Chapter 11.....

This Winter....



I shrugged off what my parents asked of me and left the table without excusing myself. I was too immersed into my own thoughts at the moment. I went upstairs, grabbed my bag, coat, and phone and headed out the door. Though it was only about 2:00 PM, I decided it'd be best if I just roamed around the city, as I needed some fresh air, and considering the fact that I had to meet that Woohyun guy at his practice room tonight, it'd just be best if I stayed out until then too. I thought about having myself a little shopping spree, but I knew I couldn't. I mean, I could've if I weren't meeting Woohyun later, but I am, so I can't. My phone suddenly chimed. 


"You're coming later, right?" - Nam 


"Does it look like I have a choice? I don't want you bugging me for the rest of my life, speaking of which, I want you out of my life and I hope we can settle things tonight on that." 


"Ha! Remember Haeri, I'm going to chase you until the end of the world, whether you like it or not. I'm not asking you to come to the practice room in hopes of making me disappear from your life, rather.... I'm asking you to come and meet me so that we can sort things out so that I can be a part of your life." - Nam 


"I don't want you in my life. I've stated it before and I'm stating it now. GET OUT OF MY LIFE, YOU CREEP!" 


"If you can say that to me directly while looking into my eyes when we meet tonight, I might consider it, but if you can't...... Then you of course should already know how this is going to play out. ^_^" - Nam 


I stood on the busy sidewalk not moving, rather I gripped my phone tightly and screamed my loudest. Of course everyone stared at me like I was a crazy person, but I was fine with it. What people don't know about me makes their life much better and makes mine much easier. The amount of patience it takes in me to deal with this Nam guy is something beyond what I have. I just don't have patience for him and he knows better than anyone else about it, yet he's always the only one who plays around with me and with my patience. He makes me feel like melted choclated, he annoys the living hell out of me, he irks me in ways I never knew existed, yet I still somehow managed to fins a soft spot for him. I don't love this guy, and I don't like this guy. I don't know what it is about him that makes me not me. 


"You're always doubting me, Nam... Always. I'll say it to you tonight. Make sure you're ready to hear it." 


"Oh, I sure will, Miss. Jung. OR should I call you H?" - Nam


The way he makes me explode into some crazy lunatic makes me insane! How does he know my code name!? NO ONE knows my code name unless they're either my member and or my parents. He... He's just....... AIYA!!!!!! 


"I'll see you tonight, Mrs. Nam. I love you. Kiss Kiss ~_~" - Nam 


"AISH!! This guy!!! Really!!!" I mumbled angrily to myself. He always had a way around me and that "Mrs. Nam" just didn't fit right with me. I don't like it and I never will like it. He's not even in my league of guys... Is this what one would call heaven and hell? They both can't co-inhabit one another because if they do, they'll start a war that never existed? I feel like this is the way it is between he and I. A war that should never start, just might start if he keeps going at it. It's annoying!




I made my way to Infinite's practice room that night around 7:00 PM, step by step I became much more nervous than before. "Aish! You're just meeting that Nam guy. He means nothing to you and that's that. Focus, Haeri, Focus!!!" I mumbled to myself as I reached the practice room door. In order to enter, there was a code that had to be inputed. If the code was still the same as 4.5 years ago, then it'd be their debut info.. I slid the cover up and stared at the glowing green buttons.. There were numbers and letters, almost like a tiny keyboard. I roamed my hands around debating if I should enter in the only code I knew, or if I should just walk away and forget this whole matter and allow him to disturb me for the rest of my life, but then I thought about it and I just really wanted him out and away. I pressed "100609" into the key pad and the door clicked unlocked. I couldn't help but smile at these fools, as they never once changed their passcode. Weren't they afraid of their fans entering into their practice room while they were practicing? Any who, I slowly entered as the lights were off. I felt the walls and guided myself to the light switch. The one thing I hated besides this Nam guy, was the dark. Silly to confess after all the things I have done in my life, but the dark just isn't me even if I'm living in a world full of it. I flipped it on and the practice room was empty, so I leaned against the wall, as my back hit it, I slid down and onto the floor to sit. I played with my phone and checked to see if there was anything going on tonight with the gang, but there wasn't. 


"Looks like you did indeed come." A voice stated as he came out from a dark and hidden corner of the room. 


"Yeah." I stated without looking away from my room. Anyone would recognize his voice. 


"Thank you for coming." 


"Look, I only came because I want you out of my life, got it Nam?" I said sternly. 


"And I came because I want you in my life, Jung." He stared at me intently. 


"I can't Nam. Remember, we're over. We've been over ever since December. It's Febraury now, so get over it, will you?" 


"I can't even have you back, even if it was my birthday wish?" 


Oh shoot!!!! I forgot all about his birthday! February 8th was this fool's birthday...... We use to always celebrate it together, when we were together.... 


"No, even if it was your birthday wish." 


"I knew that was our answer. You never know how to say yes, do you Haeri?" 


"I know how to say yes, except I'm not going to say it to you." I mumbled. 




"Yes?" I replied. 


"See! You just did, which means you do know how to say yes to me!" He chuckled. 


"That's because you called my name." I replied. 


"Will you marry me?" He questioned me. 


"No." I stared at him. 


"I think your parents would say differently." He eyed me. 


I sat there lost in my thoughts. Of course he'd be the first person my parents would tell...... So stupid, Haeri! So stupid! 


"It's my life and I can choose who I want to marry and when I want to marry them. You're not the only guy in the world." 


"I'm the only guy in the world that wants you as much as you want me, Haeri." He smirked. 


"Ah.. Not going to work, Nam... Not going to work." I stated as I stood up. 


"Then maybe this'll work." He replied as he placed his lips on mine. 


"What the hell are you doing!?" I asked in shock while pushing him away. 


"Just making you want me, Haeri.... You're going to fall for me eventually." He said slyly. 


Namu, how am I supposed to fall for you when I think I already love you? Please.... Let's just stop this game. 


"I don't want you. Let's just stop playing this game, Nam." 


"Jung, this is my game and I'll choose when to stop." 


"Then keep playing your game and keep me out of it, because I don't want to be a part of it anymore. It's tiring." I stated as I wiped my lips. 


"There has to be 2 to play this game. Me and you. Just allow me to be the only man in your life Haeri, and I'll stop this game." He replied. 


Once again, I lost myself in my own thoughts.. I'm starting to do this much more often than before and it's a bit annoying. How do I feel, you ask? Well... Empty... I feel empty 360 days of the year and tonight's no exception. 

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"Birthday" part of this story will be finished and posted up sometime tomorrow.


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CassInspirit97 #1
Chapter 21: wahhhhh it has ended!!!"!!,,that was fassssttt!!!!nice ending!!!!good story ,!!!
CassInspirit97 #2
Chapter 15: happy early bday our woohyunnie oppaaa!!!!nice update though~~~~
CassInspirit97 #3
Chapter 14: daebakkk woohyunnie soooooooocuteeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!update soooon!!!!!
CassInspirit97 #4
Chapter 8: daebakk update sooooooooonn plzzzzzz!!!!!!!!