Chapter 12....

This Winter....



We met each other as asked, when I saw her enter the practice room, my heart felt like it was about to burst. The way she just made herself comfortable in the room without a care in the world. What amused me was how she remember the pin to our practice room, indeed, we hardly ever change it unless needed to. I popped out of the dark and unlite corner and greeted her. I was glad she was there, just her and I in a room... Together... We talked a bit and then I ended up kissing her! Omo! I didn't plan on it, but she was just so.... Stubborn! What was I to do!? Operation Haeri is all about making her fall in love with me, no? If that kiss didn't make her feel anything, then I'll leave it at that, but I'm sure she felt something. I know Haeri, Haeri feels, but she just doesn't express it. This isn't the Haeri I knew, but it's the Haeri I'm willing to know. Everyone changes, and we've just got to accept people for who they are, right? At least, in my field of work, I see it all the time. Idol's have become so ignorant and un-thankful to the point where it's annoying. You don't see them giving their thanks to those above them, because them themselves think they're the best. I'm thankful for our fans and of course for my members, but at this moment in time, I only have eyes for one person, and that person is her... She thinks I'm playing a game, then so be it. This "Operation Haeri" isn't a game and it'll never be one. It's an operation to make her fall in love with me and to hear those 6 solid words I so desperately want to hear from her. If I can make her fall for me, then together, we've conquered both heaven and hell. 


"I don't want you. Let's just stop playing this game, Nam." She stated


"Jung, this is my game and I'll choose when to stop." 


"Then keep playing your game and keep me out of it, because I don't want to be a part of it anymore. It's tiring." She stated as she wiped her lips


"There has to be 2 to play this game. Me and you. Just allow me to be the only man in your life Haeri, and I'll stop this game." I replied. 


She sat stood there lost in her thoughts. I wasn't sure what she'd say, but whatever she does say, I don't think I'm ready for it. 


"So that's what it is, huh? You want me to allow you to be the only man in my life.... Would you still want to stay even if I don't love you?" She replied coldly. 


"I'll stay as long as you promise to stay. I don't care if you don't love me, because I'm working on that. I'll say it again Haeri, I'm going to make you fall for me." 


"I'm sorry, but the only guy in my life is my dad. He'll be the only man in my life until I die." 


"Haeri, Haeri, Haeri......... You're making this so complicated... More than it has to be. Look, you can either agree on the spot right here and right now, or you're going to have to deal with whatever your dad has in store for you." 


"I'll take the second option, please." She smirked as she began making her way towards the door. 


"Haeri, before you go... Can I just have your signature?" 


"For what?" She eyed me curiously. 


"What? I can't get a signature from the most wanted heiress in all of Korea?" I smirked. 


"Oh whatever. Hurry up and give it to me, Nam." 


I gave her a folded up piece of paper, all of it was folded except for the very bottom of the paper. I'll let her believe in what she wants, but I'm not a fool at this. Fans do it all the time to us! It's my time to do it to her. As she signed the "paper" all I could do was smile widely. She had no idea as to what she was signing! She finished signing and I chuckled. I was satisfied. 


"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Nam." I said cutely. 


"WHAT!?!!!!" She yelled. 


"You just signed the marriage document. You're officially my wife." I smiled. 


"OH. MY. GOD. Nam Woo Hyun, I'm seriously going to kill you!" She yelled angrily. 


"Can't do a thing!" I stated quickly as I ran to the most lit part of the room, unfolded the license, and took a photo of the marriage license to send to her dad. 


"What are you doing right now, Nam!?" 


"Nothing...." I stated calmly as I pressed send on my phone. 


"You tricked me into this! What the heck!" 


"Oh come on... Us being married... I like it." I shrugged. 


"I don't!" 


"Ah! That's right... Say you want me out of your life right now, and I'll consider it. Can you do it, Haeri?" 


"No point..." She shrugged. 


"Why?" I asked as I inched closer to her. 


"Because, there's just no point in it at all. I literally just signed my life away to some guy I hate and I hate myself for that." She said disappointed. 


"Oh, Mrs. Nam.... Nothing to be disappointed about. I told you this was going to work one way or another. It just happened to work in my favor tonight." 


"Get out of my life, you creep." She stated sternly while looking away. 


"What was that? I didn't hear it." 


"Get. Out. Of. My. Life. You. Creep." She replied while still looking away. 


I grabbed her chin and pulled it up forcing her to look at me. Her eyes were empty with no sense of emotions left, her face was pale and colorless, her body was fragile, but her lips... Her lips looked captivating. 


"I dare you to say it again, Mrs. Nam. Say it." I urged her while staring deep into her emotionless eyes. 


"Get. Out. Of. My....." 


"What was that?" I asked her in between the kisses. 


She didn't utter a thing, instead she kissed me back each time I kissed her. Maybe Sungjong was right, maybe she would indeed kill for me. Would I kill for her? Well, what do you think? I finally have her as my wife, and everything from here on out will be solved as husband and wife, first thing's first though..... Why did she look so shocked when I said her code name? Of course, maybe not a ton of people know who she is by her code name, but I do do my research on people, especially if it's the one person I want in my life forever. Operation Haeri has only begun. There's more falling in love and plenty more kisses in store.  


A/N: Ha!!! Story twister!!!?? There wasn't going to be any kind of marriage between these two, but it was just inserted and now it'll come into play! Operation Haeri has only begun!! I don't know when I'll update again, but it should be soon! Will Haeri fall in love with this grease monster that Inspirits love, or will she be the 0.01% to not fall into his greasy trap!? Who knows! How should the rest of the story play out? A tragedy stikes? Haha.. I don't know. We shall see! Till my next update, annyeong!!! ^_^ (140203)

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"Birthday" part of this story will be finished and posted up sometime tomorrow.


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CassInspirit97 #1
Chapter 21: wahhhhh it has ended!!!"!!,,that was fassssttt!!!!nice ending!!!!good story ,!!!
CassInspirit97 #2
Chapter 15: happy early bday our woohyunnie oppaaa!!!!nice update though~~~~
CassInspirit97 #3
Chapter 14: daebakkk woohyunnie soooooooocuteeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!update soooon!!!!!
CassInspirit97 #4
Chapter 8: daebakk update sooooooooonn plzzzzzz!!!!!!!!