The WARM side of Chanyeol

Love In The Library

“What are you doing here all alone..?”, You was startled .

You turned around and saw Chanyeol is looking at you while holding a bag full of groceries.

“Bouya Park Chanyeol.. You scared me!”, You shouted.

Chanyeol laughed. “What are you doing here..?”, Chanyeol asked face full of concern.

“I…. I lost the last bus..”, You lied.

“Really? Then, why don’t you stay over my house for today?”, Chanyeol gave you a smile.

“That..”, You stopped for a while. “Sounds great..”.

When you arrived at Chanyeol’s house, It was a bit small but comfortable. He entered the house slowly and you saw an old lady giving Chanyeol the most beautiful smile ever.

“Aigoo.. Uri Chanyeol-yah is arrived..?”, The old lady beamed while Chanyeol’s head.

“Grandma, the doctor said you need to eat this medicine three times a day!”, Chanyeol explained and passed the plastic full of medicine.

“Ah.. Komawo..”, His grandma looked to you. “  Aigoo.. is this your girlfriend, Chanyeol-yah..?”, His grandma asked teasing him a bit.

Chanyeol blushed. “ aniyo! This is my friend, She wanted to stay over for today because there is no more bus left..”, Chanyeol explained and gave his grandma the sweetest smile.

“ooh.. Really? Well then, make yourself comfortable..”, She beamed and smiled.

“Ah.. Thank you…”, You bowed full with respect.

You followed Chanyeol as he entered his house. When he opened the door revealing the living room, There’s about 5 or 6 kid .

“Hyung! You’re back! We thought that we’re going to starve to death!”, One of them shouted.

“Oppaa! Yuri can’t stop crying!”, One of them shouted again.

“Hyung! Help me finish my math homework!”, One of them wearing a spectacle shouted.

“Arasso! Arasso~”, Chanyeol shouted back. While you sit there awkwardly.

“oooh Hyung! You got a new wife, Huh?”, One of them teasing with a very.. very.. naughty smile.

“yahhh! Stop it!”, Chanyeol  shouted a bit joking. All of them laughed.

“Yah, you guys want Ramen or something else?”, Chanyeol asked .

“Ramenn!”, They all shouted in unison. Chanyeol smiled. “Soo Yeon-ahh,  Can you help me make Ramen?”, He smiled to you.

“Ah, s-sure.”, You answered.

“Okay, help me cut the carrot!”, Chanyeol pat your back lightly.

“Ah, okay..”, You mumbled and grabbed the knife.

There is about 3 or 4 minutes of silence when suddenly Chanyeol started the conversation.

“The kids are cute aren’t they..?”, .

“Huh? Oh.. Yes they are..”, You answered .

“They are the reason why I’m still manage to alive.. “, He smiled and looked to the sky.

Is this really Chanyeol..? The stupid guy that do weird things everyday..?’, You thought to yourself in disbelief. ‘ This is like Chanyeol’s twin but with a warm heart..’. You thought to yourself again and stared to Chanyeol’s face.

“Is there anything on my face that you’re keep staring..?”, Chanyeol destroyed your dreamland with his word. “oohh! I know.. You’re falling for me aren’t you??”,

Shoot. I’m changing my thought about you.

“Aniyo. There is a bee on your face. “, You lied.

“Bee…?”, He looked into  your face and give you a are-you-serious face to me.

“Yeah. A biggg Bee.”, You answered and put all the carrot into the pot.

(wait. What..? there’s carrot in Ramen? Haha. Forget about it.)

“Aigoo~ Kajjah! Let’s go and help Yuri go to sleep”, Chanyeol grabbed your hand.

“Yuri.. stop crying and go to sleep.. aigoo…”, Chanyeol scratch his hair harshly when the youngest, Yuri can’t stop crying.

Finally , after 30 minute of aegyo, (fail) finally yuri went to sleep.

“ah.. finally!”, Chanyeol put his head on Yuri’s bed.

You laughed. “ May I ask, where’s your mom and father..?”, You braved yourself to ask.

“Mom and father..? nahh they died in an accident 1 year ago.. with my older brother Park Tan..”,

“Oh.. I’m sorry for asking..”, You rubbed the back of your neck.

“Kenchana..”, Chanyeol smiled. “ You look pretty today..”, He mumbled.

You blushed a bit but you tried so hard not to show. “Oh! Did someone blushed?”, Chanyeol teased you.

“Yahhh!”, You slapped his arm playfully.

But then suddenly,  the oldest among them came .

“Hyung. I’m sorry to disturb you but I think the Ramen is going to explode by anytime.”

Chanyeol looked confuse. “Ramen..?”, He tried to remember.

“Yahhh! Soo Yeon! We forgot about the Ramen!”, He shouted and fastly stood up.

“Ooh!!!! “, You shouted back as you realized.

Luckily, The ramen is still delicious. The seven of you eat the ramen deliciously. But suddenly your phone vibrated.


From :- Omma

Yahh Soo Yeon-ahh where are you? Do you know that I’m worry?


You slapped your forehead as you forgot about mom. You take your phone out and started to type.


From :- Soo Yeon

Omma, don’t worry.. I’m in my friend’s house. I’m going to stay over on his house since there’s no transportation left.


From :- Omma

Oh! ^o^ I see, I see.  It is a guy?? *Naughty smile*

Ahaha, have a good night, dear!


You smiled and replied, “ goodnight”. Then you closed your phone. Suddenly you remembered one more person to deal. That Lu Han.. ughhh.. You sighed.


To :- Lu Han

Lu Han, I’m sorry for just leaving your house like that. I’ll meet you  tomorrow then..

Have a good night… ^^


You closed your phone and continued eating.

“Okay, Soo Yeon-ahh.. You sleep here, okay? ^^ This is my mom’s room before she dead.”, Chanyeol show you the room and you entered the room slowly.

“Beautiful..”, You smiled. “ Huh..?”, Chanyeol asked as he’s  confused with your word.

“Your  mom..”, You smiled.” She’s beautiful.”, You stared to the picture.

“I know.. He looks like me right?”, Chanyeol make an aegyo imitating his mom in the pic.

You laughed.

“Finally.”, He smiled.

   “What?”, You asked.

“You’re laughing because of me.”, Chanyeol replied

Author’s note :- Omo.. Chanyeol so sweet ^o^

The truth is. I keep making everyone die. Hahaha I’m so heartless.

First, Yoona is died,

Second, Soo Yeon’s father is died,(really? I’m not sure. Lol)

Now, Chanyeol’s mom, dad and Older brother is died.

Ahahahaha.i’m so heartless (Lol I’m just kidding)

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