Chapter 8....

This Winter....

OPERATION HAERI (1)........!!?


I grabbed my phone and called Haeri. 


"Hello?" Her voice echoed coldly. 


"Hey! Let's meet up. Tonight at my practice room. I'll see you then?" I questioned. 


"Uh.......... What?" She asked while sounding confused. 


"Meet me at our practice room tonight." 




"I can't meet my girlfriend?" 


"EX- girlfriend." She stated as she made sure the "EX" was heard clearly. 


"Maybe for now.... But, you'll soon be mine again, Haeri. Just watch." I lightly chuckled. 


"Whatever. I'll see you around Nam Woo Hyun." She said coldly without an ounce of interest in me. 


"Be there tonight by 7:00 PM SHARP or you'll be seeing a whole lot of me more than what you'd like to see... And I don't know... Maybe I'll even introduce you to the world as that'd be a ton easier than playing this cat and mouse game with you." 


"Cat and mouse game? You're the one who wants to chase me. I'm just moving along with life, and you should too, instead of playing this silly game of yours. It's tiring." 


"Correct, I'm the one who's chasing you, so you're the mouse and I'm the cat. Question is, will the cat catch the mouse, or will the mouse catch the cat?" 


"Ha! Good question. One thing's for sure, it won't be the mouse catching the cat because I have no interest in what you're doing, even if it does include me." 


"Of course you don't. You stopped having interest in me ever since you decided to dump me. I'm going to make you pay for it Haeri. I'm going to make you fall in love with me like how you did to me and then I'm going to rip your heart out, just like you did to mine. Make sure you don't let your emotions get the best of you." 


"I'd love to see you try. You have no clue who you're messing with, Nam Woo Hyun. I kill people for a living, you know?" She chuckled. 


"And I break several hearts for a living." 


"No point. You should just live your life like how it is right now before you end up dead." She stated coldly. It was an eerie cold. 


"I can't. Not anymore. I've got unfinished business with you and I'm determined to make it right, even if it means death." 


"You're seriously doubting me right now, right Namu? You're assumming I wouldn't kill you, so you want to continue on with this game of yours, correct? Well, I'll tell you one thing, I never hesitate to kill a person. I mean.... Ask Sungjong. He knows a whole lot about what we do because he hangs out with one of the members here. He's been with us to our destinations and he's seen more than what an average person has seen. This is my last and final warning for you. I can't promise that you'll still be alive by the time this month ends." 


"I'm already dead. I died when you left and I'm here to get back my life, along with taking yours with me. Maybe you might want to think twice about killing me, because one thing's for sure, I'm going to get you back, Haeri. Watch me." I sternly stated and hung up the phone. 


I lounged around and thought about what Haeri said. I had a little fear in me of what she said about death but I can't back down on getting her back just because of that. I hate this cold and heartless Haeri. She was never like this, never. Maybe she fooled me when we were dating, but it still doesn't make any kind of sense. Somewhere in her, she knows she has feelings for me and I need to know how she feels. I want to hear her say just these 6 words, "I love you, Nam Woo Hyun", just one time will do. I'm selfish for wanting her to come back to me and I'm selfish for wanting her to say these words, but she's really the only one who's driven me to this extent. I have never ever chased after a girl as they were always the ones chasing me, except now.... Haeri's the only exception to that. She makes me want her even more everytime she gives me the cold shoulder. Speaking of which... Sungjong! That kid! 



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"Birthday" part of this story will be finished and posted up sometime tomorrow.


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CassInspirit97 #1
Chapter 21: wahhhhh it has ended!!!"!!,,that was fassssttt!!!!nice ending!!!!good story ,!!!
CassInspirit97 #2
Chapter 15: happy early bday our woohyunnie oppaaa!!!!nice update though~~~~
CassInspirit97 #3
Chapter 14: daebakkk woohyunnie soooooooocuteeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!update soooon!!!!!
CassInspirit97 #4
Chapter 8: daebakk update sooooooooonn plzzzzzz!!!!!!!!