Chapter 13 - First Date

Winning Her Back


"Hahaha, Yul! You look so funny! ^^ "


"Don't laugh! I needed a disguise. I don't want to be recognized. :c "


"Awh Yuwree. Even though I can't see your face behind the Horse mask, I know you're pouting."


Yup. Yuri felt that a simple face mask and hoodie was not enough, especially for Tiffany. Her eye smile could be seen a mile away. This resulted in her buying two identical Horse mask to hide their entire face. This was their first date, and she wanted everything to be perfect. Desperate times called for desperate measures. Plus, the Horse masks looked so funny! xD 


"Whatever Tiff :p Where do you want to go?"


"Let's go to Forever 21 !"

(A/N : Yes, I know. Forever 21 is mere peasant store compared to where SNSD actually shops, but hey, the clothes there are cute!)




The two girls sat down in small Starbucks that was connected to the mall, still in their mask. Normal people would be embarrassed, especially with all the stares and comments that went along with it, but not with these girls! In fact, not with any of the members of SNSD. They were in their own little world with no interruptions, and that's what mattered. 


"This mask is getting pretty uncomfortable, I think I'm gonna go to the bathroom for a little bit to air off. It's getting hot in here."


"Don't worry, Tiff. I'll just stay here and wait."


"Okay, be back soon!"


Yuri sat there, playing with her phone, when she noticed something sparkling through the window of the jewelry store across the cafe. She figured that she wouldn't take long, and left her seat. When she entered the store, she received uncomfortable stares and greetings. It was understandable though, since she was wearing a Horse mask. She continued to make her way to the object that caught her attention. 

It was a beautiful, pink diamond heart necklace. It immediately reminded her of Tiffany and at that moment, she just knew that she had to buy it.


"Excuse me, miss?  Can I buy that pink necklace right there?"


"Sorry, I don't serve animals."




" see.. I really can't take this mask off."


"Oh really. And why is that, may I ask?"


"Because...I'm really ugly."


"Sorry. Rules are rules."


Oh no T.T


Yuri didn't know what to do. She was panicking. She couldn't take off the mask because it would reveal her identity, but she really wanted to buy that necklace for Tiffany. She looked down, wondering what to do, until she saw the necklace again. Then, she made her decision and slowly took off her mask.


"Oh. My. Gosh. You're SNSD's Yuri. The Black Pearl. The iest member. The one with the perfect body. The--"


"Ehem! Um, yes. I am. Please hurry up. I do not want anybody to see me. Actually, can I also have a matching blue necklace as well?"


"Oh, right! I'm sorry for the trouble before. I'll just get that for you right now. Please give me one moment."


While waiting, Yuri paced around the store looking at other pieces of jewelry. She went near the front of the store and peered down into the glass, looking at the different styles and colors of rings. She noticed her reflection and quickly checked her face out. She was on a date after all, she had to look her best. While looking, she noticed another face staring back at her. Then another. Quickly, a crowd of faces began gathering before her very eyes.




She slowly looked up, making eye contact with the huge mass of fans now crowding the store. She quickly paid for her stuff and made a mad dash for the cafe before more people could recognize her.


"Tiffany! I have bad news! I--"


"Hey. Why aren't you wearing your mask? If you aren't going to wear it, then I won't either." Tiffany said, oblivious to the large group of people heading towards the cafe, growing larger and larger by the second.


"No Fany! Don't!"


It was too late. She already took off her mask and gave a much needed hair flip, since the mask contained and pressed her hair down. She then proceeded to show her natural Eye Smile. The scene was so cute! Too bad it only brought more attention. The grin on her face changed from excitement to a look of horror when she realized the group of people. They were caught. She looked at Yuri, wondering what they should do. They were trapped. The exits were completely surrounded by fans. 


"Fany, quick! Run to the bathroom!"


They quickly ran into the bathroom and locked the door behind them. Outside, they heard the sounds of their names being screamed by loyal fans. They loved them and were grateful of the attention, but this was a little too much. Don't they know anything about privacy? This was suppose to be their date!


"Sorry I ruined our date."


"Don't worry about it, Yuwree. It isn't ruined. ^^ But why did you have your mask off? I feel like that was the reason why we were caught."


"Yeah it was hehe. :/ I had to take it off in order to buy you something. Actually, here, I'll give it to you now! What better time than right here in the bathroom!"


From her pocket, Yuri pulled out a black felt box, and handed it to the older girl.


"It was kind of last minute, but I really wanted to buy it for you. I hope you like it."


Tiffany slowly opened the box and pulled out the beautiful pink necklace. She was touched. No one has ever done something like this for her, besides Taeyeon. But that's different. They were best friends. It's normal. Yuri is someone that she really likes. It was a whole other meaning. She felt her eyes water, and wrapped her arms around Yuri's neck.


"Thank you so much, Yuwree. Seriously. I love it so much. You make me so happy. I'm sorry I didn't buy you anything."


"I should be thanking you. You're always there for me and still took care of me when I was dating Jessica. You helped me move on and I am forever grateful. I care about you so much, words cannot describe. So maybe this necklace will help me express my emotions? Hehe~ "


"I love it. It's so beautiful. Thank you for this amazing date, even though we are stuck in a bathroom, haha. It couldn't have been more perfect."


"Oh, by the way! I have a matching blue necklace, so now we have couple jewelry! Not that we are a couple. Because we aren't! Wait, no! I didn't mean it like that! I do want to be a couple, but I don't want to force you into anything! But if you want, I mean--"


Yuri was immediately shutted up with a pair of lips. Her eyes widen in shock, but quickly returned the kiss by wrapping an arm around the older girl's waist, deepening the kiss. She felt like she was in heaven. She was kissing Tiffany. The Tiffany Hwang. The girl that helped her move on. The girl that made her feel loved. Nothing could have made this day any more perfect.





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Chapter 22: Authornim update juseyoooo T T
Chapter 22: Awe author ssi do u have a plan to update this? Kekeke just asking
dyamiilah #3
Chapter 22: author, how are u? are u still planning on continuing this?
SoshiYul9 #4
Chapter 22: Huhuhu. Please make Fany realize her feelings for Taengoo. I need YulSic ending kekeke
ilovesicachuyuri #5
I want yulsic and Taeny please
unwritten988 #6
Chapter 22: Lol jealous Tiffany xD
Chapter 22: This is great.Tiff will realize her feelings for tae,so Yulsic will be together again.^_^
shiznathime #8
Chapter 22: Thanks for updating author nim! That really made my day:-) pls continue to update this really wonderful fic and show some yulsic hahaha thanks!