Chapter - 9

One-sided love afterall [ Discontinued ]

Chaerin told Chang Sun everything. Till the part where she was heart broken. She cried on his shoulder. Chaerin could tell Chang Sun everything without being regretful about it. Chang Sun woudn't judge until he heard the whole story. He would comfort her everytime. 

"It's okay. Everything will be alright. I just know it." He said hugging Chaerin tight.

Chaerin felt warmth and care surround her every time she was under Chang Sun's embrace. With every word he said, she would always believe it and sometimes even cry harder.

After sometime, it got quiet. Chang Sun was in deep thought until he looked at his beautiful sister sleeping soundly.

He carried her to her room and placed her lightly on her bed. He pulled the covers over her and looked around her neat room. He went towards her study table. He found a picture of the group. Chaerin was in between Jun Hyung and Ki Kwang. 

"Yong. Jun. Hyung. What have you done to my sister this time?" He sighed. 


The next morning, Chang Sun went into Chaerin's room and bouced up and down on her bed to wake her up.

"WAKE UP~~!! WAKE UP~~!!"

"I'm up! I'm up!" Chaerin surrendered. 

She grabbed her clothes and took a bath. When she got out of the bathroom, she packed her bag and took her phone and went downstairs to the dining room. There was alot of food. Her maids were probably trying to make her happy. She saw pancakes and started eating it. Then, she eyed a huge bowl of apple.

"Should I eat it? Or should I not? Will I be able to finish it? It's bigger than my fist. If I don't finish it, it's a waste. What should I do? This is hard!" She whined.

"Just eat it if you want to." Chang Sun said smirking.

She looked at it for awhile. She finally took it and took a huge bite. Chang Sun can't help but laughed at his cute sister. 

"Where are you going?" Chaerin said with full.

"Sending you to school." Chang Sun said and wiped .


"What do you mean why? I'm gonna meet your friends and some wrinkled teachers. Don't like it?" 

Chaerin shook her head. "Just weird."

Chang Sun looked at the time and was shocked. They were gonna be late.

"Look at you taking your own sweet time! Hurry up!" He said as he pulled her by the wrist.

"I'm not done eating this huge apple!" Chaerin whined.

"You can eat it on the way there."

In the car, they were singing loudly and were practically having a party!

When they arrived, everyone looked at them in awe. 

"Oh my god. It's them!"

"He's back!"

"I want to date him/her so badly!"

These remarks were heard. They tried their best to hold their laughter. When they reached the rooftop - where the group was, the group was once again silent. Chaerin became paranoid again. She brushed it off and would ask them later.

"Hyung! You're back!" Ki Kwang said as he hugged him.

"Why didn't you call? We could've picked you up!" Jinwoon said.

"You guys were at school! I couldn't interupt!"

"Oh, come on! The teachers would understand and we'd ditch anyway." Jun Hyung smirked.

"RIGHT! Oppa straight A student! Who would hate you?" Nicole added.

"And oppa is good-looking and handsome!" Hara chirped.

They conversed for awhile until Chang Sun had to go. Chaerin sent him off by herself. When she was about to step into class, she saw Jun Hyung sitting beside Hara at Hara's place. That was weird, Hara usually would go to his place instead. The next thing she saw shattered her heart. Jun Hyung pecked Hara on the lips. Chaerin felt tears forming. She ran to the rooftop and cried her heart out.


She looked up to find Ki Kwang looking at her with a worried expression. She wiped her tears and tried to run away but he grabbed her wrist. 


Sorry for this chappy! it . T.T MIANHEI!! This is one of those days when you just can't think straight. T.T SORRY!!

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oppasgizibe #1
Chapter 27: Aww you didn't continue your story it was good
I voted up to you cuz I know how hard it is sometimes to get back into writing
When that happens to me, I write one-shots or I just write stories on Word
I dont like myungstal. WaiiiiiiTT^TT
Oooh ashipta T.T well i'll my imagination work then ;)
I will try to read your others fics ! Fighting !
Are you going to come back to it later on or just like completely putting it out.
shineexsmxfamily #6
update please and continue this fic please!!
XxTenshi_KwonxX #7
Updateeee please don't give up <3
Yeay... they're friends again ;) I really like CLKikwang <3
Up to chapter 15. I don't hate Jun Hyung but I really dislike him here either for Hara or for CL. I like CL & Kikwang more. But then good friend like him are always needed ;) And Hara... please have some self pride...
And...why must she leave the group? Isn't Nicole's her best friend? Urgh depressed! Nice story <3
I haven't finish reading yet. but since Junhyung didn't care bout Hara I think Hara should be with someone else...