The first date?

The Stars (Krisho)

Kris pulled Suho all the way out to the streets. "Where...*huff*..where are we going?" Suho panted after him. Hello? The guy has got long legs. When Kris doesn't stop, Suho had to yell,"Mr Wu! WHERE ARE WE GOING?"

Kris skidded to a stop, which meant Suho bumped into his large, hard back. Although it hurt his nose, Suho suddenly felt like leaning there for the rest of his life. 'Omg what am I thinking. He's my boss!' He quickly stood straight up. 

"Here we are." Kris pointed to the cafe that they had stopped in front of. "Huh? Why are we here?"

Kris smiled. It was suprisingly warm. It melted his cold image and it made him look so welcoming, friendly, loving...loving?! Suho shook himself out of his trance. "We are here, for our 'appointment'."

"What appointment?"

"An appointment to have a drink. Come on!" Kris tugged on Suho's hand and they entered the cafe.

Suho noticed that Kris' hand was just as warm and secure as he remebered and also imagined. He giggles to himself as he allowed Kris to pull them to a table. There were hardly any customers, only a few students here and there. Well, it wasn't lunch time and they certainly weren't supposed to be out. 

"What would you like?" Kris asked Suho. "Umm..." He was brain dead already, seeing that his crush was so near him. "Umm.." Kris laughed. "They don't sell umms here, would you like a salted caramel frappucino? I heard it's the best selling one here."

Suho could only nod. Kris got up from his seat and went to the counter to order, leaving Suho with a nice view of his back. And . Suho wanted to look away, and yet, he couldn't. Until some one tugged at his sleeves. He looked down, only to see a young boy, arounf 4 or 5, crying and his eyes widened. "Uwaaah!!" the boy sobbed and Suho immediately grabbed a few napkins from the dispense on the table and wiped away the boy's tears, and snot. "Hey, it's okay! Wanna tell me why you're crying? what's wrong?" He cooed to the boy and the boy hiccupped his reply. "I..I was *hic* lost! Uwahh! I cannot find *hic* mommy! Mommy say *hic* ask for help *sob* or stay at same place but..but Hyunnie stay here for very long but no mommy! UWAHHHH!"

Suho carried the little boy up and walked out of the cafe; completely forgetting about Kris.

"Now, what's your name?" He asked the little one, who by now has stopped crying. 


"How old are you?"

"Hyunnie is 4 years old." He held up 4 chubby fingers and waved them in front of Suho. Suho smiled. Hyunnie was cute. They arrived at thepolice station and Hyunnie started wailing again. "What's wrong?" Suho asked anxiously. "Mommy say if Hyunnie is naughty the police will come take Hyunnie away! Did Hyunnie do something naughty? I don't want police take me away! Uwahhh!!" 

Suho sat down at a chair in front of an officer's desk and cooed to Hyunnie. "Don't worry! Hyunnie wasn't naughty! The police will help you find your mommy!"

The officer looked at Suho. "Lost child?"

"Yeah...could you help him-" Suho was cut off by a shrill woman's cry.

"Have you seen a young boy of 4? About this height? His name is Woo Hyun but he responds to Hyunnie! Have you seen him? He got lost and I..." The woman sank down in a chair, sobbing into her hands after blasting saliva at one poor officer.  

"...Hyunnie?" Suho heard and looked at the boy he held in his arms. "Hyunnie! Is that mommy?" He pointed towards the woman. Hyunnie squinted at the woman and gave a yelp of delight. "YES! MOMMY!" He leaped out of Suho's arms and raced towards the woman, who gave an astonished look bdfore grabbing the boy up and giving him a bear hug. "Mommy! That ajussi brought me here!" Suho was about to walk out of the bulding when he heard hyunnie's voice. 'Ajussi? haha, Suho, you are becoming old...' He laughed to himslef. The mother ran up and thanked Suho profusedly. Ahh...he felt great after doing a good deed. Deciding to walk back to the cafe, he realised 3 things. 1. He forgot about Kris. 2. He was lost. 3. He left his phone in the office when Kris just pulled him out. 

"Oh gosh. I was helping someone who got lost and now I am lost. The irony..." He decided to try to navigate his way back. He certainly wouldn't want to walk back to the station and say, "I'm lost." The officer would probably laugh his head off. 

Just as he started to think he really should go back to thye station and embarrass himself, he heard a cry. Someone shouting his name. "...Suho! SUHO! SUHOOO!" He spun around to see Kris running towards him. He held two drink s in his hand and he was sweating buckets; his shirt had gone a shade darker. Suho felt really bad.

"Mr Wu!" He ran towards him. Kris slowed down and bent down, one hand holding his drink and leaning on his knee, the other hand raising Suho's drink up to him. All the while panting really hard. "OH..Kris, sit down for a while!" Suho pulled Kris to a nearby bench. "' you know how hard I tried to find you?!" Kris yelled at him after getting his breathe back. "One minute you were behind me sitting at the table, the next minute, you were gone! Where did you go?!"

Suho looked down and said apologetically, "I'm really sorry!"

Kris squeezed Suho's arm," I was jst really worried about you. Umm..Don't disappear like that anymore, Suho." Suho looked down at Kris' hand on his arm. They both blushed. Suho looked really cute like that andKris had to stop himself from staring. "Umm...Do you want to tell me what happened?"

And Suho blinked and proceeded to tell his tale as they sipped their drinks. Kris laughed really hard at the part where Hyunnie called Suho an ajussi. Suho paused and just looked at the laughing boy. He was completely transfixed.

 "What...Is there something on my face?" Kris looked at Suho worriedly. Suho blinked,"AH! No. Nothing. I mean, there's nothing on your face." His face turned into the first colour of the rainbow and he started fanning himself. How embarrassing! He had just been caught staring! "Isn't...Isn't it really hot today? Let's..Let's go back to the office, Kris."

Suho stood up, but Kris stopped him. "You called me Kris. I like it. Don't ever call me Mr Wu again."

Suho's eyes widened. 


A/N: I know! I'm sorry! This didn't turn out as good as I hoped. Don't worry! There's more to come...I'll write better when I have more time...^^ It's 12am now and my mom's buggging me to go to sleep (so she can use the com -.-) 


HELLO BOYS! IT IS CHRISTMAS! WHY YOU NO SMILING AND JUMPING AND BEING THE DORKS YOU ARE???? What a depressing christmas themed song. And Tao cried. TAO NO CRY!!

   how cute ^^

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[1/4/14] (The Stars) Ooh, look at the date, isn't it pretty. ANYWAY, I updated guys...


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2438 streak #1
Chapter 18: awwww... wish there was more of this!
Suho is too cute here
2438 streak #2
Chapter 13: awwww... Kris silently taking care of Suho...
how sweet! but imo, he just left like that assuming Suho wouldn't know how to get to the office on his own... man, Suho has lived his life on his own, what makes Kris think he wouldn't be resourceful?
2438 streak #3
Chapter 12: best April Fool's joke chapter imo!
Kris singing and dancing to Galaxy Supernova LMAOOOOOO
2438 streak #4
that is why you don't wander when it's night time! HAHAHAHA
2438 streak #5
cyfome #6
Chapter 18: ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤!!!!!!
^ω^ ^.^ ^O^ ~ω~
Chapter 18: Soooo cuteeeeeee. I can't wait for updates ?
anonymous87 #8
Chapter 18: Pls update....the story is A.W.E.S.O.M.E!!!!!!!
2438 streak #9
Chapter 18: HAHA! the gif is cute!
i have to read everything from the start again tho... i feel kinda lost with this new chapter... it's been a while!