First Day -Pure-


CHAPTER ONE   “First Day -Pure-”

Kyungsoo wakes up, sweat covers his chest and his plaid bottoms stick to his legs and he whines in a bit of irritation,he leans over and turns off his alarm and sits up stretching his arms up letting out a groan.
He swings his legs off his bed and stretches them out letting the sounds of the cracks of his stiff bones fill the room.
He slips out of bed and walked to his own bathroom for a shower, he grabs his towels and hangs them up on the door hangers and turns the taps for the water leveling out the hot and cold for the perfect warm shower.
Once the water is at his pleasing he hops in and lets the warm shower rinse away half the stress that was still there after his sleep. His ruby hair now full of shampoo he washes it well and conditions it fully and washes out all the soap then washing his body.
After he finishes his shower he puts the towel around his waist and goes to his mirror, drying and combs his hair over to one side, the sides were shaved so he could simply style it if he wished.
He looked into the mirror, despite all the compliments he received he was so self conscious, you wouldn't think so considering how calm and relaxed he is on the outside.
He hates his large eyes, enormous lips and puffy cheeks, he hated his physical appearance yet appeared unaffected by life itself. He hated his narrow shoulders and height for he was so short, he hated his body in ways not even he could explain but he tried not to let petty things like appearance bother him.
He went to the couch in his room and put on his school uniform, he slowly buttoned up his shirt while glaring at his reflection, and pulled up his trousers and finally swinging on the navy jacket matching the trousers.
Kyungsoo looked at his appearance and nodded straightening his back and trying to look formal again for no one is ever happy in the morning right?
A knock on his door brought his attention to the door "Come in" he spoke softly and a maid came in a new one "Where is Mili?" he asked and she looked down "Mili is ill so I am working for her today" the smaller maid spoke in a quiet tone an Kyungsoo nodded and walked up to her bending down to her height "What's your name?" he smiled genuinely and she looked up at him "M-My names Fei" 
He stood up and looked down at her and smiled "Fei-" he her head causing her to flinch "Fei you are beautiful" he smiled at the young girl who appeared only in her early teens.
Fei nodded "T-Thank you Sir" she nodded and returned to a formal stance "Mistress Do & Master Do are awaiting you to come down for breakfast before school" she earned a small nod from Kyungsoo "Thank you I'll be down soon" 
Fei curtsied and left the room her long brown hair flowing behind her as she walked at a fast pace.
Kyungsoo lightly chuckled at her innocence, he made his bed carefully trying to make as little work for the maids as usual. Kyungsoo grabbed his bag and swung it over his shoulder and walked out of his room closing his door slowly.
Kyungsoo walks down the steps slowly and got to the bottom "Darling" his mother cooed from the kitchen and the tapping of her blackberry could be heard from the living room and he let out sigh and stood straight walking to the kitchen.
When he entered his mother and father didn't bother looking up for one moment it was like it was just their phones and them Kyungsoo was nonexistent but that wasn't true they loved him so dearly just their jobs were important.
Kyungsoo coughed lightly and sat at a chair at the kitchen island and grabbed an apple and shined it on his jacket and took a bite and his mother must have noticed and shot her head up "Kyungsoo darling eat something more" she looked at him with big eyes.
He simply nods not wanting to pick an argument with her and accepts the plate he received which was way more than he would like, it had an omlette, fried bacon at least 5 pieces and 3 slices of toast, he held in a wanting sigh and eats the food feeling way too full afterwards.
"Hun your limousine is outside" Kyungsoo's mother spoke quietly and in a monotone staring at her phone and tapping away and Kyungsoo nodded and got up, his mother got up along with him and went over and kissed his forehead "Have an amazing day sweety~" she cooed and Kyungsoo showed  a week smile.
His father got up and walked to him and out his hand on his shoulder and patted it not speaking, his father was a man of few words, he barely heard him speak about anything other than his job.
Kyungsoo just stood there and turned his heels and walked to the front door tapping in the security code for his home before leaving holding his bag.
He walked to his limousine and smiled and got in "Hello Master Do" the chauffeur spoke happily and he smiled "Greetings Mr.Jong" someone Kyungsoo trusted the most it was Mr.Jong.
Mr.Jong was his chauffeur in grade five to now and has always been like a best friend to Kyungsoo when he wasn't allowed to have friends, his parents wanted him to focus more on his music.
Kyungsoo loved music but being forced into the buissness was another story, but Mr.Jong listened to everything he ever had to say, he doesn't speak much but when he is around Mr.Jong he talks non-stop and listens to his issues and problems since he doesn't want to bother his parents with them.
"How was your summer Master Do" Kyungsoo smiled "It was okay Mr.Jong" Kyungsoo sat in the back and left the barrier down to he can see into the chauffeur room.
"Anything new?" he chuckled his same old laugh for a old man he knew a lot and was so wise.
"Well same old same old Mr.Jong, I mean same old opinion on the life I live I mean I hate even walking down the stairs, I love my parents but they surely are very stingy" Kyungsoo sits back crosses his legs he never spoke this much ever, unless to Mr.Jong.
"Well Master Do you have to understand your parents can be very strict when it comes to way of living" Mr.Jong new many things well, including Kyungsoo's parents.
"Thanks Mr.Jong" Kyungsoo nodded and Mr.Jong just chuckled and continued speaking "Don't worry Master Do they will soon understand you well" Kyungsoo smiled genuinely "Of course Mr.Jong" 
"We're here Master Do" Mr.Jong spoke calmly and gave a small smile to Kyungsoo through the mirror and Kyungsoo nodded.
Mr.Jong got up and went to open the door for Kyungsoo "No Mr.Jong" Kyungsoo said calmly "It's fine I can do it" Mr.Jong rose a brow "But Mast-" 
"No it's fine" Kyungsoo spoke calmly and got out of the  limousine and grabbed his bag swinging it around his shoulder and waved to Mr.Jong "Bye Mr.Jong" he spoke quietly "Bye Master Do have a nice day" Mr.Jong rose his window and Kyungsoo could no longer see him due to tinted windows.
Kyungsoo watched as the limousine drove off the road the dust from the cracked streets flying behind the tires, Kyungsoo turned and saw the school, large and an amazing structure.
Kyungsoo let out a sigh as he walked down the path to the front door and as he walked down the path people stared, he earned cold glares from guys and swoons and staring from girls almost falling over.
Kyungsoo just stayed calm and walked to the door and opened the door breathing in and closing his eyes opening them ready for the day, but not really but his personality will keep him demeanor.



 author's note School starting soon ^^ and I shall make the next update Jongin's side of this morning so whenever I do these one sided things you can make sure the next chapter will be the other persons side...  love you subbies~

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So sorry for not updating -3- school is on my case and often normal procrastination but I promise chapter 8 soon ^^


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Chapter 20: ohmygosh... so many feelings, i can't ceep calm ♥♥♥ i read the story for a day and it's so good... i'm gonna re-read it again soon ♥
swbluey #2
As soon as I saw the title I though of the song by Cobra Stars ships. Without even knowing that you already had the fanfic linked with the song :p
Chapter 20: aww such a cute story :3 i love your writing style; simple yet interesting haha
Chapter 20: awww.. sweet love story...!! thanx for writing this fic.. ^^
Chapter 20: Aww. so cuteee! I cant stop smiling reading this story. good story! :D
Carlybarton #7
Chapter 20: So beautiful! *sobs* I smiled so much at the end :)
Chapter 20: //sobs it's done

so beautiful ;_;

"KIM KYUNGSOO" asdfghjkl!!!
I died!
PandaLovesMe #9

"I love you too, Kim Kyungsoo" ASDFSSFSA that made me cheerfully squeal :-) .

Holybuffalo! If that came true, i would enthusiastically flip tables :DDD. KAISOO's the cutest (sweetest) couple, i truly love and ship. ! This was totally a goooddd fic, authornim. Thumbs up :>