

CHAPTER ONE   “Imperfection”

He was hiding under his bed covering hid ears, you would think this would be a childish thing to do at the age of 18 right? Not for this boy, well man.
He shuts hit eyes tight and holds his breathe as the screaming of his drunken father echoes throughout his household. They had a small household, not the wealthiest family and it was their sons fault, Jongin's fault.
Jongin stays under his bed knowing his drunk father is sure to snap his neck because, well anything really, his father lost meaning in his beating lately. No real meaning just got a laugh and to see Jongin in pain.
His parents were ruthless, his mother was out either gathering more alcohol for Jongin's father for drugs for herself.
Jongin hating this life but it was his, they were not the wealthiest because of his parents addictions but they blame him.
A boom bellowed through the house causing Jongin to flinch and let out the tiniest squeak and he quickly returned to biting his lip and holding his lip in his teethes grip hard.
He could see the bright hall light shine in from under his damaged door to his room, and his fathers shadow walking around but not directly to him, of course Jongin was strong but he couldn't beat his father.
Soon a small vibration went off in Jongin's side and he let out a tiny sigh of relief an looked at it, it was from his friend, he slowly and quietly pulled it out even under his tiny bed this was a hard task.
His friend asked him if he wanted to come to the party at 11:00pm today and of course being Jongin he responded with a simple "Hell Yes" and slipped the phone away.
Jongin came out from under his bed slowly not letting his father see him, Jongin tip toed to the window in his room oh so slowly, quietly.
His room was messy, the sheets scattered around the bed and floor around it, books and papers completely spilled everywhere and pencils spread out on the floor, along with clothes.
His simple closet held a lot, but no enough, Jongin keeps what he calls "Swag" like clothes in his closet and then one school uniform somewhere in there but he doesn't go to school enough to care.
The booming echoed more in his house and Jongin flinched as he was just an inch out the window.
He stayed still for a moment and waited for something but nothing so he jumped out and landed on the soft dirt ground easily.
Jongin soon heard his father smash through into his room "Where the are you! You ungrateful up!" he shouted and Jongin stayed low out the window rolling his eyes not really caring about his fathers harsh words.
His father slurped more vodka from his almost empty bottle and when it was empty he threw it out Jongin's window startling him, his father stomped out and Jongin let out a sigh, he ran a hand through his hair blonde hair and shoved his hands into his pockets and started to walk to his friends.
This was a usual thing for Jongin, his parents could care less what he did, his whole life actually, since he was in grade 5 before that everything was fine, happy even, Jongin's cold personality was always warmed with memories of his parents when he was really young.
They would always encourage him to dance, Jongin loves dancing and he couldn't be without it but since he got older his parents loved things more than him and seemed to want to disown Jongin.
Hearing the words "We would rather kill you!" from his own mother could really burn someone, that was when he was only in grade 6 and that's when he went cold, ice sharded his heart and he literally couldn't take the pain so he stopped loving everything.
Jongin's daily 'schedule' is going to school coming home to screaming from the one parent who is home, and then sneaking out to a party or getting kicked out for the night because his mother hates him.
Jongin knows no one loves him, he knows for a fact the girls he sleeps with, he doesn't like it oddly but he knows they want him for one reason and to feel wanted somehow gets him, but the next morning he turns cold again and leaves them knowing love it never a good thing.
As Jongin reaches his friends huge home and presses the buzzer and soon a voice comes on "Hello-" the voice is a deep one "Chanyeol it's Jongin let me in" Jongin spoke calmly and a chuckle could be heard "Man! I've been waiting for you, come in" 
Jongin new his friends of course, they were his "buddies" and he kinda trusted them but never tells them anything, Jongin walks through the large gates up the path with potted ferns lined up the sides of the path as he glances at them he let's out a scoff "ing rich kid" he muttered under his breath.
When Jongin get's to the door he knocks and a tall man with black hair styled, with a button up plaid shirt and blue skinny jeans and white tee underneath his button up answered "Damn Jongin bud we've been waiting" he smiled earning Jongin to slightly cringe along with a weak smile back.
Jongin walks away from Chanyeol and 'Ciara's Ride It' echoes the house and Jongin goes right to the bar and get's a simple beer, or two, maybe three or more.
Soon enough like always the normal party Jongin shows up, drunk and dancing on the dance floor, still drunk yet his dancing is still top notch. 
Everyone is drunk like who wouldn't be at a end of summer party.
A small girl pulls on his arm and he swiftly turns sending a smirk her way earning her to giggle and pull him to a room.
Jongin walks up the stairs with this girl and once he reaches up the stairs in a hall he pins her up against the wall and trails kisses on her neck and onto her chest earning a soft gasp from her and a smile on her face.
Jongin takes her hand to the nearest room and pleasures her to a full extent and she does her best for she is with Kim Jongin, apparent god at their school, sadly he is known for this.
Hours go by simply doing the simplest thing, . Jongin doesn't care though, once he awakes it's around 2am and he decides to leave. As he walked down the steps he sees teenagers sleeping in some odd places, of course some went home only a few were still here.
He exits and runs home, the street lights around him shine brightly but once he reaches his house the usual one streetlight near his home, flickers like always and he just goes into his window seeing nothing, hears nothing and knows his parents are now sleeping.
He lets out a sigh and goes into his bed removing his sneakers on the way and stumbling a bit from the drinking.
Jongin cuddles into his bed quietly "School tomorrow" he mutters to himself before shutting his eyes and falling asleep slowly.



 author's note Second chapter? I know very short but I had little time and his life is pretty self explanatory...  Jongin's life sounds pretty horrid don't it? Well don't worry he will soon learn happiness and have  a life he will love ^^ Love you subbies~

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So sorry for not updating -3- school is on my case and often normal procrastination but I promise chapter 8 soon ^^


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Chapter 20: ohmygosh... so many feelings, i can't ceep calm ♥♥♥ i read the story for a day and it's so good... i'm gonna re-read it again soon ♥
swbluey #2
As soon as I saw the title I though of the song by Cobra Stars ships. Without even knowing that you already had the fanfic linked with the song :p
Chapter 20: aww such a cute story :3 i love your writing style; simple yet interesting haha
Chapter 20: awww.. sweet love story...!! thanx for writing this fic.. ^^
Chapter 20: Aww. so cuteee! I cant stop smiling reading this story. good story! :D
Carlybarton #7
Chapter 20: So beautiful! *sobs* I smiled so much at the end :)
Chapter 20: //sobs it's done

so beautiful ;_;

"KIM KYUNGSOO" asdfghjkl!!!
I died!
PandaLovesMe #9

"I love you too, Kim Kyungsoo" ASDFSSFSA that made me cheerfully squeal :-) .

Holybuffalo! If that came true, i would enthusiastically flip tables :DDD. KAISOO's the cutest (sweetest) couple, i truly love and ship. ! This was totally a goooddd fic, authornim. Thumbs up :>