Chapter 30--- End

You are my Ice Cream


These days, Soojie spent a lot of times with L. She still felt guilty because of what happened.

She was walking with L, when a scene broke her heart into pieces.

The books fell from her hands and her legs didn’t move anymore.

L.Joe was gently a girl’s cheek. Tears welled up her eyes *Why I am like this?*

“Soojie, are you alright?” L asked her, he glanced at what she was looking.

Without a world, she ran away “SOOJIE WAIT!” he held his arm out but it was too late.


L.Joe who heard her name and turned his head seeing Soojie running away.

“” he cursed loudly and ran after her but as he passed by L, his arm was caught by the other boy.

“I warn you L.Joe. If you don’t treat her nicely, I will break your neck into pieces”

L.Joe shoved his hands away and continued to run after her but she already disappeared.


*Why I’m reacting like this? L.Joe is just a friend~* she closed her eyes but quickly opened them *I must be sick, whether open eyes or closed eyes I only see his face*

“I finally found you!!” L.Joe burst out from the door.

She quickly wiped her tears with her hands.

“Why did you run away?” he asked her but she avoids him and looked away.

“Soojie? Are you mad?” he slowly approached her. After taking a deep breath, she took her courage and asked him coldly “Is she your girlfriend?”

He chuckled.

Anger boiled in her blood “Why are you always make fun of me?! I’m only your puppy in your eyes!!” she shouted at him.

This time the laughter was out “I see, so you were jealous” he tried to calm himself “Do you love me?”

She looked away “What if I am? You don’t feel the same way”

L.Joe gazed at her, his hands lifted her chin toward him.

His eyes flickered to her lips. He slowly leaned in and closed his eyes before pressing his lips against hers.

Confusion, happiness mixed up in her minds.

He slowly pulled back and opened his eyes. Soojie was stunned and didn’t know how to react.

*I’m dreaming right?* she pinched her cheeks and winced because of the pain.

L.Joe giggled at her innocent act; he put his hands around her neck and pulled her close to kissed her again. This time, she closed her eyes and kissed him back.

*A kiss is more significant than 1 billion of words*

Suddenly she remembered the girls he was flirting with earlier and pushed him slightly.

“Wait, that girl before, is it your---“before she could continue, he put his fingers to her lips “Don’t be so jealous, she is my sister, I was just comforting her”

She became as red as a tomato.

“You know, you are the only girl, you can melt my heart. With you I’m like an Ice Cream” he smiled.

He pulled her close again “Don’t try to escape, because you are my puppy for now and forever” he whispered before kissing her.


Meanwhile, L was in the darkroom developing his photos. Soojie appeared on all of them.

*Seeing your reaction makes me understand that you founded your true love. At least let me have a little happy memory with you. Love is hard to understand. But if you are happy, then I am. Saranghae my puppy Soojie*




It ended T____T. So what do you think of this story? I'm not really a good writer so sorry if I messed up at some parts. 

I would like to thanks Xinee16 mysteriousaura209 AliceOfHearts lulululuciooo bigbangvip EverlastingLOVE PororoChan seungeunlee vanessahuynh Vjoeteentop leonora216 for commenting on my story. 

I hope you all enjoy to read it. 

I've started my new story ft L.Joe and Karam. I will post it soon. So don't forget to check it tomorrow.

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memoria_99 #1
Chapter 30: chappie 30: i'm really glad that soojie ended up with l.joe.........
memoria_99 #2
Chapter 26: chappie 26: i really hope that she choose l.joe over L .....................
memoria_99 #3
Chapter 25: chappie 25: i thought that she will only make a one special choco, and not two special choco.............
memoria_99 #4
Chapter 23: chappie 23: (>'.'<)
i want l.joe to rescue soojie!!!!!!!!!!!!!
memoria_99 #5
Chapter 22: chappie 22: i hope that infnite will not come(especially L ).................
memoria_99 #6
Chapter 17: chappie 17: hmmmm......
i think they will only get along in teasing soojie ............
memoria_99 #7
Chapter 16: chappie 16: i think...... the 3 of them will eat together...........
memoria_99 #8
Chapter 11: chappie 11: kyahh!!!!!!!
the badass prince is jealous...............
memoria_99 #9
Chapter 9: chappie 9: will he confess ??????
memoria_99 #10
Chapter 3: chappie 3: woww!!!
this girl id brave!!