

Winning Her Back

~~ Author's Note ~~

Merry Christmas...eve... everybody :) I'm going to be busy tomorrow so I am going to give you guys an update now.  I am extremely busy, but I will try my best to update every day haha.  I am in college, but I am 16 years old  /.\  Everybody is so much smarter than me, so I have to study extra hard lol. 

For all of those who think the outcome will be YulTiSic, it's not, hehe. It's either YulSic or YulTi.  I don't think our Tan Goddess could handle those gorgeous Americans >.< Anyways, enjoy :)







"Oh Tae-Tae! ^^ Do you need anything?"


"Nothing, I was just wondering if you would like to watch a movie with me or something?  We haven't been spending much time with each other lately."


"Sorry Tae, but I promised Yuri that I would go out with her tonight."


"'s okay :) maybe another time?"


"I promise. :) okay, I have to go, I think Yuri is waiting for me."


"Alright. Have fun.  Be safe."


"Don't worry ^^ Bye Tae-Tae!"


Taeyeon sighed and entered her room.




"Hey Tiff, ready to-- Wow, you look amazing!"


Tiffany blushed hard, "Oh really, thanks Yuwree! ^^ "


Yuri was amazed by her eye smile.  Why hasn't she noticed how pretty it was before?  Maybe because she was so distracted by Jessica. Oh yeah,  she almost forgot about their break-up.  Honestly, she's really sad.  But she doesn't hate the older girl.  They shared a lot of wonderful memories that she will remember for the rest of her life.  She could never blame someone for falling out of love.  She was more disappointed with herself because she didn't realize it earlier.


"Yuri, are you okay? You're spacing out, haha.  Do you still want to go?"


"Huh, oh ri-right.  I was just thinking about something. Don't worry about it though :) Let's go! "




They leave the house and enter Yuri's car.  Nothing but the sound of passing drivers could be heard as they drive to the club.  It wasn't an uncomfortable silence for Yuri, but it was for Tiffany.  She felt incline to ask if the younger girl was okay.  Although they talked about it earlier, she still wasn't certain that Yuri was completely over the break up.  It was so recent, who wouldn't be!  She would rather stay in her room and talk all night about the situation, or go to a coffee shop,  not drink the night away with alcohol.  That wouldn't solve anything.  But Yuri really pushed for it, so she reluctantly agreed.


Yuri chuckled, although she felt fine, she could tell that the older girl was struggling. And she knew exactly why, "Tiffany. Stop worrying, I really am fine.  We all knew that the break up was bound to happen, plus I cried my heart out to you earlier.  Trust me, I am okay :) "


Tiffany beamed her famous eye smile.  That's what she liked about her relationship with Yuri.  No words were needed.  They have been together with each other for so long, they can basically read each other's emotions and thoughts.  She felt so thankful for having Yuri in her life, she wouldn't know what to do if she was gone.




When they entered, everybody immediately greeted them.  This club was exclusive.  Only celebrities could enter.  It gave them some privacy away from fans and the paparazzi.


"Oh my gosh, Yuri! Long time no see. How have you been?"


"Hi Kahi :) I'm good. I'm here with Tiffany." 


"Hi Kahi. " She wrapped an arm around Yuri's waist and pulled her in.  Although the American beauty was friends with all of the members of After School, she still wasn't too happy seeing her. She knows that Kahi has a huge crush on Yuri, ever since they did the "Womanizer" performance.  That dance was so hot... (seriously guys, watch it! My Yuri looked so good dancing! ^^) not only Kahi, but Hyuna also grew a huge crush on the Black Pearl as well! "What is up with everybody trying to make a move on my girl! Tiffany thought, " I can't really blame them though, she's perfect."


"Yuri?! Is that you?"


Oh great. -.-


"Hyuna! ^^ Hi! "


Why does everybody have to be at this club?!


"So Yuri, what are you doing here with Tiffany? What about Jessica?"


"Oh, yeah. About that, we aren't dating anymore."




The music stopped.  All of the attention was now on the Tan Goddess. Everybody held their breath, wondering if they heard right.  


"Jessica and Yuri are over?"


"Yuri is single now?"


"Maybe now I can make her mine!"


"She is so beautiful right now!"


" Finally, Jessica is out of the way!"





"That was weird.  Why did the music just stop?"


"Oh Yuwree -.- " Tiffany thought, "My sweet innocent Yuwree.  It stopped because of your announcement, you Pabo!"




Suddenly, the DJ made an announcement. "Did you hear that everybody?  The Kwon Yuri is single.  Drinks are on the house, tonight! Let's get this party started!!!!"

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Chapter 22: Authornim update juseyoooo T T
Chapter 22: Awe author ssi do u have a plan to update this? Kekeke just asking
dyamiilah #3
Chapter 22: author, how are u? are u still planning on continuing this?
SoshiYul9 #4
Chapter 22: Huhuhu. Please make Fany realize her feelings for Taengoo. I need YulSic ending kekeke
ilovesicachuyuri #5
I want yulsic and Taeny please
unwritten988 #6
Chapter 22: Lol jealous Tiffany xD
Chapter 22: This is great.Tiff will realize her feelings for tae,so Yulsic will be together again.^_^
shiznathime #8
Chapter 22: Thanks for updating author nim! That really made my day:-) pls continue to update this really wonderful fic and show some yulsic hahaha thanks!