Chapter 4....

This Winter....






I met this wonderful guy in the winter of 2007. Ugh. He was perfect, but I knew what was in store already. He's an Idol, and I'm an heiress to Jung Co.. At least that's what everyone thinks. I'd like to think I am to, sometimes, but then reality strikes. Truth is....................... How do I put this.............. I'm living a triple life? Is that what they'd call it? I'm not sure how to explain it, but I have more secrets than anyone would ever imagine. During the day, I'm the heiress of Jung Co. and a girlfriend to Infinite's Nam Woohyun and during the night, I'm part of a gang. The most wanted gang in all of Korea. They call us "Wings", though our real name should be "Demons". We've never revealed our true gang name to anyone, and we'd like to keep it that way. Because we're known as "Wings" in all of Korea, I'll use that to describe us. "Wings" consist of five members. Shadow, Wings, Demon, Angel, and lastly, myself, H. You're starting to figure out how "Wings" became our name, correct? Ha! Because of one little mistake from Wings, the entire world knows her and her code name, therefore we're forced to be known under her name instead of our true name. Little is known about us and I enjoy the thrill of knowing that. We've done a lot of deeds for a lot of people, I suppose I can say that my hands are stained in blood and they'll always be stained in them. My gang affliation started in my early teens and from there, it just kind of stayed. I never left, my team members never left, and together, we've somehow become the best. Being an idol's girlfriend was never supposed to happen, but I just let it happen. It never got serious or anything. I just wasted 4.5 years of my life on a guy I could've easily killed, but someone stopped me from doing so. 


"H... Don't even think about it." Demon glared at me. 


"Oh, come on! Kill an idol and we'd be the most searched!" I replied. 


"Are you stupid or something!? Don't you feel a single thing for him!? 4.5 years, H!" Demon yelled


"Aish.. 4.5 years is nothing compared to the many years I do have left." 


"Just because you're some kind of living human ghost doesn't mean you can kill anyone you want." Angel blurted out. 


"Living human ghost? Is that even possible?" I mummbled. 


"No duh, sherlock!" Wings shouted. 


"Aren't we all living human ghosts of some sort?" Shadow mentioned. 


"Well, yea, most of us are." I stated. 


"But I mean, you guys are acting like I'm the only damn criminal here. Sheesh!" I said annoyed. 

Everyone scoffed and continued doing what they were doing. We were just all in our own world most of the time. 


"You are the only criminal." Wings mumbled. 


"Oh! To hell with it! I've killed, I'm murdered, I've tortuted, but never once have I buried, burned, yet alone a person." I answered angrily. 


"Hey! Shut your traps, alright! We do what we're told and nothing more. This is the lifestyle we've chosen, so deal with it. If you can't, then walk the hell out of here and never come back." Shadow stated bluntly. 


"About the whole Woohyun thing.... H, are you really planning to kill him?" Angel asked nervously. 


"No, because someone here seems to care a whole lot about him... And well, because I have a heart.. I'll let it pass." I mumbled. 


"You don't have a heart. That's a straight up lie, H!" Demon shouted. 


"Ha. You're right. I don't. Let me rephrase that.. Because our little Demon cares a whole lot about his boyfriend, Woohyun, I'll let is pass." I smirked. 


"God. You're a good for nothing heiress." Shadow mumbled. 


"Omo!!! Ding, ding, ding! Correct, Shadow! C-O-R-R-E-C-T!!!" I exclaimed. 


"What's wrong with you, H?" Angel asked and stared at me. 


"Mmmm.. I've always been like this, no?" I asked confused. 


"Yeah, but never this heartless. You use to have a heart. You use to care. You use to feel. What happened?" Angel mumbled. 


"I don't know. Maybe you should ask Shadow about that, right Shadow? I answered coldly and left. 


This was the lifestyle we chose. To be rich, we had to be rich in crimes and other gang affliated things. I'd say, out of all the homicides the police deal with, we probably make about 25% of the crime. We kill, torture,threaten, and a whole lot more. Sometimes I always ask myself if I'm even human. Somedays are better than others, per say. I can't really state how I feel about commiting these horridous crimes if I can't even feel to begin with. I have a heart probably 5 days out of the 365 days we have in the year and when it's one of those days, I skip doing gang things and just live life as how it should be lived. My members, well... They all have hearts, and they feel, so it'd probably explain why I'm always the bad guy, but I'm not complaining. I get a sense of pride from it for a while. Maybe someday when I'm tired of this lifestyle, I'll turn myself in and just spend an eternity in jail. Just maybe. 



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"Birthday" part of this story will be finished and posted up sometime tomorrow.


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CassInspirit97 #1
Chapter 21: wahhhhh it has ended!!!"!!,,that was fassssttt!!!!nice ending!!!!good story ,!!!
CassInspirit97 #2
Chapter 15: happy early bday our woohyunnie oppaaa!!!!nice update though~~~~
CassInspirit97 #3
Chapter 14: daebakkk woohyunnie soooooooocuteeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!update soooon!!!!!
CassInspirit97 #4
Chapter 8: daebakk update sooooooooonn plzzzzzz!!!!!!!!