Chapter 16....

This Winter....



Yes!!!! Yes, yes, yes!!! Haeri has finally given me time to spend with her! And the day... Well, it's the day of my birthday!!! When we used to date, we'd always celebrate my birthday together, but it was never on my actual birth day because I was always busy then. We'd either celebrate it beforehand or afterwards, but never on the exact day, well... That is, until now. I'm curious as to why she decided to choose that day out of all the other days we have within the year. Ehh, that's not what's important right now though. I have to start planning for tomorrow! I'm spending my birthday with Haeri!! 


"Hyung, I have some amazing news!!" I stated cheerfully as I jumped up and down. 


"What is it, Namu?" Sunggyu hyung asked. 


"I'm going to finally have some one-on-one time with Haeri!!! She's going to spend my birthday with me!" I exclaimed. 


"And what about us? Your members?" 


"Ehh.. I've spent it with you guys enough. Just this one time, hyung.... I want to spend it with her." 


"Is she that special to you?" 


"Well... Yeah... Sort of?" 


"What are you planning to do?" 


"I don't know, that's why I need to plan! I only have this one single day with her and I want it to go perfectly!"


"No date ever goes perfectly, per say... But, it can be a memorable one." 


"Oh!!! How about Lotte World!? Is that a good place to go!?" 


"Namu, you're turning 24 for heaven's sake... You really think that's a good place to go?" 


"It's not for me, hyung. It's for Haeri. Just for tomorrow, I want to see her out of her comfort zone, I want to see her smile, hear her scream, and hear her laugh. Is it too much to ask for?" 


"You're really crazy over this girl, aren't you? I've never seen you like this before. Putting so much effort into something. It's never you, at least, it use to never be you." 


"Lotte World, Han River and then wherever else we end up tomorrow night?" 


"Ehh, Namu... Don't you be doing dirty things." Sunggyu hyung eyed me. 


"Hey! You're the one who thought of that yourself! And plus, it's a date with no limits and I shall make use of it, no?" 


"Keep your hormones to yourself, boy! Last thing we need is for you to be a father... Maybe in the long run, but definitely not now." 


"Aish hyung, you have such a dirty mind." I nudged him as he glared at me. 


"Namu." He stated sternly. 


"I wasn't going to do any of that, hyung... But since you brought it up, I'll have to think about it." 


"Yah! Nam Woo Hyun!" Sunggyu hyung yelled. 


"Alright, alright. I got it. You don't need to shout, hyung. It's too early for it all." I mumbled. 


"Just make sure not to do anything stupid, huh?" 


"Ah, hyung..... What if our fans see us?" 


"Then let them. I know you're serious about this girl and I know you want to show her off to the world. Also, another thing is that you wouldn't mind being in a scandal with her because you've already gone this far with her." 


"Hyung, I feel like I'm cheating on our fans. What if they don't like her?" 


"We'll all feel it someday. It's just better for the Nam grease to feel it first because he's the one who loves our fans the most. That doesn't and shouldn't matter to you, Namu. She's the girl you love and as long as you like her, then you're good to go. Don't mind what others say, because if you do, you'll end up into a bigger scandal than before. Just ignore it and move on with life. Prove to everyone that Infinite's Nam WooHyun's heart belongs to everyone, but that it specifically belongs to only one person, and that person is none other than Haeri. Show the world that you're happy with her and that she's everything to you. I'm sure our fans will understand, even if they don't now, they will eventually." 


Hyung was right. If I wanted to stop hiding Haeri and show to everyone that I already have someone in my life, it's just a matter of taking the first step. I'm not sure what tomorrow holds for either of us on our "date" but I sure hope all goes well. I just want it to be Haeri and I. I want to embrace the time I'm given to spend with her and the only day she's given to me. Tomorrow never sounded so far. 


A/N: I'll be  finishing and posting up the "birthday" part of this story sometime tomorrow. I wanted to get it typed up and finished tonight, in time for Woohyun's real birthday, but that's just impossible right now. Hope you're all enjoying the story and please do forgive me if there are any grammatical and or spelling errors. 







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"Birthday" part of this story will be finished and posted up sometime tomorrow.


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CassInspirit97 #1
Chapter 21: wahhhhh it has ended!!!"!!,,that was fassssttt!!!!nice ending!!!!good story ,!!!
CassInspirit97 #2
Chapter 15: happy early bday our woohyunnie oppaaa!!!!nice update though~~~~
CassInspirit97 #3
Chapter 14: daebakkk woohyunnie soooooooocuteeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!update soooon!!!!!
CassInspirit97 #4
Chapter 8: daebakk update sooooooooonn plzzzzzz!!!!!!!!