Chapter 15.....

This Winter....



The sun was shining through my windows and the sound of my parents getting up and getting ready to leave for work filled my once quiet atmosphere. It was normal for me to go downstairs, have breakfast with them, and then send them off, but today...... Just for today, I wanted to be alone, and of course, in bed and at home. Nowhere else, with no one else, just by myself. I tossed and my ever so spacious bed, but I just wasn't finding a comfortable spot. To keep my mind off of things, I grabbed my phone and searched the web. The top trends included one I didn't want to see, "This Is Infinite." It was a reminder of what had happened the night before with Woohyun. The marriage, well... It happened and there's nothing anyone can do about it. Their reality tv show, that happened and was broadcasted last night. I didn't bother myself with it, as it just wasn't something I wanted to watch, at least not yet. Not until I know what exactly I'm doing with myself, my family, and lastly, woth that Nam guy. While scrolling through the comments, my phone vibrated and an incoming call was coming in. I dragged the call button over to pick it up.


"Good morning, Mrs. Nam!"


"Good morning, Nam." I replied.


"What are you up to today?"


"Living life, as always."


"Already giving me an attitude, I see."


"I suppose."


"Did you watch our tv show last night!?"


"No. It's not my business."


"Mmmmm.. Sure it isn't. "


"I'm sure."


"We should hang out today."


"No thank you."




"Do I need a reason as to why I don't want to hang out with you today?"


"Of course!"


"There's a lot of reasons as to why I don't want to hang out with you. Need I remind you why I don't want you in my life?"


"Sure, remind me."


"I hate you, Nam. My life was better off without you and it was better off when we were strangers. You came into my life and you turned it upside down, completely."


"So... You hate me for that?"




"But I love you for that."


"Love?... Ha! No such thing."


"Haeri.... Last night I had to ask myself as to if my love for you would be strong enough to take on this love I have for you and I still don't know the answer. I don't know if it is."


"Yeah, I suppose."


"That's all I get? "Yeah, I suppose?! Aish!!! So annoying!" He yelled into the phone.


I was a bit taken back at how he's been acting. I knew Nam Woohyun, but I didn't know he had a temper problem. He obviously blew up when I said that, but I suppose we all have our own weaknesses.


"Calm down. It's too early to be yelling, Nam." I replied softly.


"You want me to calm down!? What for!? You're the only girl who has ever played me like this. I feel like I'm a toy being pushed back and forth. One moment, I feel like you're finally showing some kind of emotion and the next, you're just back to your old self. How am I suppose to calm down when all I want is for you to just accept me. Accept me as the only man in your life. You make a perfectly sane person go insane because of the things you do."


"The things I do? I haven't done anything though... Well, besides killing people, but I mean... Wait, no! Why am I even paying attention to you!? Aish!"


"Because you care, Haeri. Everyone says you're just an emotionless girl, but truth is, you're not. It's just that you're not able to see it for yourself." 


"Nam, will there ever be a day where you just don't pay attention to me?" 


"No, probably not." 


"Even when you're dead?" 


"Even when I'm dead." He stated firmly. 


"Then maybe I should die..? Then I'd be left in peace for a while." I mumbled. 


"I'll still chase you then. You can run all you want, but you can never hide, Haeri. At least not from me." 


"Calm down..... You're starting to really make me shiver. It's like..... Are you okay, Nam?" I questioned him. 


"Never better." He replied. 


"Any who, shouldn't you be focusing on your schedule right now?" 


"No schedule. We're kind of on a break, but we do have our encore concerts coming up. You should come! Everyone would love to meet you!" 


"Yeah, no thank you." 


"Haeri, honestly..... Will there ever be a day, just one day, where you spare it for me? Spend it with me? Every time I want to spend time with you, you just always reject me." 


"You want me to spend A DAY with you?" I asked making certain the "a day" part was clearly noticed. 


"Yeah." He mumbled. 


"Alright." I shrugged. 


"Really? You're not lying, are you?" 


"Nope. I'll spend a day with you." 


"You do know that a day consists of a night too, right? My definition of day includes both day and night." 


"I know." I replied. 




"Your birthday. Tomorrow. Are you up for it?" 


"I'm supposed to be spending time with my members and well, my parents and my brother too." 


"Take it or leave it, Nam." I stated firmly. 


"Okay. Tomorrow, it is." He replied with no hesitation. 




"But, because tomorrow's my birthday and my day with you, we must do everything I want to do. No limits." 


I laid in my bed pondering about it. This could go so many ways! The only reason why I'm willing to give him my time tomorrow is because it's his birthday. He's always busy during his birthday and when we did date, we'd always either celebrate it before hand or afterwards. But, this time... This time, we're going to celebrate it on time and on the day of his birthday, no matter what. 


"What exactly are you planning, Nam?" 


"I don't know yet. Guess you'll just have to find out tomorrow." He stated. 


"Sounds good then. If that's all you have to say, I'm going to hang up now. Goodbye." 


"I love you, Haeri." 


"Happy early birthday, Nam." I stated as I ended the call. 


How does he just say those words so... I don't know.... Freely? I don't think I'd ever be able to say those words unless I truly mean it and if I knew what love was. It's a mind game between us, I suppose. He's fighting me to keep me by his side and well, I'm fighting him and myself to keep him out of my life. It's not the best of both world's, and it's definitely not something I'd ever thought would happen, but........ I think heaven and hell are closer than they use to be. 


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"Birthday" part of this story will be finished and posted up sometime tomorrow.


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CassInspirit97 #1
Chapter 21: wahhhhh it has ended!!!"!!,,that was fassssttt!!!!nice ending!!!!good story ,!!!
CassInspirit97 #2
Chapter 15: happy early bday our woohyunnie oppaaa!!!!nice update though~~~~
CassInspirit97 #3
Chapter 14: daebakkk woohyunnie soooooooocuteeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!update soooon!!!!!
CassInspirit97 #4
Chapter 8: daebakk update sooooooooonn plzzzzzz!!!!!!!!