Chapter 18......

This Winter....



We arrived at Lotte World and it wasn't as busy as I expected it to be, considering today's a Saturday. A day where families get together and enjoy the day together. Any who, back onto Haeri and I. As soon as we arrived, I intertwined my left hand with her right hand and pulled her along. I didn't care for what she had to say nor did I even bother to listen to her. She kept trying to pull her hand out and away from mine, but every time she did, I just held it tighter. Today's my day and I'm definitely not going to allow her to ruin it. At least, not now. We got onto our first ride and there wasn't much of a reaction from Haeri. We continued riding the rides and still nothing. Finally, I decided it was time to take her somewhere I myself was afraid of. The haunted house! I pulled her along with me as we stood in line. Every single person was indeed staring at us. Some even mentioned 'Infinite's Nam Woohyun' and I nodded my head and ignored the rest. Couldn't I just enjoy my day with someone I want to enjoy it with without being noticed or without hiding my identity? As Haeri and I got closer and closer to the entrance, my heart was beating rapidly, almost as if it was going to pop out at any given second. My hands were getting all sweaty and I was getting nervous, really nervous. 


"Yah, you're hurting me." Haeri whispered into my ear. 


"Sorry." I replied while loosening my grip on her hand. 


"You're scared, aren't you?" She joked. 


"Maybe just a little." 


"Ha. Infinite's Nam Woohyun is scared of a haunted house. Just great." She chuckled. 


"Hey! Just watch me, Haeri, I'm going to find your weakness." 


"And what do you think my weakness is?" She eyed me. 


"Losing me." I replied. 


"Losing you?" She laughed in disbelief. 


"Yeah." I replied as I dragged her into the haunted house. 


"I don't even know why you'd want to come in here when you're the one who's afraid." She mumbled. 


"Because, when I have you by my side, it makes the world a less scarier place." 


"Oh gosh..." She laughed hysterically. 


"I'm being honest!" I yelled. 


"Yeah, sure.. Let's keep going, Nam." She replied as she pulled me forward. 


We eventually got out of the haunted house.. Alive, that is. Haeri had no ounce of fear! What was this girl's weakness!? Sheesh! I went through all of that just to see if she'd get scared, but she wasn't. Perhaps her killing people had to do with it, but still.... Couldn't she have at least tried to enjoy it and tried to be scared? I do have to admit though, her laughing made that haunted house a whole lot better. When she laughed, I felt like my world stopped, completely. It very rare to see her in such an enjoyable mood that I've learned to treasure these moments in time.


"Hey! Let's play bumper cars!" I stated as I dragged her to the line with me. 


"What's so fun about this?" 


"Just watch! You're going to love this!" 


"Just like how I loved the rides and the haunted house?" She joked. 


"Seriously. You're going to love this!" I yelled as we both got into our own bumper cars. 


"Aish." She grumbled. 


We got our cars started and as soon as the light turned green, I was all for it. My aim was only Haeri. Bump after bump, I made sure I annoyed her and it was quite obvious I did my job as she seemed frustrated. She soon started doing the same to me and without her realizing, she was really enjoying this. She was laughing and smiling! That's all I wanted for my birthday. Just for today, I wanted to see Haeri as Haeri, not the Haeri everyone says is 'emotionless and cold.' We soon got out from there and headed to Han River. It was about 5:00 in the evening by the time we did leave the amusement park, so it was getting dark. The best part about Seoul, was night time. When the city lights filled the once empty day time streets. It's such a romantic view!


"What are we doing here?" Haeri asked. 


"Just to spend time together." 


"We did. At the amusement park." 


"My birthday's still not over yet. I still have about 7 or so hours left." 


"You're stalling, Nam." 


"Not stalling. Just wanting to spend the remainder of the time I do have of my birthday with you." 


"You're fans recognized you today. Why didn't you talk to them?" 


"Because.... I was busy with someone else." 


"Still, you could've chatted with them and sent them hearts or whatever you do do with them when you're up on stage performing and such." 


"Not when I have limited time to spend with someone who never gives me her time." 


"You're lucky it's your birthday today." 


"Speaking of birthday.. Where's my present?" 


"Ha! You still want a present from me? I gave you my whole day and I'm still giving it to you. I'd consider that a present in itself." She laughed. 


"I want a real present. A meaningful one." 


"This isn't a real present? It's not meaningful?" She eyed me. 


"It is, but I want something else." 




"I don't know. What are you willing to give me?" I asked curiously. 


"Is this a trick question or something?" 


"No, it's not. So, what are you willing to give me?" 


"Uh... What?" She asked confused. 


"What are you willing to give me?" I asked yet again. 


"Nam, what in the world do you want!? I dated you, I broke up with you, I married you, and now I've given you my whole day. What else could you possibly want!?" She yelled annoyed. 


"You." I replied as I leaned in for a kiss. 


"WHAT THE HELL, NAM!" She replied angrily as she pushed me away. 


"That's what I want. I want you." 


"And that's not something I'm willing to give you." 


"I'm not talking ually, you know?" 


"I'm not stupid, Nam. I know." 


"Then why can't you give me you?" 


"Because I don't want to. I don't want to be tied up to you." 


"But you're not." 


"I am right now. Spending this whole day with you has been suffocating." 


"But you enjoyed it." 


"Alright, fine. I did enjoy it, but that doesn't mean I enjoyed you." 


"That's a lie, Haeri. You couldn't have enjoyed this day without me, because without me, you would've been alone and bored." 


"Ugh! Nam Woohyun!" She stomped away. 


"See!!! I caught you, Haeri! You do indeed have feelings and they're for me!" I replied cheerfully. 


"Whatever, Nam." She replied as she continued walking. 


"So, when did these feelings of yours start?" I asked curiously as I walked alongside her. 




"There you go, lying again." 


"Oh Nam! For the sake of my sanity, please just..... Aish! Stop talking about it! It's annoying! I don't have feelings for you and I never will! You need to stop assuming things." 


"Alright, let's test this statement of yours." I replied as I stopped her and held her tightly. 


"I'm going to kiss you and if you have any kind of reactions, I'm going to say that it's safe to say that you've fallen for me." I quickly stated as I kissed her. 


"Nam." She mumbled through the kisses. 




"I don't know what you're doing, but it's not working." 


"It is, because you're reacting to it. You're talking to me." I smirked. 


"AISH! WHAT THE!!! NAM!!!" She yelled as she pushed me off. 


"Success!!" I yelled. 


We spent the rest of the night walking around Seoul and eating at stalls. It was a great night. Haeri finally had some kind of an emotion and I was glad I was the only person who saw it. I saw a different side of her, one that I knew existed, but it was just hidden. Tonight... Tonight's going to go down into my history of memories as 'THE BEST NIGHT EVER!'. My 24th birthday has officially been made. 


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"Birthday" part of this story will be finished and posted up sometime tomorrow.


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CassInspirit97 #1
Chapter 21: wahhhhh it has ended!!!"!!,,that was fassssttt!!!!nice ending!!!!good story ,!!!
CassInspirit97 #2
Chapter 15: happy early bday our woohyunnie oppaaa!!!!nice update though~~~~
CassInspirit97 #3
Chapter 14: daebakkk woohyunnie soooooooocuteeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!update soooon!!!!!
CassInspirit97 #4
Chapter 8: daebakk update sooooooooonn plzzzzzz!!!!!!!!