Chapter 9.....

This Winter....



I quickly sat up and removed all thoughts about what Haeri had said. I contacted Sungjong and we met. 


"You have some explaining to do, young one." I glared at him. 


"Hyung, I told you already... Just stay like how you are. It's best for all of us." Sungjong replied. 


"Operation Haeri... Remember that. It's my operation and I'll choose how I want to do this. I'm going to get her back, Sungjong-ah." I replied without hesitation. 


"Yeah, I remember. I'm obviously not going to make you change your mind about it, but it was worth a try." Sungjong shrugged. 


"Everything's worth a try in life. I'm giving this a try." 


"You shouldn't though. You don't know what she's capable of. Hell, it's no use talking to you about this as I feel like I'm talking to a wall." Sungjong mumbled. 


"A wall is better than a talking person, right?" 


"No. Right now, I'd rather talk to a talking person than a wall because I'm going insane talking to this wall. It just won't listen no matter how many times I warn it!" Sungjong screamed. 


"What is she like? Murderous? Emotionless? Tell me." I asked curiously. 


"She's like the devil. All the above and more. I have nothing else to explain to you though. If you want to see what she does on a daily basis, follow me one day and you'll see." He replied coldly. 


"I'm okay with the devil. I can deal with a murderous and emotionless kind of girl because after all, I am here to make her stay by me and with me throughout it all." 


"Hyung... Just... AISH!!!!" Sungjong screamed yet again. 


"Alright, I get what you're trying to say, but you're not stopping me." 


"Hyung, you remind me a lot of a crazy lover. Maybe that's what you've become, huh?" 


"Yeah, possibly." 


"Would you kill for her?" He stared at him. 


"You know.... That's a question I have to ask myself first. I'm not sure if I would." 


"I'll just let you know right now that she'd kill for you." 


"Why would she kill for me?" 


"Why wouldn't she?" 


"Because she doesn't care about me." 


"Trust me, hyung.... You just don't know her." 


"Should I try to get to know her?" 


"If you want, but there's really nothing you need to know about her. She's shown you all that she is when she dated you." 


"I see." 


"I think I should leave now. There's no business talking to you anymore." 


"Don't go. Explain to me as to what she's become. I need answers and you seem to be the only one who knows and am willing to tell me."


"Hyung, I'm not willingly, but because you are my hyung.. I'll tell you." He chuckled. 


"So.. Go on and explain." I commented. 


"I can't explain if I'm not given questions." He stared at me. 


"After her breakup with me, what has she been up to?" 


"Killing people." Sungjong muttered. 


"That's it?" 


"And well... I don't know. I'm not in a position to say what else she has done. The only side I see of her is the only side you've never seen, Hyung."


"But why'd you say she'd kill someone just for me?" 


"If she'd kill someone for each of her members, and for me... She'd do the same for you. I may not be in the position to say this either, but what you guys had within the last 4 years, it wasn't a joke. Haeri thinks it is, but everyone around her sees it. She's changed ever since she left you. I honestly think she loves you, hyung. I know you love her too, but you're so stupid right now. I mean, you were stupid to let her go in the first place! She's like this because......" 


"You don't have to remind me about my own stupidity. I get reminded of it all the time. It's no use. And, you should really finish up your sentence, Sungjong-ah. It's annoying when you just leave me hanging." 


"She's like this because of you. There, I said it." He replied hesitantly. 


"Because of me!?" I asked in disbelief. 


"Yeah. You ruined her as much as she ruined you. You're both a damn ruined mess! It's annoying!" He yelled frustrated. 


"Really?" I laughed. 


"Yah! Now's not the time to be laughing. It'd be best for all of us if you both don't get back together. Because if you guys do.... It's like heaven and hell meeting. They just don't meet." Sungjong stated sternly. 


"Heaven and hell? But they never meet. One's above and one's below. It's not possible to meet." 


"EXACTLY!" He yelled as he clapped his hands in satisfaction. 


"So... Who's heaven and who's hell?" 


"Well, you're not exactly heaven's type.... But, it only makes sense. As for hell... I suppose you've figured it out." 


"And now that I know, I want us to meet even more. I want heaven and hell to co-inhabit with one another." 


"I don't know if it'll work, but since you're going to try it anyways, I suppose all I can say is, Good luck Hyung, seriously." Sungjong stated as he walked away, not bothering to look back. 


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"Birthday" part of this story will be finished and posted up sometime tomorrow.


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CassInspirit97 #1
Chapter 21: wahhhhh it has ended!!!"!!,,that was fassssttt!!!!nice ending!!!!good story ,!!!
CassInspirit97 #2
Chapter 15: happy early bday our woohyunnie oppaaa!!!!nice update though~~~~
CassInspirit97 #3
Chapter 14: daebakkk woohyunnie soooooooocuteeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!update soooon!!!!!
CassInspirit97 #4
Chapter 8: daebakk update sooooooooonn plzzzzzz!!!!!!!!