Chapter 4 - Honest Feelings

Winning Her Back

~~ Author's Note~~

Hi guys :) I guess I'm on an update roll! The upvotes and comments are seriously boosting up my motivation! I say this a lot, but thank you thank you thank you. ^^ Enjoy.






"What are you doing here with Tiffany." Jessica said, giving her cold glares.


"Don’t talk to her like that.  I can ask you the same question for Donghae.  What happened to not being busy?  Or are you only ever busy when it has to do with me?"


"Yuri, I am tired of listening to you complain and-- "




Jessica held her stance, but on the inside, she was really scared.  This was the first time she Yuri raised her voice at her.


"Did you just raise your voice at me, Kwon?"


"We will talk about this at the dorms.  We are in public, so I do not want to make a scene.  Come on Tiffany, let's go home.  Good Bye Oppa. Jessica." Yuri grabbed Tiffany's hand and dragged her to the car.


"Goodbye Yuri! Goodbye Tiffany! :D"


"Shut up, Donghae."








"Yes, Fany?"


"Are you okay?"


"Honestly, no.  I'm just really fed up with her.  I knew deep down that she wasn't actually busy, but I didn't think she was spending her time with Donghae.  Him, of all people.  I know he’s always had a thing for her.. I just can't believe I wasted my time waiting for her for so long."


"What are you doing to do now?"


"I really don't know, Fany. I will figure it out when we finally talk."


**Knock Knock**


"That's the door.  I'll be in my room if you need me, Yuri." Tiffany left, but she kept an ear pressed  to the door to listen to the conversation.


**Door Opens**


"What do you want, Yuri."


"I want to talk."


"We're talking right now."


"Cut the crap, Jessica."


That definitely surprised Jessica.  First of all, she actually cursed at her (crap isn't a bad word, but I'm sure there are some youngsters out there reading this lol), and second of all, she referred to her as Jessica.


"Alright, I'm listening."


"What were you doing with Donghae at the mall."


"Shopping. What else do you do at the mall."


"Really, you were shopping at the mall, right when I asked you if you were busy. Are you serious, Jessica?"


She flinched.  She wasn't use to Yuri acting this way towards her.


"Well we had a photoshoot together and he asked me if I would like to go with him.  It was a short break so I figured, why not."


"This has been going on for the past 3 months, Jessica, if not more.  What's going on?"


"Nothing, I don't understand what your problem is."


" you even love me anymore?"


"Wh-what? What kind of a que--"


"Just answer yes or no, Jessica!"


"Of cour--"


"Liar! If you loved me, you wouldn't be treating me this way! If you loved me, you wouldn't be giving me short replies!  I am trying to keep this relationship alive, but you just keeping shooting me down.  It hurts.  We use to spend every waking moment together.  When you would get mad at me, at least I was still assured of your love for me, but now I’m not so sure.  When was the last time we even kissed? Or hugged? Or even really had a conversation with each other?"


Jessica kept quiet.  She knew she was at fault, but her pride kept her from apologizing.  She just continued to stare down at her feet, trying to retain her tears, but failing.


"That's what I thought. I am so sick and tired of blindly following you around, when it's obvious that your feelings aren't there anymore."


"Seobang, what do you mean? They are --"


"Don't you ever call me that name again!"


They both stood there, staring at each other in complete silence, tears streaming down both of their faces.


"Jessica.  I loved you.  You were my world. I would have given up everything just to be with you."


"Seob-I mean Yuri, it's not like I cheated on you with him, or anybody. We're just friends. Why are you making this situation more dramatic than it actually is."


"Don't you understand, Jessica? It's not even about the mall thing, it's about us and our relationship. And honestly speaking, there really isn't a relationship anymore, is there."


"What do you mean, Yuri?" Jessica already knew the answer, but she couldn't believe it until it came out of her lover's mouth.


"I think we should break up."  


Yuri exited the room, leaving a weak and guilty girl alone to cry in the darkness.




The door swung open.  There stood a frail and unstable woman with tears streaming down her face..


“Tiffany, I--”


“Shh..I know Yuri-ah.”


Tiffany opened her arms out for Yuri to crawl into bed with her.  She wrapped her arms around her shoulders, rubbing the younger girl’s back, while Yuri intertwined their legs and nuzzled her face into Tiffany’s neck.  She sobbed her eyes out while Tiffany quietly sang to her until she cried herself to sleep.

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Chapter 22: Authornim update juseyoooo T T
Chapter 22: Awe author ssi do u have a plan to update this? Kekeke just asking
dyamiilah #3
Chapter 22: author, how are u? are u still planning on continuing this?
SoshiYul9 #4
Chapter 22: Huhuhu. Please make Fany realize her feelings for Taengoo. I need YulSic ending kekeke
ilovesicachuyuri #5
I want yulsic and Taeny please
unwritten988 #6
Chapter 22: Lol jealous Tiffany xD
Chapter 22: This is great.Tiff will realize her feelings for tae,so Yulsic will be together again.^_^
shiznathime #8
Chapter 22: Thanks for updating author nim! That really made my day:-) pls continue to update this really wonderful fic and show some yulsic hahaha thanks!