Chapter - 8

One-sided love afterall [ Discontinued ]

During the weekends, Chaerin visited her parents in Tokyo. She told the group that she was going too. Usually, even though she's away, they would be calling or texting her. But it was exceptionally quiet. She didn't mind. She needed some time alone anyways.


On Monday, Chaerin came a little late to school than usual. The group was waiting for her at their normal hide-out, the rooftop garden. The group was chattering (more like argueing) quietly. It became really quiet when they saw Chaerin walk up to them.

"Why did you guys go quiet? Was I iterupting something?" Chaerin asked awkwardly.

"N-no. Of course not. Nothing really." Jinwoon said looking a little nervous.

Chaerin was eye-ing them one by one. No one said anything and it was getting really awkward.

"Are you sure? You guys are acting a little weird?"  She looked at Nicole whose head was down. Like she was sad or maybe disappointed? She really wants to know what's going on.

"Yes. Let's go. Before we're all late!" Jun Hyung said with an awkward smile. 

They went down the flight of stairs. Chaerin was thinking what was going on. Maybe they were gossipng about her? Or a surprise party? Or maybe they knew her deepest darkest secret? Chaerin thought she was going paranoid. When they reached class, Caerin blocked the entrance and once again asked,

"What were you guys talking about? Before I go paranoid." 

"Chaerin, listen. Don't worry, it's nothing important. I'm tired right now, please?" Nicole said. Chaerin wanted to question some more but she saw Nicole's expression and felt guilty.


The group look at her with pityful eyes.

All the way through class, Chaerin was day dreaming. She was thinking. Thinking about her life. What will she do? She really don't know what to do after she graduates. She suddenly got sad. Why was she sad? She doesn't even know why. She felt tears forming. She looked up to stop it from falling down. Her friends were looking at her. They were worried.

After class, Chaerin went lunch alone. She had a free period after lunch. She decided to buy a coke at the convinience store nearby. She then went back to school and went to the rooftop. She sat quietly and just think about her life again. Tears were forming. She knew she was alone. So, she let her tears flow. But she was wrong. Ki Kwang was behind her, near the door. He wanted to talk to her, but he didn't want her to feel embarrassed, so he left.

When school ended, Chaerin left school without telling the group. She was walking home to her mansion. She loved that place. She loved her maids, everyone in the house actually. 

"I'm home." 

"Finally you're here. I've been waiting for you for over 2 hours. You know I don't like waiting!" said a familiar guy voice.

"Oppa..." Chaerin gasped.

"Miss me?" said Chang Sun, Chaerin's brother.

Chaerin nodded and ran towards him and hugged him tight.

Apparently, Chang Sun finished his studies in the states and is back to help their fathers business. Chaerin pulled him in a tight embrace again.

"Oppa, I have alot to tell you." 


Sorry for the late update, I'm really sorry!! :( FORGIVE ME AND ENJOY! I was searching for an artist with 'Lee' as their surname. So, Why not Joon? I use his real name btw. ENJOY PLEASE AND TELL ME BOUT IT! :D

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oppasgizibe #1
Chapter 27: Aww you didn't continue your story it was good
I voted up to you cuz I know how hard it is sometimes to get back into writing
When that happens to me, I write one-shots or I just write stories on Word
I dont like myungstal. WaiiiiiiTT^TT
Oooh ashipta T.T well i'll my imagination work then ;)
I will try to read your others fics ! Fighting !
Are you going to come back to it later on or just like completely putting it out.
shineexsmxfamily #6
update please and continue this fic please!!
XxTenshi_KwonxX #7
Updateeee please don't give up <3
Yeay... they're friends again ;) I really like CLKikwang <3
Up to chapter 15. I don't hate Jun Hyung but I really dislike him here either for Hara or for CL. I like CL & Kikwang more. But then good friend like him are always needed ;) And Hara... please have some self pride...
And...why must she leave the group? Isn't Nicole's her best friend? Urgh depressed! Nice story <3
I haven't finish reading yet. but since Junhyung didn't care bout Hara I think Hara should be with someone else...