Chapter 14.....

This Winter....



She yelled for me to come back, but I walked away. I didn't want a perfect night to end so bitterly! It was just better to walk away than to go back to her and hear her complain about how much she hates this and how much she hates me. I feel like it's an unrequited love right now, but then again I don't. Maybe somewhere deep inside of her, she does have feelings for me. She's just afraid to show them because she's been told she's an emotionless girl. I shrugged my shoulders and entered the dorm. It was usually quiet for 9:00 at night. I showered and got ready for bed, until the front door clicked unlocked. 


"Namu! Are you back yet!?" Sunggyu hyung yelled. 


"Ah. What?" I stated as I got out of the room. 


"Yah! You missed out tonight! We had so much fun!" Dongwoo hyung smiled happily. 


"What'd you guys do?" I asked while ruffling my hair. 


"Well, we went out and went to the arcade, then to the karaoke room, then we had dinner together, and then we went to a photo booth to take photos, then we played 'whack a mole', and then we had ice cream! Wow! We did so much tonight, hyung!" Sungjong cheerfully stated as he ran out of breath. 


"Seems like fun." I shrugged. 


"What's wrong with you tonight?" Sunggyu hyung patted my shoulder. 


"It's nothing." I sighed. 


"The meeting with Haeri didn't go so well?" Dongwoo eyed me. 


"No, nothing like that.... It went too well." I chuckled. 


"What do you mean?" Everyone questioned me. 


"I mean..... Guys, how do I break this to you?..." I asked. 


"I'm married." I stated cheerfully. 


"WHAT!?" They all yelled in unison while they all stared at me. 


"I'm married. Haeri and I are legally married. It happened tonight." I mumbled. 


"Aigoo!!!! Our Namu........ WHY!?" Sunggyu asked. 


"What do you mean why, hyung?" I chuckled. 


"Why'd you marry her!?" 


"Because.... I don't know. It just kind of happened and well, I'm glad it did happen." 


"You still love her, don't you?" 


"Well, yeah.... Something like that, I suppose." 


"Hyung, is your operation still going or are you too head over heels with her?" Sungjong asked. 


"Operation is still going... This is only the beggining." 


"Hyung, if you married her and such.. Are you guys planning to like... You know... Have kids and do what married couples should do?" Myungsoo asked curiously. 


"Well... I don't know, actually. Having kids? Ehh.. I think that can wait till I'm a bit older, no?" I shrugged. 


"You don't want a kid right now, hyung?" Sungjong asked. 


"No." I shook my head. 


"Well, if you put it like that then.... I mean, when she wants to leave you, she can just leave. She has no reason to stay with you anyways. Don't you see? When a woman has a kid, she's more likely to stay with the father of that child because she doesn't want to be a single mom." Dongwoo hyung shrugged. 


"The thing is hyung, I don't want to tie her down. I want her to tie herself down. I'm just helping in every way I can." I shrugged my shoulders. 


"You're so confusing right now! Do you want her, or do you not want her!?" Sunggyu hyung yelled annoyed. 


"Both?" I smiled slyly. 


"Aish! I'm really going crazy! Seriously!" Sunggyu yelled as he walked into the room. 


I stood there thinking about some of my answers.. Sure, some were uncalled for and me saying I didn't want to have a child right at this moment in time was one of them. Making Sunggyu hyung "crazy" is something I do best so it wasn't a surprise to me. I was never the one to get myself into such a situation, but this time I did and I did it because.... Well.... That, I don't know... Love, perhaps? Revenge? I'm confused myself as to what I've done. I married Haeri beause her parents wanted her to marry and I was the only person they ever heard of from Haeri, so they contacted me and asked me to marry her. I agreed on the spot and that's when the whole marriage license came into play. Now that I do think about it, I'm going crazy myself.


"Hey!!! Tonight's our broadcast of 'This Is Infinite' right!?" I yelled. 


"Oh yeah! It is, hyung!" Sungjong replied. 


"Good! We can all sit down and watch!" 


"Go watch it with Haeri." Hoya shrugged. 


"Eh, what's with the sudden attitude change, Hoya-shi?" 


"Nothing. You kind of ruined our night by telling us something you should've told us beforehand." 


"I didn't know beforehand. We always tell each other everything and I already did tell you guys about it. If I knew beforehand, I would've told you guys then, but I didn't. Sorry." I frowned as I walked into the room where Sunggyu hyung was in. 


"Hyung, maybe I did do something stupid tonight." I sighed as I laid on the empty bed. 


"Like what? Marrying Haeri-shi? Or not telling us ahead of time?" 


"All." I mumbled. 


"But the thing is, it's not stupid if you don't regret it. I know you Namu.. You love her, and I understand why you did what you did tonight. If I were in your shoes, I probably would've done the same thing too.. Besides, shouldn't we always prepare for the unexpected?" 


"I don't know hyung, I'm just confused... The more I continue with this "operation" of mine, the more I lose myself in it." 


"Because of love, Namu. It makes you do crazy things." He smiled. 


"Hyung, you're acting quiet weird.. No way! Perhaps you have your own lover!? OMO!" I eyed him. 


"No, it's nothing like that. I was just in your shoes once." 


"And what eventually happened?" 


"Well, we she finally confessed that she did indeed love me too, but it was too late." 


"What do you mean, hyung? Too late?" 


"You see Namu, the thing you don't know about love is what ultimately drives you into someone you're not or someone you never knew you'd be able to become. Love that isn't strong eventually fades away, the feelings that were once there are no longer there, and well, you just sit and wait for a new love to come. One that will hopefully make you feel like how you did before or perhaps, make you feel even better. Sometimes, being on top of the world just because of love isn't always the perfect answer to everything, nor is it perfect in itself. Love.... Love can be a blessing in disguise or a curse just waiting to happen. You choose who you love, sure, but in the end, is it really what you want? Do you really, really, really, want Haeri, Namu? I don't want to see either of you hurt when this "operation" of yours is over." Sunggyu hyung sighed. 


I laid on the bed just staring into space. He had some good points. Is this "love" of mine towards Haeri going to last long enough until death do us a part, or is this love of mine towards her only temporary. Her being my last love is still always on my mind but do I really want her to be my last love? Am I ready to start living the life as a husband to this "cold and emotionless" woman? I've done good this far, no doubt about it, but what if someday there comes a better woman for me and a better man for her? One that would understand both of us in their own unique ways? I just don't know anymore. Does love make you confused like this? Is doubting myself about this whole thing good? 


"Ah. I just don't know anymore hyung." I sighed as I got up and walked out of the room. 


"Hyung! The show's on!" Sungjong yelled. 


"Really? Okay." I mumbled as I made my way to the couch. 


"Are you okay?" They all asked me. 


"Yeah." I replied softly as I sat down to watch the show. 


"Yah.... Sunggyu hyung.... Seriously...." Everyone replied while watching the show. 


I excused myself before the show ended and just ended back up in the room. The show was indeed filled with entertainment of myself and the members, something we all see daily, but our fans don't.. I wanted to laugh and smile with them, but it was just so hard. My mind was all over the place and my heart was missing someone. Someone I was doubting myself with after tonight, even if she was legally my wife and legally mine now... I just didn't know anymore. 



A/N: 'THIS IS INFINITE' officially airs tonight!!! Super excited to see what the first episode has in store!!!! Maybe an idea for the next chapter might come after watching it? Ha! Hope you're all enjoying the story so far! I don't think I'll be making this an uber long story, as I do want to finish it soon, so we'll see where and when it'll be finished. 







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"Birthday" part of this story will be finished and posted up sometime tomorrow.


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CassInspirit97 #1
Chapter 21: wahhhhh it has ended!!!"!!,,that was fassssttt!!!!nice ending!!!!good story ,!!!
CassInspirit97 #2
Chapter 15: happy early bday our woohyunnie oppaaa!!!!nice update though~~~~
CassInspirit97 #3
Chapter 14: daebakkk woohyunnie soooooooocuteeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!update soooon!!!!!
CassInspirit97 #4
Chapter 8: daebakk update sooooooooonn plzzzzzz!!!!!!!!