Chapter 6....

This Winter....



After our breakup, I kept having dreams about her. It's as if she's really there, but yet again she isn't. Every time she comes into my dream, I never want to wake up from it. Why is this happening? She left me and I was the fool who allowed her to leave, so why am I missing her this much? Why does it feel like she's haunting me in some odd way? I can't understand why.


"Yah. Namu, are you listening?" Sunggyu nudged me.


"Yeah, hyung?" I replied.


"Why are you zoning out like that? Are you okay?"


"Of course, hyung. Never better." I lied.


"Namu..." He said sternly.


"It's nothing, hyung. Don't worry about it." I said as I patted his shoulder.


"It's about her, isn't it?" He asked curiously.


"Somewhat. I just.... I don't know, hyung. I keep having dreams about her and I feel like she's really there, right besides me, but then when I wake up, I realized it's all just a dream." I mumbled.


"What happens in these dreams of yours?" He eyed me curiously.


"Nothing special. Just... She makes me want her and each time I see her, all I want is her here... With me. I've never felt like this before. The need of needing someone with me to survive is something I never knew existed. Hyung, why does this keep happening?" I asked confused.


"Ha ha ha!! Our Namu's in love!! Asa! You love her, Namu." He stated cheerfully.


I stared at him in disbelief. Alright, I said I wanted her to be the last person I loved, but not this way. I don't want a person haunting me after i've let them go. I haven't seen Haeri for a few months and now it's the new year. I'm not denying that I don't love her, as I do.. But this isn't the same feeling. I feel as if..... This is all a dream. A dream I want to wake up from, as this is a dream where her and I aren't together. I want to wake up from this to see her. Her beautiful smile, with her hands intertwined with mine and that winter we met. For a brief second, Haeri, I want you to come back to me. I had this sudden urge, so I sent a text to her phone.


"Haeri.... Please reply."


"Who is this?"




"Yeah, but who are you?"


" Woohyun. Nam Woohyun."


"Oh..... I see."


"How have you been?"


"Good, I suppose. You?"


"I'm doing good." I replied nervously.


"Why'd you text me?"


"I miss you." I replied hesitantly.


"Is that even possible? You're missing a girl whom you didn't even spend time with. A girl who you were too busy to pay attention too. You miss someone you had nothing with." She replied.


"We had something. You keep haunting me in my dreams and I can't figure out why. Are you playing some kind of trick on me?"


"No tricks, Woohyun. Nobody has time for that."


"Then why do I keep seeing you in my dreams?"


"That.... I do not know."




"I'm serious. I know nothing about that. Any who, you contacting me is a bit odd, so please don't contact me anymore. We've been done ever since last month. Please just let it all go."


My heart felt like it was shattered into pieces. How was I supposed to let it all go when it keeps haunting me? She's like a CD on replay. One which I can't stop replaying, because no matter what I do, it never scratches or breaks. It's a CD I can't get rid of even if I want to. She's that CD and I can't get rid of her because she keeps coming back. I want her. No, wait.... I need her. ♥


"I need you, Haeri."


"Do you? Why now?"


"Because you keep haunting me. You keep teasing me and you keep making me want you. I can't deny what my heart wants. Not now."


"You're completely delusional. You never listened to your heart in the first place, so why now?"


"Because I need you. I need you now. I feel like I can't live without you and it's killing me."


"Then let it kill you. It's doing me a favor."


"Would we meet in heaven?"


"Ha. No."


"Then there's no point in dying if I can't have you either way."


"There's a way.."




"I don't know. ㅋㅋ"


"Aish. Don't play around with me!"


"Hey, we all need to live a little ^-^ "


"Do you miss me like how I miss you?"


"I don't have any feelings."




"I'm serious."


"So, you're telling me you can't feel like how I feel because you have no feelings? Am I supposed to believe that or something? It sounds like a big joke." I scoffed.


"I'm serious. No lies."


"I'll make you feel again. Trust me. Everyone falls for me, and you're included. You'll fall for me, just watch."


"Alright, I'll watch. But I promise you, I won't fall for you."


"It's a deal then." I smirked. 


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"Birthday" part of this story will be finished and posted up sometime tomorrow.


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CassInspirit97 #1
Chapter 21: wahhhhh it has ended!!!"!!,,that was fassssttt!!!!nice ending!!!!good story ,!!!
CassInspirit97 #2
Chapter 15: happy early bday our woohyunnie oppaaa!!!!nice update though~~~~
CassInspirit97 #3
Chapter 14: daebakkk woohyunnie soooooooocuteeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!update soooon!!!!!
CassInspirit97 #4
Chapter 8: daebakk update sooooooooonn plzzzzzz!!!!!!!!