

CHAPTER ONE   “Party?”

Jongin got time to be with friends, hanging out with Chanyeol having a few smokes, grabbing a few drinks always normal stuff and usually the same things.
"Hey Jongin" Chanyeol called him over making Jongin turn his heels in his place and nodding towards Chanyeol to show he was listening "Who was that little twerp you were with?" he asked, Jongin rubbed the back of his neck and muttered under his breath.
"W-Well just some kid who got me kicked out of my period one class no big deal" Jongin murmured running his hands through his hair shoving them into his pockets after and leaning on a wall.
Chanyeol pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket and stuck a single one into his mouth, handing out to Jongin. 
Jongin popped it in while pulling out his lighter and flicking the bright yet small flame on with a flick of his thumb and puffed out a large cloud of smoke to the side. 
Chanyeol lifted a brow inhaling a puff, flicking the cigarette to the side letting a few ashes break off into the wind "You sure? He looked like he was pretty close?" He asked making Jongin sigh "I swear just some kid, he meant nothing, just a stupid little kid" 
Chanyeol nodded and pulled his phone out holding his cigarette in his mouth texting his girlfriend.
Jongin sighed running a  hand through his hair puffing out multiple clouds of smoke, and playing with them making rings with the smoke.
"Hey Jongin" Chanyeol looked at him as he flicked off his cigarette, earning a nod from Jongin "You up for a party tonight at Jessica's?" Jongin shrugged later just nodding in agreement "Sure man" Chanyeol nudged his friend Kris who was sitting on a rail flirting with yet another girl.
Jongin wasn't guilty for all the girls him and his friends played with, for all he cared they were just things they used when they were bored, yet Jongin always swore Kris flirted with some gymnast named Zitao all the time, while Chanyeol always 'hung' out with a boy on the choir named Baekhyun.
Jongin never bothered to ask about it knowing it would cause him a teasing for a week, he just stood on the side and watched from afar as girls would come to and either hang on his shoulder and whine until they got what they wanted.
He sighed looked at his friends, he puffed more until his cigarette met the nub and he wiped it on the ground and threw the bud away and leaned on the rail.
"Hey Jongin come on" Chanyeol said as they were walking down the stairs to Chanyeol's older sisters car, she was in her late 20's and yet she helped him do the crazy stuff he does.
Jongin nodded and ran down and jumped into the back with Kris, as Chanyeol sat in the front with Yura, his sister looked like Chanyeol with a female wig, slender nose, and thin eyes with very undefined cheek bones along with their dark raven hair, except Yura's hair reached her lower back while Chanyeol's was cut short.
Chanyeol spoke to his sister in the back bickering about some random food choice that Jongin had no particular interest in.
Kris nudged Jongin's side making Jongin's gaze from out the window to Kris' face with a raised brow "Dude tell my seriously who was that kid you were with" Jongin glared at Kris shoving his hands into his pockets "It was just a nobody, some loser kid who got me kicked out of my class"
Kris rose a brow "Whatever you say dude" he sighed pulling his phone out and texting who Jongin would assume Zitao, they almost always spoke and Jongin never knew why his friends were so flirtatious with males as they prove they only like females.
Jongin always thought about both genders and their habits, how Kris would sleep with more women then ever but then go and only flirt with Zitao.
Jongin shruged and stared out the window wondering what Kyungsoo was up to, if he got home safe, if he was happy and if he was thinking of him.
Kyungsoo rode in the limousine and half way there he was quite silent, as Mr.Jong got concerned "Master Do" Mr.Jong spoke in his elderly voice cracking at the seams, Kyungsoo lifted his head from his gaze on his hands in his lap.
"Huh? Oh uhm, yeah" Kyungsoo stuttered as he got knocked out his deep thoughts "Are you okay Master Do? You seem-" Mr.Jong took a hand off the wheel and waved it around slightly "-off" he continued.
Kyungsoo rose a brow "I'm fine Mr.Jong don't worry" Mr.Jong nodded "As long as you're okay" Mr.Jong sent Kyungsoo a soft smile making Kyungsoo chuckle oh so slightly at the elder mans crooked teeth and crinkled eyes almost souless.
As they drove through the busy streets "Mr.Jong" Kyungsoo gulped hard and looked at the elder in the mirror "Do I seem-" Kyungsoo gulped again blinking slowly as he glimpsed out the window as the houses got considerably better in appearance "-stiff? or off in a way" he asked, Mr.Jong raised a brow "Why would you ask such a thing?" 
Kyungsoo let out a heaving sigh "N-Nevermind" he muttered fiddling with his fingers in his lap making Mr.Jong nod "Of course Master Do, you can always ask me anything for advice, been on this planet a long time"
Kyungsoo smiled slightly "You're not that old Mr.Jong" Mr.Jong chuckled hoarsly and looked at the boy "Oh thank you Master Do but I am" Kyungsoo nodded not wanting to argue.
Jongin got to Chanyeol's place with his friends, Kris hopped out and landed swiftly and camly on the ground, dusting his sleeves off trying to look cool and slick. 
Chanyeol got out with Yura and they were like the twin towers, Yura's long black hair hung her sleek and thin back and Chanyeol's milky white skin on his neck glowed in the sunlight of the afternoon sun.
Jongin slipped out of the car lost in thought, Chanyeol's family was quite wealthy, they had a huge house with amazing sculpted details on the exterior and interior.
Jongin walked in and everything was set, a huge long table with nothing but food, vodka shots, bottles of beer, popcorn, chips, pizza and even whiskey for the hard drinkers.
Kris and Chanyeol raced to the table of food only to be blocked by a man with pitch black hair, very thin cheek bones and a few crinkles under his thin eyes, his arms crossed and his suit making his broad shoulders stand out well.
"Chanyeol you know this is for tonight" the man spoke in a formal tone, his voice very deep, almost deeper than Chanyeol's, Chanyeol scoffed and crossed his arms "Can't I have one drink Appa" he said in a stern and cold tone.
His father glared at him "No, it's for tonight, you wanted a party so we purchased nothing but the finest food and alcohol so save it"
Chanyeol crossed his arms "Whatever we can wait to get drunk" Chanyeol's father chuckled lightly and went to the front door "Your mother and I will be out possibly later than 2am and if we don't return we're in Gangnam" 
Chanyeol nodded "Okay Appa" he said in a monotone and we heard the front door slam and the car drive away.
Immediately everyone took their phones out and texted everyone they knew, Kris obviously texted Zitao telling him he had to come, Chanyeol called Baekhyun and started whining about Baekhyun not wanted to come but ending with Chanyeol cheering and smiling to himself about how Baekhyun agreed to come.
Jongin stayed silent on the couch as he got nudged and turned to face Yura, "Hey Jongin-" she started, Jongin smiled slightly "Hey Yura Noona~" 
"-Chanyeol says you were with a boy at the school, why don't you invite him" she said with a calm voice, her face was now decorated with winged eyeliner, shadow eye shadow and a swipe of clear gloss over her slightly pink tinted lips.
Jongin froze at the thought of Kyungsoo, he didn't have feeling towards this boy but to Jongin he was so intriguing to him. 
Yura nudged him again "Jongin-ah why don't you? You can use my car" she said and Jongin looked at her with soft eyes "I-I don't know" he muttered looking at his hands in his lap.
"Well he might have fun, you know Chanyeol's parties are always fun" Yura said with a slight smirk "Yeah but-" Jongin started glancing at the table of refreshments "-he's not like us, he isn't one to party or get drunk" 
Yura nodded "Oh I see, well you know this party will have some very gorgeous girls for you" Yura nudged him, not paying attention Jongin stopped and let his mind wander, thinking of Kyungsoo when his heart shaped smile his squinted eyes and shaggy ruby hair and the way he would rake his fingers inhis hair when he was nervous or staying quiet.
Jongin smiled to himself at the thought of Kyungsoo, Yura chuckled and nudged him "What are you smiling about" Jongin chuckled in his thoughts and looked at Yura "I-I'll be back alright" he said making Yura smiled "Of course, I'll tell the guys that you had to go out for a moment"
Jongin nodded as he got up "Thanks Yura" he said and smiled. Yura leaned back and looked at Jongin while laughing lightly "W-What?" Jongin asked crossing his arms 
"The more I look at you this year the more I remember how you are the same guy who flirted and slept with every girl, the coldest and the guy I know who teased the most is now all mushy" Jongin glared at her "I am not mushy" 
She chuckled "Mhm whatever you say" Jongin chuckled walking to the door and slipping his shoes on.
Jongin stood outside thinking about where Kyungsoo would live or his number. He walked out and looked around the rich like neighbourhood feeling like Kyungsoo lived here, considering he went home in a limousine. 
Jongin stopped at the thought of the limousine and blinked a few times and walked down the lonely dimly lighted streets.
Kyungsoo got home, it was quiet. A maid ran to him, he feet running quietly and swiftly "Master Do, Mistress and Mister said they would be out for the night, possibly for a week or two depending on when they return from China" Kyungsoo nodded "Thank you Minli~" he said in a kind and calm tone.
Her eyes widened "H-How do you know my name?" Kyungsoo chuckled looking at the short blonde haired girls soft ocean blue eyes "I just think it's polite to know your names instead of just calling you maid number whatever"
She bowed "T-Thank you Master Do" she started "Would you like me to prepare you some food" she asked making Kyungsoo shook his head "No thank you, I can myself" 
"Master Do, Mistress said-" Kyungsoo hushed her "I don't care what my mother said, I would prefer none of you do anything for me" Kyungsoo glanced at the door "In fact, tell the other maids and you yourself take a break while my parents are home"
Minli's eyes widened and it seemed the once milk skin got paler "W-What?" she asked making Kyungsoo chuckle "I'm serious, please I don't need maids I can do things myself" 
Minli's breathe got heavy "I-If you're sure" she muttered quietly and ran off to the basement where the maids stayed informing them they can take a break.
Kyungsoo stands back as many of the maids bow and walk out of the house and take their breaks.
Kyungsoo checked to see if Mr.Jong went home and maids were gone. Kyungsoo looked around outside and walked outside for a walk outside as the sun settled and the sky turned darker.
Jongin walked slowly his head down not wanted to go back to Chanyeol's, in his mind a party was the last thing he wanted, and home was not the option he wanted considering if he returned his father would leave more permanent marks all over his arms and torso.
Jongin looked over down the street, the weakly lit street lights shadowing something down the street. Jongin squinted his eyes walking towards the now moving shadowed figure. 
He saw a glimpse of a red top and widened his eyes walking faster "K-Kyungsoo?" he muttered to himself in a low tone. 
The boy turned hearing foot steps, he turned making his eyes wider than they already were "Jongin?" he muttered looking at the blonde haired, built boy in front of him.




 author's note *crawls out from under rock* oh em gee guys I am so sorry this took so long I was just lazy and like didn't write although this took my weeks to do just because I have been on a serious mind block lately... anyways I love you subbies~

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So sorry for not updating -3- school is on my case and often normal procrastination but I promise chapter 8 soon ^^


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Chapter 20: ohmygosh... so many feelings, i can't ceep calm ♥♥♥ i read the story for a day and it's so good... i'm gonna re-read it again soon ♥
swbluey #2
As soon as I saw the title I though of the song by Cobra Stars ships. Without even knowing that you already had the fanfic linked with the song :p
Chapter 20: aww such a cute story :3 i love your writing style; simple yet interesting haha
Chapter 20: awww.. sweet love story...!! thanx for writing this fic.. ^^
Chapter 20: Aww. so cuteee! I cant stop smiling reading this story. good story! :D
Carlybarton #7
Chapter 20: So beautiful! *sobs* I smiled so much at the end :)
Chapter 20: //sobs it's done

so beautiful ;_;

"KIM KYUNGSOO" asdfghjkl!!!
I died!
PandaLovesMe #9

"I love you too, Kim Kyungsoo" ASDFSSFSA that made me cheerfully squeal :-) .

Holybuffalo! If that came true, i would enthusiastically flip tables :DDD. KAISOO's the cutest (sweetest) couple, i truly love and ship. ! This was totally a goooddd fic, authornim. Thumbs up :>