


Kyungsoo walked out of the cafe, he was never interested in eating cafe food, he never ate lunch anyways.
He looked around the halls and saw what he was looking, the music room, well really it was the dance studio, but the music room sat behind it, no one ever came here during lunch so Kyungsoo always took advantage of it.
He looked around and saw a grand piano, something he had at home, exactly the same, black layering and gold frame accompanied by a red velvet cushion on the bench.
Kyungsoo sat down and carefully cracked his hands and placed his fingers oh so elegantly on the keys and played song he enjoyed since he was young.
'Anya Marina - Satellite Heart'
He played the song lightly and sang the song calmly and quietly picking his voice up at the chorus and each verse flowed from his large lips beautifully.
Kyungsoo's mother used to sing this when he was young, when his parents weren't always concerned of their precious jobs, when he was young, and as soon as Kyungsoo got older they lost interest because he was older and could do things on his own right.
Meanwhile, Jongin was with his friends laughing away and picking out girls in the cafe they have slept with, making jokes about other guys and picking at them harshly.
"Hey Jongin-" his friend Kris called him out, who was tall and had sharp features, large eye brows shooting down as if he was constantly angry, his eyes were very direct and his hair a golden blonde with dark like roots.
Jongin turned his attention to Kris and nodded to show he was now paying attention not without looking behind Kris at a girl who was wearing a hot pink tight skirt showing half of her and white tank with a bra pushing her s up way to high for the comfort of the other students.
"Jongin-" Kris called again and Jongin focused and nodded, "Who was that little twerp with you earlier?" Kris asked obviously in a rude tone, causing Chanyeol to nod in agreement and get into this conversation "Yeah was he your boyfriend or something?" Chanyeol said jokingly and lightly punched Jongin's arm.
Jongin did like the boy, he was adorable, petite and quite fascinating to Jongin but he just shook his head regardless his friends harsh comments "Don't be idiots, I would never date a guy, besides he is just a little snot who got me kicked out of Math nothing special" Jongin chuckled and his friends along.
"You sure?-" his friend Suho joked, his hair pitch black and shot up styled well, he was considered the boss or head of Jongin's group of friends, Jongin turned his head to him and Suho continued "-Because you two looked very comfy"
Jongin chuckled and shook his head "Just a little I swear" Jongin said heartlessly, he was unaffected by his cruel words but he just met Kyungsoo, he meant nothing to him.
Jongin finished eating his lunch and waved to his friends and they just nodded to him and continued pointing and jokingly picking at some smaller freshmen and staring at some girls around the cafe.
Jongin thought hard about his friends words, he didn't mean to be rude or cruel to the boy he met today, he just felt a knot in his stomach and needed some release.
He walked around the school in search of the dance studio and soon found it next to the gym, not to be mistaken with the dance studio, the gym held weights and yoga mats. The dance studio had a mirror and a horizontal bar in front of it for ballet the back wall was designed with cloudy like wallpaper and floor was a calm bronze a but lighter than a harsh bronze.
The music room behind the wallpaper like curtains on the back wall. He put his iphone onto the dock in the room and was about to press the start when he heard a soft melody in the room.
It wasn't a recording, someone was singing but Jongin had no idea who, or where it was coming from, he heard the soft melody and broke into a soft and quiet contemporary dance.
To Jongin dance was a way of expression, his second self, he could dance freely and no one could tell him otherwise.
When he heard this melody, he felt free and felt like he would never want to dance to anything else, only this song, no, this voice.
Jongin's eyes bulged when he heard the melody clearly "oh my god" he whispered to himself remembering the voice from sometime last year when he was walking through the halls and heard this voice singing and he felt happy, he wanted to dance to only this voice.
He heard a piano and felt surprised someone was here, no one was ever really using the piano. He knew the room with a piano was the music room behind the curtains, he quietly walked to the curtains.
As Kyungsoo let the piano and his singing continue he heard footsteps, him being very silent and observant he could hear faint noises even under the large boom of a piano.
He got up and ran to find somewhere to hide and quickly saw a stack of boxes and hide behind them, his breaths were shaky and uneven, his hair tousled and his tie a little too loose.
The person looked behind the curtains with a puzzled look covering his face covered in sweat and he looked around "Hello" he called and Kyungsoo felt his eyes go wider than they already were, "J-Jongin" he whispered to himself and soon covered his mouth with his hands his breath getting shakier.
"Anyone in here?" Jongin asked rubbing his neck "I heard you singing, you're quite good" Jongin kept talking even if he thought there was no one there.
Kyungsoo stayed hidden behind the tall stack of boxes covered by a sheet layered in dust.
Jongin shook his head "Sorry if I made you run away" he bowed and turned "I love your voice" he said quietly before closing the curtains and walking away.
Kyungsoo let out a large breathe and wiped his forehead getting up, he fixed his now ruffled coat, tightened his tie and fixed his hair and grabbed his bag and peeked out of the room to see Jongin sitting and leaning on the mirror with his phone in his hands texting.
Kyungsoo flinched when the bell rung and it was time for him to go to his next class, he grabbed his schedule and it said he had Music with Mrs.Sahr and he heaved a sigh and looked out the curtain again and saw Jongin was gone and slightly grinned to himself. 
Not that he was shy to sing in front of people, he just didn't like singing in front of people he doesn't know, especially this Jongin character.
Kyungsoo gathered himself and looked for the classroom in the music room to wait for the teacher, as he waited he brought out his lyric book and started to scribble lyrics down waiting patiently.
Jongin looked around for his gym locker so he could throw his dance clothes into it. 
He noticed a locker 288 and looked at his sheet noticing that is was indeed his locker and opened it quickly throwing his gym clothes away so he could make it to his next class, music of course right, he could dance but not sing.
Good thing he was already in the room right? He came out of the locker room and saw the music room only had one person, Kyungsoo.
He stopped and gazed at the small boy, his eyes glued to a paper writing, he walked up to him and smirked and leaned on Kyungsoo's arched back and looked over his shoulder, "Whatcha writing?" he muttered softly into Kyungsoo's ear causing him to jump in his seat making his paper fly onto the floor.
Kyungsoo glared at Jongin, then sighed cooling down "I was writing" he answered calmly and gathered his papers shoving them into his bag and sitting in his seat.
"Early are we?" Jongin asked smiling and sitting into a seat next to Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo nodded getting Jongin to chuckle "Same I guess" he muttered and turned so his eyes met the front of the room, Jongin leaned back into his seat and stretched his legs out underneath the desk.
Before their conversation could continue the Mrs.Sahr entered and nodded "I see I have two early birds" she chuckled lightly and Jongin nudged Kyungsoo's shoulder smiling and Kyungsoo could already tell this would be a long music class.



 author's note So how do you KaiSoo shippers love the double update, I know I made this short,, and I know I make some chapters shorter than others and I'm sorry so did you like this though?  huh? huh? You do? Great *smiles* I hope you all life this remember to comment, upvote and subscribe and comment I like knowing all your opinions you know ^^ Love you subbies~

music featured in chapter + link
'Anya Marina - Satellite Heart'

» layout credit

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So sorry for not updating -3- school is on my case and often normal procrastination but I promise chapter 8 soon ^^


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Chapter 20: ohmygosh... so many feelings, i can't ceep calm ♥♥♥ i read the story for a day and it's so good... i'm gonna re-read it again soon ♥
swbluey #2
As soon as I saw the title I though of the song by Cobra Stars ships. Without even knowing that you already had the fanfic linked with the song :p
Chapter 20: aww such a cute story :3 i love your writing style; simple yet interesting haha
Chapter 20: awww.. sweet love story...!! thanx for writing this fic.. ^^
Chapter 20: Aww. so cuteee! I cant stop smiling reading this story. good story! :D
Carlybarton #7
Chapter 20: So beautiful! *sobs* I smiled so much at the end :)
Chapter 20: //sobs it's done

so beautiful ;_;

"KIM KYUNGSOO" asdfghjkl!!!
I died!
PandaLovesMe #9

"I love you too, Kim Kyungsoo" ASDFSSFSA that made me cheerfully squeal :-) .

Holybuffalo! If that came true, i would enthusiastically flip tables :DDD. KAISOO's the cutest (sweetest) couple, i truly love and ship. ! This was totally a goooddd fic, authornim. Thumbs up :>