Chapter 1

This Winter....

Winter of 2007:


I was waiting in line at my usual coffee spot and there she was. Sitting by herself looking out of the window. I ordered my coffee and headed her way. “Excuse me, but could I sit here?” She looked up at me and her eyes were full of sorrow. “Feel free to.” She quietly stated and stuck her ear buds into her ear and I suppose she was listening to music or something, because she ignored me the rest of the time I was sitting there. I couldn’t stop staring at her. She was just so beautiful. “Hey, I’m Nam Woo Hyun. What’s your name?” She took out her right ear bud and there was a gentle but broken smile on her face. “I’m Haeri Jung. It’s nice to meet you, Nam Woo Hyun.” I smiled up at her. Her voice was almost angel like. “What are you doing here sitting by yourself?” She stared at me confused. “I can’t sit here by myself? That’s absurd of you to ask. But, I just felt like getting away for a while.” I chuckled in happiness. “Oh no. You can. I was just curious, that’s all. It’s indeed nice to get away sometimes. What are you running away from on a day like today?” I asked curiously. She took out the other bud and placed her hand phone down on the table. “Mmm.. Running away from life, I suppose. How about you?” She chuckled lightly. “Me? Ah. Just running away to run away.” I quietly stated. We both looked out the café window in complete sync and it was snowing. It was that winter’s first snow fall and it was the begining of our story.


Winter of 2008:

After a whole year of getting to know one another, I felt it was time to ask her to be my girlfriend. We met up at the café where we first met and it was another cold winter morning. It wasn’t the first snowfall either, as that happened a few days ago, but it was the first rainfall for winter. She walked in wearing her long black pea coat with her hair down and very light makeup on her face. She came and sat down across from me and we caught up just a little bit and then I asked her. “Haeri, would you go out with me?” she smiled widely at me and nodded her head. We hugged and kissed just for a brief second and then we continued with our talk. Both of our lives were getting busier and busier, so it was nice to just be able to sit down and relax, even if it was just for a brief second. I was busy getting ready to become an idol and Haeri was busy with her family’s company and everything that had to do with it. Our relationship was simple, easy, and almost a bit too perfect but I wasn’t going to complain about it. She was all I needed and I was happy. That winter she became mine and I was set on making her mine for a very long time.


Winter of 2009:

It was our first anniversary and I was excited to see her again! I mean, I’ve seen her almost every weekend, but this time, I just wanted to see her because I missed her.  I took her out to a romantic dinner and gave her a necklace as an anniversary present. It was a snowflake necklace. She asked me to put it on her and I did. She gave me a photo book and in it were photos of us. I was quite surprise at how creative and crafty she was. I didn’t want that night to end, but she told me she had to go back home because her parents were waiting for her, so our anniversary was cut short. I took that photo book back to the dorm with me and all the members were curious about it but I didn’t dare let them see what was in it. It was my personal dating life, not theirs. I looked out the dorm window that night and there it was, the winter’s first snow fall. The city turned into a white winter wonderland within minutes and I knew then that winter was just a very special season for me. Winter was my season.


Winter of 2010:

Our relationship was straining. I debuted that summer and everything I had, I had to give it up. I gave up my free time, my family, friends, everything. My company requested of me to give up Haeri too, but I couldn’t. I just couldn’t let her go. That thought of making her my last love is all I ever thought about when she came into mind and into conversations. There was no way I’d be able to make her my last love if I just broke up with her. I simply told my company that if I had to let her go, that they’d have to let me go. They weren’t too happy with what I had to say, but they accepted my relationship with her, but told me to keep it away from the public and I knew I had to. Not only to protect her and her family but to also protect my family, and most importantly, my members. Our visits with each other use to be every weekend but now it was once every other week. She came over to our dorm each time and just spent time with us all. The members told me that I should just hurry up and marry her and I didn’t disagree with their suggestion, rather I nodded my head and simply told them when it’s time, I will. That winter was colder and busier than usual. We were slowly drifting apart but neither of us ever mentioned it nor did we show it. I have to say that it was a tough winter. I wanted to see her as much as I could but I couldn’t. 

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"Birthday" part of this story will be finished and posted up sometime tomorrow.


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CassInspirit97 #1
Chapter 21: wahhhhh it has ended!!!"!!,,that was fassssttt!!!!nice ending!!!!good story ,!!!
CassInspirit97 #2
Chapter 15: happy early bday our woohyunnie oppaaa!!!!nice update though~~~~
CassInspirit97 #3
Chapter 14: daebakkk woohyunnie soooooooocuteeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!update soooon!!!!!
CassInspirit97 #4
Chapter 8: daebakk update sooooooooonn plzzzzzz!!!!!!!!