Chapter 20

You are my Ice Cream


The sun fell. Soojie couldn’t sleep yet so she her computer and signed up on MSN, a smile spread on the corner of her lips when she saw L.Joe icon was on and he has already messaged her.

Hottie L.Joe says: What are you doing this late on internet?! Go sleep. It’s dangerous for a girl to wander on the net this late!!!

Puppy Soo ;) says: Speak for you!

Hottie L.Joe says: I’m just watching video.

Puppy Soo ;) says: Really? Give me links, I’m so bored.

Hottie L.Joe says: It’s not recommended for your age.

Puppy Soo ;) says: Arrg you are disgusting. ’

Hottie L.Joe says: It’s you who have a dirty mind. I’m watching a horror movie.

Puppy Soo ;) says: I don’t believe you.

Hottie L.Joe says: Hehe, think what you want. By the way, are you free tomorrow?

Puppy Soo ;) says: Don’t know. Why?

Hottie L.Joe says: Let’s relax a little and go the the Caribbean Bay.

Puppy Soo ;) says: I don’t know how to swim =S

Hottie L.Joe says: It’s fine. I will be there and we won’t go too deep.

Puppy soo ;) says: I will tell you tomorrow. Bye ~

Puppy Soo ;) is offline.

On the other side of the town, L.Joe shouted frustrated “You won’t escape so easily. L.Joe is ready to attack” He grinned and turned off his computer.



Dirty Mind kkkk. See you at the next chapter. 

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memoria_99 #1
Chapter 30: chappie 30: i'm really glad that soojie ended up with l.joe.........
memoria_99 #2
Chapter 26: chappie 26: i really hope that she choose l.joe over L .....................
memoria_99 #3
Chapter 25: chappie 25: i thought that she will only make a one special choco, and not two special choco.............
memoria_99 #4
Chapter 23: chappie 23: (>'.'<)
i want l.joe to rescue soojie!!!!!!!!!!!!!
memoria_99 #5
Chapter 22: chappie 22: i hope that infnite will not come(especially L ).................
memoria_99 #6
Chapter 17: chappie 17: hmmmm......
i think they will only get along in teasing soojie ............
memoria_99 #7
Chapter 16: chappie 16: i think...... the 3 of them will eat together...........
memoria_99 #8
Chapter 11: chappie 11: kyahh!!!!!!!
the badass prince is jealous...............
memoria_99 #9
Chapter 9: chappie 9: will he confess ??????
memoria_99 #10
Chapter 3: chappie 3: woww!!!
this girl id brave!!