Chapter 16

You are my Ice Cream


A crowd was surrounding Soojie’s locker. 

*The last time, I was too curious, I ended up being L’s puppy*  she thought however when she looked at the books in her hands, she found the courage to step in the crowd *I’ve to put these books in my locker and take the lunch boxes*

Her eyes rounded as soon as she saw who were in front of her locker.

Indeed, L and L.Joe were glaring at each other.

“She said she is going to eat with me!” L.Joe shouted at L.

“No! She said she is going to eat with me!” L retorted.

*Maybe, I will retrace my steps and eat alone* she turned around, unfortunately it was too late. L and L.Joe saw her.

“Soojie!” they both shouted making her to stop.

She meekly smile and went next to them.

“With who are going to eat?” L.Joe asked

She tilted her head *GOSH, what will I do?*

“You are my puppy, so you are going to eat with me” both of them shouted and grabbed her hands at the same time. L grabbed her right hands while L.Joe grabbed her left hands.

“Aisssh!!!! If it’s like this, I prefer to eat alone!!!” she yelped and shoved both hands away.

She put her books in her locker and took out the lunch boxes.

“Here, you lunch box” she harshly gave L.Joe his box.

Before she could go, they grabbed her hands once again.

L softly apologized “Sorry, I just wanted to eat with you”  

“Neh me too” L.Joe mumbled while gazing at her.

She pursed her lips together “I think I have the solution”

Clueless they just follow her to the cafeteria.



I will put 3 chapter today. 
Comments and subcribes <3

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memoria_99 #1
Chapter 30: chappie 30: i'm really glad that soojie ended up with l.joe.........
memoria_99 #2
Chapter 26: chappie 26: i really hope that she choose l.joe over L .....................
memoria_99 #3
Chapter 25: chappie 25: i thought that she will only make a one special choco, and not two special choco.............
memoria_99 #4
Chapter 23: chappie 23: (>'.'<)
i want l.joe to rescue soojie!!!!!!!!!!!!!
memoria_99 #5
Chapter 22: chappie 22: i hope that infnite will not come(especially L ).................
memoria_99 #6
Chapter 17: chappie 17: hmmmm......
i think they will only get along in teasing soojie ............
memoria_99 #7
Chapter 16: chappie 16: i think...... the 3 of them will eat together...........
memoria_99 #8
Chapter 11: chappie 11: kyahh!!!!!!!
the badass prince is jealous...............
memoria_99 #9
Chapter 9: chappie 9: will he confess ??????
memoria_99 #10
Chapter 3: chappie 3: woww!!!
this girl id brave!!