Chapter 16 - Closure with JeTi

Winning Her Back




Did I just say that out loud?


"Actually no Tiffany. You did not say that out loud. I'm just a mind reader and I have been able to read your mind this whole time. In fact, I've been able to since before debut.  I even know about those dirty thoughts you have of me. Honestly, I'm disgusted, yet strangely flattered. If you want to start something, maybe we can-- Hhmmf!!"


"Don't listen to her Fany. She's just messing with you. Your facial expressions are very readable haha. Anyways, what are you doing in-- Ouch! Did you just bite me?? "


"I don't know where your dirty hands have been."


Tiffany was so confused.  She didn't even know that they talked. And what are they doing still on top of each other?! Are they dating? Do they at least have a thing? Of course her Tae Tae would never like her, would she? Does Jessie know about her and Yuri? She needed answers.


"Um..Jessica. Can we talk in private?"


"I'm too lazy to get up. I'm sure whatever you have to say is perfectly okay to say in front of Taengoo as well."


"This is serious. I wanted to talk about Yuri."


"Oh. You mean how you stole her away from me the moment that she is single, knowing perfectly well that I'm still in love with her? Yeah. Save it, I know all about it."


That was rude.


"Well with the way you were treating her, how was I suppose to know your true feelings for her?! Every time we were together, you complained about how she wouldn't stop calling and leaving you alone! She treated you like a goddess and you took advantage of her. Don't blame the break up on me. That was entirely your fault. You had many opportunities to fix the relationship. How could you do that to her?"


"I was stupid, okay?! I wasn't aware of what I had until it was gone! But guess what Tiffany, it doesn't ing matter anymore, because you took my chance of getting her back away from me! I thought you were my best friend!"


"Girls, I really don't think all of these accusations and finger pointings are necessary so can we ju--"


"I'm sorry, okay?! I'm so ing sorry that I betrayed you like that! It really was never my intentions and if I could help it, I would have never done it. I care about you so much, Jessie. You're my sister. But Yuri is my friend too. If you hurt her, you also hurt me. The same would go for you too, and you know that. These feelings came naturally while I was constantly supporting her and comforting her while you treated her poorly. I tried denying these feelings for so long, but they just become stronger. I'm so sorry for hurting you like that."


And Tiffany meant every word that she said. She felt truly sorry about the whole situation. Tears streamed down her face as her knees became weak and she dropped to the floor. She hid her face into her hands and poured out her emotions. She always knew that she would have to face Jessica, but she didn't think it would be this soon. All she planned for was to ask Taeyeon to hang out. Come to think of it, how did she end up in Jessica's room in the first place? Wrong door probably. It wasn't the first time that it happened. She recalls the first time she walked into the wrong door. It ended up walking in on her Tae Tae changing!  Tallk about awkward. Anyways, back to the situation. It doesn't matter anymore because her best friend hated her. She continued to sob until she heard the faint sobs coming from someone crouching in front of her. She quickly looked up, only to find the girl that she hurted the most.


"Jessie? Why are you crying?"


"Your not the only one who needs to say sorry . I do too. Not only to you, but to Yuri as well. You're right. What was I suppose to expect? You to keep your emotions to yourself while I remain selfish and assume that she will wait for me? Don't worry, Tiff. I completely understand. It's okay. I'm still in love with her, but I will support you. Just promise me that you will take care of her."


Tiffany couldn't help but cry harder as she threw her arms around the auburn haired girl, tackling her to the ground and laying on top of her. 


"Thank you so much for giving me your consent. It really means the world to me."


"Don't worry about it Tiffany. You know I love you and would do anything for you, even if it hurts. You were always there for both me and Yuri. You deserve happiness too. I'm sorry for yelling at you. I guess I haven't sorted out my emotions yet. I love you so much. You really are the bestest friend ever. If I had to lose Yuri to anybody, I'm glad that it's you."


"Hey girls, not that I mind the view, in fact I'm loving it, but can you get off of each other? I'm going to get a nose bleed."




"Another lamp?! Jessica, my beautiful face.. how many more of these do you have?1"


Noticing her current position with Jessica, she burst into a giggle fit but was soon stopped as she was reminded of something that bothered her earlier.


"Wait, why were you guys on top of each other earlier??"




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Chapter 22: Authornim update juseyoooo T T
Chapter 22: Awe author ssi do u have a plan to update this? Kekeke just asking
dyamiilah #3
Chapter 22: author, how are u? are u still planning on continuing this?
SoshiYul9 #4
Chapter 22: Huhuhu. Please make Fany realize her feelings for Taengoo. I need YulSic ending kekeke
ilovesicachuyuri #5
I want yulsic and Taeny please
unwritten988 #6
Chapter 22: Lol jealous Tiffany xD
Chapter 22: This is great.Tiff will realize her feelings for tae,so Yulsic will be together again.^_^
shiznathime #8
Chapter 22: Thanks for updating author nim! That really made my day:-) pls continue to update this really wonderful fic and show some yulsic hahaha thanks!