[FINAL]: Chapter 20.......

This Winter....



Haeri and Woohyun both went upstairs and into Haeri's bedroom. Haeri took off her coat and boots and got into bed as if Woohyun was never there. Woohyun soon joined her in her bed and held her tightly and closely to him. He liked this. Every night, he'd always hope for a night like this. A night where Haeri just allowed herself to be loved by others without pushing them away. He wanted this to last forever, if it could. This was the Haeri he knew and loved, though he would've loved her even if she changed. He finally figured out how strong his love was for her and it was strong enough to the point where he'd indeed kill anyone and everyone if they got in his way of loving her and if they did anything to her. Going into this relationship, they both never thought they'd fall so deep for one another, but nothing ever goes as one thinks. Heaven and hell have finally become one and Haeri and Woohyun have both defied the odds of heaven and hell. A relationship that drove both of them to the extent of insane was the only relationship that made them sane.


Though Haeri had her moments when she hated this guy, she truly loved him. The 4.5 years she spent dating him was because of that reason. She loved this guy even though he never had time for her, even though he was a celebrity, and even though he forgot about her. She became a heartless soul in this place we call Earth all because of him. She became Haeri again all because of him. The things that love does to us is sometimes unimaginable. The once cold and emotionless Haeri soon became a Haeri that everyone wanted to know. An heiress everyone adored, and a daughter who was irreplaceable. Haeri stopped killing people, but she never stopped her gang activities. That was something in her life that she wasn't ready to give up, at least not yet. Woohyun contiued with his idol lifestyle, but what was different about him was that he'd make sure everyone knew he was married. Married to the perfect girl in all of Korea. The ring Haeri had bought for him had soon become a treasurable piece of jewlery to him and he never once took it off his finger. Although he could live without the diamonds on them, he knew Haeri had a reason for it and it was because she was indeed the heiress to a known and widely popular company. She just couldn't have her husband going around like he's not the husband of Jung Co's heiress.


This winter, they went back to where they met and where it all started. Time froze and everything flashed before them. They both wouldn't change what they have right now for the things they did have in the past. That winter was a cold and lonely one, but this winter...... This winter, they both have each other. She was his last love and he was her first love.


"From the moment I first saw you, you made my heart throb, Baby, you're my trampoline, You make me......... Bounce........ Bounce...." - Cho Yong Pil 

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"Birthday" part of this story will be finished and posted up sometime tomorrow.


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CassInspirit97 #1
Chapter 21: wahhhhh it has ended!!!"!!,,that was fassssttt!!!!nice ending!!!!good story ,!!!
CassInspirit97 #2
Chapter 15: happy early bday our woohyunnie oppaaa!!!!nice update though~~~~
CassInspirit97 #3
Chapter 14: daebakkk woohyunnie soooooooocuteeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!update soooon!!!!!
CassInspirit97 #4
Chapter 8: daebakk update sooooooooonn plzzzzzz!!!!!!!!