Chapter 19.....

This Winter....



As Nam was busy celebrating in whatever he was celebrating, I received an emergency call from Shadow. I had to get down to our meet up place ASAP. This wasn't a matter to joke about, so I ran to the streets of Seoul and hailed a taxi, that is until someone grabbed my arm. 


"Where are you going? My birthday's not over yet." He complained. 


"Nam, I have somewhere very, very, very important I need to be. Please just go back to the dorm." I begged him. 


"H....Haeri? Are you okay?" Woohyun stuttered. 


"No, I'm not okay. I just need you to go to the dorm, alright. Just do as I say." 


"No way. I'm going with you. Come on, I'll tell my manager to take us. Where do you need to go?" He asked as he pulled me alongside him. 


"Woohyun, please..... Just go back to the dorm!" I yelled in frustration. 


"No! I'm going with you!" He yelled. 


"Woohyun, look. I'll do whatever you ask of me when I come back, but for right now, I need you to let me go, get back to the dorm, text me when you're there and I need you to just stay there. Could you please just do that?" I asked as I pulled myself away from him. 


"What's going on Haeri?" 


"I don't have time to explain right now. I'll explain later!" I yelled as I got into the stopped cab. 


I didn't have time to explain to anyone. I met up with my members and was briefed on what was happening. It definitely wasn't the way I wanted to end this day. 


"Someone please explain to me what's happening!" Demon yelled. 


"Haeri's dad's been kidnapped." Shadow replied. 


"We were sent a video and he looked badly beat up." Angel stated. 


"The note that was sent with the flash drive stated that they want only Haeri to drop off the sum of cash they're asking for." Shadow added. 


"And what's wrong with that? H is our best asset." Demon replied. 


"I may be the best asset to the team, but not this time Demon. They don't want the cash. They want me." I uttered. 


"What are you talking about, H!?" Wing yelled. 


"I've made some enemies here and there." 


"We all have, H. What are you hiding?" Shadow asked. 


"Complicated to say so the least. But, I killed this person's father in front of them." I replied. 


"H!!" They all said in unison. 


"What?" I shrugged. 


"Why didn't you tell us of this!?" 


"Because, it's none of your business and because it's just best if you guys didn't know. I know how much you guys overreact." 


"You think the person is going to kill your dad?" 


"They have no reason to. I mean, unless they want to recreate the scene they saw when I killed their dad, but other than that, I highly doubt it." 


"Why are you so confident in yourself, H? It's okay to be asking for help." Shadow replied. 


"Help? I don't ask for help. I'm going to do this by myself you guys. Last thing I need is to be worrying about you all. I get that you're all worried about this, but I caused this mess. It's my call." 


"H, it's just not about you. You're dad is in this too. We don't want to see anyone get hurt." Demon replied. 


"I know, but just.... Just stay here until I come back, alright?" I replied as I got ready to head out. 


"We're coming with you, H. We're a team and a team sticks together." Angel replied. 


I heaved a heavy sigh and allowed them to follow behind me without anyone realizing. I carried the suitcase full of cash and headed towards my destination. An old and abandoned warehouse. I knew of this location, as it was the same location where I killed these criminal's dad. Never have I ever forgotten about my dirty deeds. I remember who I kill, who I killed them in front of, and where I killed them. The rest, well, my members take care of that. I'm not sure what tonight holds for me, but I'll soon find out. As I entered the warehouse, there a little bit of light, just enough to see and it was empty and eerie. Nothing's changed since the last time I've been here. 


"I'm here!" I yelled as I looked around the warehouse. 


"Good." A voice called from the corner. 


"Glad to see you back here." Another voice replied. 


"Nice to see you both again." I replied. 


"Hyung, maybe we should show her what we did to her dad?" 


"No, not right now. Maybe after we do it to her too." 


"You dare harm my dad, huh? I think we all know I'm not a person to mess with. Maybe you guys would like to join your dad?" I eyed them. 


"Now, now, Haeri... Hand over the brief case." 


"Hand over my dad."


"Maybe after we're finished with you."


I began boiling. This wasn't the time to play games and I sure wasn't in the mood for all the nonsense. I tossed the briefcase to them and they opened it up and were astonished by all the cash in there. They then signaled for their "guys" to attack me and one by one, they all were either dead or knocked out. It wasn't a fair fight. 10 vs 1? What kind of a fight is this? I laughed at the brother's when they realized they weren't going to get out of here alive. I grabbed one of them and tied his hands together and I did the same thing to the other one. I grabbed both of them by the hair and dragged them out of the warehouse with me where my members were waiting. 


"Aish!" I grumbled as I pushed both guys in front of my members.


"What's wrong?" Shadow asked. 


"I want to skin them alive bit by bit until they scream for mercy." I replied coldly. 


"Why didn't you just kill them?" Demon asked. 


"Because, they're not worth it." I replied as I went back into the warehouse to look for my dad. 


 I screamed for my dad over and over again, but there was no reply. I entered the only room the warehouse had and in the dark corner laid a limp figure. I ran towards the figure and right when I saw his face, I knew it was my dad. He had bruises and cuts all over his body, but worst of all was that they had slit both his wrists. 


"Dad?" I said as I stared at him. 


"Princess?" He replied weakly. 


"Dad, we're going to get out of here, okay? Just hang on." I stated as I carried him out of the warehouse. 


"I'm going to come back for you guys and I'm going to kill you! If anything happens to my dad or anyone I love for that matter, I'll make sure to skin both of you alive. Bit by bit. Your blood trickling down my hand and your screams being heard, oh how I can't wait." I smirked at them as I carried my dad away. 


We got to the hospital just in time. My dad was placed in the ICU and he had to have multiple blood transfusions as he lost quite a big amount of blood. My mom came rushing in and she glared at me and then went straight to my dad. I was covered in my dad's blood and I had some cuts and bruises here and there, but nothing too serious. I excused myself from the room and made my way back home. I got into the shower and cleaned myself off. I couldn't sleep, so I went back to the hospital. I entered my dad's room and there was no sign of my mom. I began to worry, so I searched high and low for her throughout the hospital, but she wasn't there. I went back into my dad's room and there she was. 


"Mom! Where'd you go!?" I asked her. 


"What do you mean? I just went outside for a quick walk." 


"Don't ever do that again!" I mumbled as I hugged her tightly. 


"Are you okay, Haeri?" 


"I'm sorry, mom. Sorry this happened to dad. It's all my fault." 


"Don't blame yourself. We all have enemies in this world. You know, their dad was your dad's enemy." 


"Really mom?" 




"You know, I killed him in front of his sons, right?" 


"I know. We always know of your deeds, Haeri." 


"Well, I suppose." 


"I'm glad you told me yourself though. It means a lot." 


"Mom, are you not afraid of me? I mean... I'm a murderer." 


"You're my daughter, Haeri. We've all been murderers. I have nothing to be afraid of and plus, you're the ones protecting us." 


"I suppose that's how it is." I chuckled. 


"Thank you for saving your dad tonight and for not killing them." She hugged me tightly. 


"It's what I do best." I smiled. 


I was glad my mom wasn't angry with me for getting my dad into this mess and I was proud of myself for not killing the two people I so desperately wanted to. I went back home and cuddled myself into my bed and thought about all the things that have happened tonight. It's been a crazy night indeed, but a semi memorable one. Before I fell into my own dreamland, my phone vibrated. 


"What'd you keep away from me, Haeri? It's still my birthday, you know?" 


"My dad was kidnapped. Uber long story. I know, but it'll be ending shortly. It's 11:30. You've got 30 more minutes." 


"Come outside and spend the rest of my birthday night with me."


I groaned as I read the text message. I was already comfortable in bed! But, because it was still his birthday, I got out of bed and threw on my ugg boots and a random hoodie, along with my wallet. I walked outside and there he was, standing right in front of the gate. I unlocked it and walked towards him. 


"It's cold. How long have you been here?" 


"Just got here." 


"How should we spend the rest of your birthday night?" 


"I don't know."


"Oh! I know!" I replied quickly as I dragged him along with me to our neighborhood grocery store. 


"Cake!" I chirped. 


"A cake?" 


"Yeah. It's your birthday!" 


We quickly chose a cake and headed back to my house. For the first time in my life, I allowed a guy other than Demon inside my house. We settled in the kitchen. I took the cake out of it's packaging and placed the candles numbered 24 in the middle. I lit them up and turned off the lights and began singing. 


"Saeng il chuk ha ham ni da, saeng il chuk ha ham ni da, sarang ha neun Woohyunnie, saeng il chuk ha ham ni da!!! Make a wish!" I replied cheerfully. 


He soon blew out his candles and turned the light back on. We were both in our own worlds. I cut the cake and took out a slice for each of us. We both ate in complete silence, but it was a good kind of silence. I got up and did the dishes and then went upstairs to get his gifts. It wasn't anything special, but I knew this was something he'd like. I got him a Tacori wedding band, a black Givenchy nightingale tote bag, a beige MCM backpack with a few studs in the middle of the backpack, and then to finish it off, I also purchased two black Gucci leather bracelets. If you're the husband to Jung Co's heiress, you've got to have a little sparkle somewhere. Though these were small gifts, they were usable, I suppose. 





"Haeri... Isn't this a bit too much?" 


"Hey, you asked for your presents earlier and here they are. Either take them or leave them." 


"The ring though.. Isn't it too.. I don't know... Feminine?" 


"It made for men... You're the husband of Jung Co's only heiress. You really think I'd just give you a silver wedding band?" 


"Well, yeah.. Sort of." 


"I'll have to think about it." 


"Are you going to put it on me?" 


"The ring? Right now? But, you're an idol... And if you wear it for the rest of your performances and such, you're going to be asked questions." 


"So, who cares? Fans have already seen you." 


"Ehh.. Just put it on yourself whenever you want to wear it." 


"I want to wear it right now. So put it on." He stated as he held out his left hand. 


"Aigoo." I replied as I took the ring out of its box and slipped it onto his left ring finger. I was quite amazed that it fit, as I did a rough estimation of his finger size. 


"It fits perfectly!" He cheerfully stated. 


"Yeah." I mumbled. 


"Thank you for the gifts, Mrs. Nam, but you really didn't need to." 


"I know." I mumbled.


"Tonight's been the best birthday of my life." He stated as he hugged me tightly. 


"All thanks to me!" I smiled. 


"All thanks to you." 


"What are you guys doing?" A lady's voice uttered. 


"Mom!" I yelled in panick. I quickly pushed Woohyun off of me and greeted my mom. 


"Hello, mother." Woohyun replied. 


"Omo!! Omo!! No! Be quiet!" I muttered to him. 


"Who is this, Haeri-ah?" 


"No one mom." I answered hurriedly. 


"I'm Nam Woohyun. Nice to meet you, Mrs. Jung." 


"Nam Woohyun? Ah. I see." My mom smiled. 


"Aish! What are you doing home, mom?" 


"Came to get some clothes and came to check in on you, but seems like you're doing just fine." 


"It's nothing like that, mom!" 


"Sure, sure... I know you guys are married, Haeri. Your dad was the one who wanted you to marry him and so he asked Woohyun to trick you into signing the marriage license." 


"I knew you guys had something to do with this." I muttered. 


"Seems like you guys are having fun. Happy birthday, Woohyun-ah." My mom stated as she went upstairs. 


"Thank you, mother." 


My mom went upstairs to do her own business as I finished my own business downstairs. 


"It's past midnight now. You're birthday's over which means you should leave and get some rest." 


"I know. I should, but I don't want to." 


"Ehh.. Nam.." I stated sternly. 


"Let me sleep over." 


"What!?" I stared at him in disbelief. 


"Sure, go ahead Woohyun-ah." My mom replied as she came into the kitchen. 


"Mom! No! I mean.. What the heck!" I shouted in confusion. I had no clue what was going on. 


"Enjoy your night together. Sleep well!" My mom stated cheerfully as she left the house. 


"Asa! Let's go to sleep, Mrs. Nam!" 


"Wow..." I mumbled. 


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"Birthday" part of this story will be finished and posted up sometime tomorrow.


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CassInspirit97 #1
Chapter 21: wahhhhh it has ended!!!"!!,,that was fassssttt!!!!nice ending!!!!good story ,!!!
CassInspirit97 #2
Chapter 15: happy early bday our woohyunnie oppaaa!!!!nice update though~~~~
CassInspirit97 #3
Chapter 14: daebakkk woohyunnie soooooooocuteeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!update soooon!!!!!
CassInspirit97 #4
Chapter 8: daebakk update sooooooooonn plzzzzzz!!!!!!!!