Chapter 17.....

This Winter....




It was a quiet chilly day, so I decided to skip the fancy clothing and go for something comfortable. I threw on my oversized gray knitted top and paired it with a light washed pair of jeans and then my chestnut brown uggs along with my black trench coat. I decided to leave my hair down and in it's natural state. There was nothing fancy about today anyways. I finished getting ready and before I headed downstairs, I grabbed my turquoise leopard wallet cell phone case and of course, the keys to my blue Audi RS5. My parents were long gone from home, so it was indeed a blessing to have them gone. I got into my car and drove off and into the busy streets of Seoul. Where was I going? I wasn't sure of it either, but one thing's for sure, I was standing in front of Infinite's dorm door at 10:00 in the morning.


"Oh! Good morning~!" Sungjong stated cheerfully as he opened the door. He and I were "acquaintances" beforehand, so we knew one another. Well, I knew all the members by name, but I suppose most don't even know of my existence.


"Ah. Good morning, Sungjong-ah." I replied.


"Looking for Woohyun hyung?"


"Something like that..?" I said nervously while rubbing the back of my neck. This was embarrassing!


"Hyung~~~~!!! No, wait. Woohyun hyung~~~~!!!" Sungjong yelled behind him.


"No, you don't have to get him." I mumbled softly.


"Eh, no worries, Haeri-ah."


"What is it, Sungjong-ah?" I heard a voice reply from within the dorm.


"She's here to see you." Sungjong replied.


"She? Who's she?"


"Ah. Right." Sungjong mumbled as he stepped away from the door.


"Haeri!!?" Woohyun stared in disbelief.


"Surprise?" I shrugged.


"Omo! Come in!" He stated as he "ushered" me in.


I looked around their dorm and it was indeed a dorm filled with men. There wasn't a single clean area in the house. It was filled with clothes, trash, and worst of all, their house smelt utterly horrible. I walked into the kitchen and I was met with a sink filled of dirty dishes, and well.... Food that was no longer meant for any living thing. I took off my trench coat, put down my wallet, and rolled up the sleeves of my knitted top. I grabbed the pair of dish washing gloves and threw them on and began cleaning the entire kitchen. The least they could do is live correctly, I mean.. Neatly definitely isn't in their dictionary, but correctly should be. No visitor wants to come into a house like this. After finishing up the dishes and cleaning, I took the gloves off, washed my hands, rolled down my sleeves, and threw my trench coat back on. I was too busy to realize that all the members had woken up.


"Who's the one who was doing the dishes?" Dongwoo asked.


"Ah! Haeri!" Sungjong chirped.


"Haeri? THE Haeri?" Sungyeol questioned.


"Yeah. Woohyun hyung's Haeri."


I turned around from where I was standing and in front of me sat all the remaining members.


"Oh. Good Morning." I stated.


"Uh. Yeah. Good morning to you to." They all mumbled.


"Sorry for the loudness." I mumbled. 


"No, it's nothing. Thank you for.... Well.... Doing our dishes and cleaning the kitchen..." Dongwoo replied. 


"It's no problem. I'm not sure how you guys live like how you're living, but you all seem to be doing well." 


"Ha. Well.. Yeah..." Hoya chuckled. 


"Are you and Woohyun hyung going somewhere?" Sungyeol asked. 


"I suppose. I'm not sure myself." 


"Are you ready?" A voice asked from behind me. 


I turned around and was met with a rather good looking Woohyun. He was wearing a low cut white v-neck t-shirt and well... The rest was good, I suppose. I was way too focused on his collar bones..... And his face... What was I doing!? I don't even know.... 


"Oh. Yeah." I replied as I hid my satisfication. 


"Let's go!" He linked his left arm with my right and pulled me along. 


We got into the van and it was a bit awkward at first as his manager was the one taking us, but... I don't know. As I looked at Woohyun, it felt like it was only him and I in the entire world. He was grinning from ear to ear and wouldn't stop staring at me, while I was keeping a straight face. 


"Do you like amusement parks?" 


"I don't know. I've never been to one." I replied.


"Really!? Omo! You're going to have the time of your life today!" 


"Yeah, I suppose." 


"Thank you for spending my birthday with me." 


"Yeah." I mumbled. 


"Is that all you're going to say today? Just "yeah?" He eyed me. 


"What else am I supposed to say?" 


"Anything and everything. You're always killing the conversation I'm trying to start with you." 


"It's because I don't want to have a conversation with you. I end it before it even gets started because of that reason. Any who, make sure you spend this day wisely as it'll probably never happen again." I firmly replied. 


"Aish. Still the same cold hearted Haeri from a few days ago. Can't you just.... Just for today, put away that cold heart of yours and live a little?" 


"Live? I am living." 


"Don't try to be a smart aleck here, Miss." 


"Okay, okay."


"So.......... Does that mean you're going to put away the old Haeri, just for today?" 


"No." I replied. 


"See.... You always ruin my mood!" He pouted. 


"Sorry, but not sorry." 


"Aish. Don't talk if you're just going to speak nonsense. Oh!!!! There's no limits today! Asa!" He chuckled. 


"Hey! That doesn't mean you can do whatever you like today." 


"I think that's exactly what it means. You and I." He replied as he grabbed my hand and intertwined it with his. 


I sat still the rest of the ride to the amusement park. It was strange holding his hand again after a few months, well, years to be exact. The warmth his hands gave off and the way his hands overlapped mine... Just for this moment in time, let me enjoy this. Let me feel what I haven't felt in a few years. Let me go back to the winter when it all started. Nam, just for this one day, I'll break my walls, and toss my cold heart away because today's your day. Today's your birthday. Happy birthday Nam. 







A/N: Posted this chapter just in time for Nam's birthday! Hopefully you're enjoying this story! Any who, Happy birthday to our Nam Woohyun!!!!








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"Birthday" part of this story will be finished and posted up sometime tomorrow.


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CassInspirit97 #1
Chapter 21: wahhhhh it has ended!!!"!!,,that was fassssttt!!!!nice ending!!!!good story ,!!!
CassInspirit97 #2
Chapter 15: happy early bday our woohyunnie oppaaa!!!!nice update though~~~~
CassInspirit97 #3
Chapter 14: daebakkk woohyunnie soooooooocuteeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!update soooon!!!!!
CassInspirit97 #4
Chapter 8: daebakk update sooooooooonn plzzzzzz!!!!!!!!