

The first part will be alittle R rated.........................ok then,enjoy


"She can be used to lure TVXQ out,since she is the daughter of Minhyuk,no?"one of them said."I agree!"another said.I cried,not knowing what happened."But guys,she is 6,for god sake.Just let her go,"another said.The others laughed."Let our one and only chances of being the number 1 in the streets go?NO!"he shouted.I didn't know what to do.I look at the door and started to run out of the warehouse.I ran away from them but go myself lost.I started to cry."Umma,appa,"I cried.

"Hey,what is a little girl doing here?"a drunk men said,looking at me."Hyung,let's have some fun,"the other smirked and started to surround me.I was crying in fear.One of them harshly grab me and being to rip my shirt and pants off."AHHHHHH!"I shouted,making the guy slap me in the face."Be quiet!"he hissed.I cried,as they pinned my hands and legs down."LET THE GIRL GO,YOU DRUNKARDS!"a guy shouted."Look,2 brats,trying to interupt our fun,"the older one smirked.They let me go and walked to the 2,before grabbing the girl's cheek."You are quite hot for a teenager,"I heard he said as I hug my legs and started to cry. "Don't ever touch Minji,again,"the guy said,before beat them up.

"Hey,hey don't cry,"the girl comforted me.The guy came up to me and took of his jacket.I back away thinking that they were going to do something to me."Wear this,"he said,giving me the jacket.The girl put the jacket on me.The jacket went pass my knees and the sleeves were long."Why are you out here,alone?"she asked."I ran away from bad people.I-I-I don't know where I am,"I told them."Where is your parents?"the guy asked."They buried my parents!I have no one left,"I cried."Shh~,don't cry,"the girl said."Let's bring her home,"he said."Can you stand?"the girl asked. I shook my head.The guy carried me up.I placed my head on his shoulder as he carried me to his mansion.

After awhile~~

"We're home!"the guy shouted.I jolted up from my slumber,in surprised."Hyungjin!You woke her up!"the girl scolded."Sorry,"the guy apologised.He put me down on the sofa.I rub my eyes as I let go of the guy."Who is this?"a boy asked.I look at the 2boys,who look older than me,4 guys,including the guy that saved me,and 2 girls,including the one that helped me."We saw a few drunkards wanting to her,"the girl said,patting me hair."Hello!I am Sunghyun!"the one with the bright smile said."I am Jiho.Nice to meet you,"another boy said."I am Hyukmin,"the oldest said."Hi!I am Jiyong!"the guy said,cheerfully."I am Junhyung,"he said."How old are you?"he asked."I am 6!"I said,putting up 4 fingers.He unfold my finger and another one."You are cute,"he spoke.

"Anyways,I am Hyungjin,"the guy that saved me earlier said."I am Minji,"the girl spoke."And,I am Hae ri.Hello!"she cheered."What's your name?"Hyungjin asked."Hyunmin,Park Hyunmin,"I told them.


My eyes slowly opened.My head started to hurt.I cupped my head and sat up."Here,"a glass of water was handed out infront of me.I took the glass and gulp the water down..I opened my eyes to see 2 guys."Who are you?"the guy said.I shook my head,trying to shake off the fact that my head was throbbing.

*Slam*"Oh,she's awake!"the guy shouted.7 guys came in."O-kay?"I said."Who are you?Why did you hug Kevin hyung?You are kind of cute?"a guy asked and got hit on the head by another,when he said the last sentence.I look at the guy called Kevin."You are not Sunghyun?"I asked,pouting alittle."I am but I go by Kevin.How do you know my name?"he asked,cluelessly."You don't remember me?"I asked.He shook his head."I am Hyun Min,"I said.He shook his head."umm............robot!"i remembered and took off the necklace and showed it to him.He took the necklace and look at it.

His eyes widened."Minnie?"he called out.I smiled.He crushed me into a hug."I missed you!!You are still alive!!You are alive!!"he shouted."Oww....let,"I said,but he hugged me tighter."Kevin!You are killing her!"a guy spoke pulling him of me."thanks,"I said as he let go."You are Kevin's friend?"a guy asked.I nod."well,you guys remember that I told you about Black Paradise?She is the maknae of the group,"he said,as I put up a peace sign.

"Hi!I am Dongho.The maknae of them,That is Soohyun hyung,Kiseop hyung,Eli hyung,AJ hyung,Hoon hyung,Xander hyung and Kibum hyung.We are Ukiss,"the cute one introduced."Hello!I am Park Hyun min,maknae of JJ project,"i said."JJ project?Wow,you guys are famous,"Sooo hyun said."Yeah,"I replied,rubbing my nape."Wait,what time is it?"I asked."11 am,"Kiseop replied."!I am late for school,"I cursed."Thanks,See you,Ukiss!"I shouted as I wore my shoe.

"Hop on!"Kevin said as he turn on the engine to the motorcycle.I hop on and he drove me to school,really fast.Once we reach school,it was time for lunch.I panted as I left my bag with Kevin by accident.I ran to my class and I remembered about L as sighed.I went to the back of school,instead.I saw Jehyun unnie,eating."Unnie?Why are you not at the cafeteria?"I asked."Too noisy,"she said."You alright?I heard that you were crying yesterday,"she said."Yeah,I found out that L,Chen,Sunggyu,Suho,Xiumin and Kai are Minji unnie's brothers,"i sighed."oh,I know that I shouldn't tell you this now but Sungyeol,Chunji,L.Joe,Hoya and Sungjong are Hae ri unnie's brothers,"she added.I sighed once again."I don't want to tell them that they are dead,"I told her."You have to tell them.They have the right to know,"she said.

*Bang*We turned to see L."S-S-She's d-d-dead?"L stuttered.I stood up."L,"I called out.He look at me,as if asking me to tell him the truth."I am sorry,L.I di-L!"I shouted as he ran away.I tried to chase atfer him but Jehyun pulled me back."Give him time,"she told me.I sighed and wanted to chase after him,but something else was stopping me.Something that I feared.I was scared that I have to tell him how it happened.



I bit my nails."L,is not back,yet?"I asked,for the hundredth time.Sungjong shook his head."That's it.I am looking for him,"I said,as I took my jacket and headed out.I went to my warehouse and took my motorcycle.I would only use this for an emergency.I look at the black motorcycle and the writing,'BLACK PARADISE,".I sighed.This is an emergency.I started the engine and drove around.I drove to the other neighbourhood when I saw a guy in school uniform,drunk.Dead drunk.I switch the engine off and went to the street stall.

I look at the drunk guy."L,"I panted out."Excuse me?Are you his friend?"the owner asked.I nod."He drunk alot and he can't wake up,"he said."How much did he drink?"I asked."7 bottles,"he replied."How much is it?"I asked as I took out my credit card.I sighed and look at the figure.I called JB.

"Hey,""JB,help me pick my motorcycle up at XXX neighbour hood,""Sure"I quickly hung up before he could ask any question.I carried L to the mansion that Black Paradise used to live in.I unlock the door and sighed.L started to move."Minji noona,"he cried on my back.I sighed and put him on my bed.I went out after I covered him,with a blanket.I took out my phone and called Changmin,telling him that L and I stayed over at a friends.

I look at the time and saw that it was 11pm.I can't sleep now.I will have that stupid nightmare again.I look at the shelf and my hand caress the photo album's that were on it.I took out 2-3 and went to the sofa.I flipped through and saw pictures of the good times.I saw one familiar picture.It was the picture of Minji and her brothers.It was the original copy.I photocopied another so that I would help her,find her brothers.There was a writing beside the picture.'WARNING!DON'T TOUCH MINJI UNNIE'S REAL PICTURE!!UNLESS YOU RE MINJI UNNIE!!'I sighed.

I look at one of the picture.Minji unnie was cooking for us and I took a sillhoute of her figure.I smiled alittle and flipped to the next page.Haeri unnie were playing video games with Jiyong oppa.I chuckled when I saw that Jiyong pouting.I look at the picture of Hyukmin and Hyungjin.They were playing skateboard.They actually thought me how to skateboard,drive,ride the motorcycle and even taught me,languages like English,Korean and Japanese


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Naamuu #1
Chapter 25: OMG!!!!!!!!!! She lost her sight just like that?
Naamuu #2
Chapter 24: Omg what happened?
Chapter 21: Please update soon omg I'm so curious on wat happens next
Chapter 1: OMG!! This story is hilarious!! I love it so much!! please keep on writing :D
WonZiGyuMin #5
Chapter 20: OMG akdhajhksbdhsgajdhd
Zelo told then the truth!!!
Chapter 19: gurl~~ you betta beat their a$$es
acidapple #7
Thank you for commenting^^
hey new reader here i absolute love your plot!!! please update soon. Fighting!!!
WonZiGyuMin #9
WonZiGyuMin #10
Chapter 17: omg!!!! sdfdfgsaadfgshfdghgjhk