

CHAPTER ONE   “Classes”

Kyungsoo walks into the school, back straight and his face calm like normal, he looks around at all the people either running to class or running to get their schedules. 
Kyungsoo calmly walks to the office and see's the girl behind the counter, she is chewing gum and a bleached bob cut, she twirled her bubble gum with her index finger the scent of old gym clothes and vanilla wafted through the room.
Kyungsoo cleared his throat, earning a glare from the girl that could cut the air between them, she returned her glance to her phone and started to tap away and Kyungsoo cleared his throat a second time getting a scoff from the girl.
Kyungsoo let out a sigh and stood there calmly and patiently, at least thirty minutes passed, many students went to their classes while Kyungsoo was stuck waiting for this girl to hand him his schedule. 
Usually someone with a lot of patience, Kyungsoo got quite irritated, he want's to maintain his good grades but he can't if he can't get to class and if he can't get to class, goodbye grades.
Kyungsoo got up and cleared his throat and the girl scoffed "Can I help you?" she asked, her gum smacking louder with open, Kyungsoo stay's calm and glances around the room as she taps at her phone.
He looks around at the awards and posters on the school, posters that are supposed to encourage the students but instead earn laughs and scoffs at their stupidity.
Before Kyungsoo can speak a boy with blonde hair walks in, he wears his uniform in a lazy fashion and his trousers obviously not the uniform, he holds his bag in a sloppy manor, his deep brown eyes gaze into Kyungsoo's for a moment and break to the girl's hunched figure.
"Suzy~" the boy coo's and the girl's head shoots up "Jongin oppa~" she smiles and shoves her phone into her pocket and leans up to see face to face with this boy named Jongin.
"I am assuming you want your schedule~" she is obviously not trying to hide her swooning for this boy and he simply nods using his thumb to graze her cheek.
She bends over trying to show every inch of her legs and bottom and searches for Jongin's schedule and finds it quickly "Here you are oppa~" she smiles and traces her hand up his arm getting him to grin "Thanks Suzy~" 
Jongin glances at Kyungsoo, as he stands there calmly not angry nor annoyed just standing there with his arms behind his back looking at Jongin as he gets this girl to swoon over him.
Jongin walks past Kyungsoo gracefully, glancing at him and walking by without a thought and leaves but not without turning to look at Kyungsoo once more.
Kyungsoo sighs and walks to the desk "May I have my schedule" he asks calmly and Suzy sighs and shoves her phone away "Name?" she asks as she bends over to the box of schedules.
"Do Kyungsoo"
Suzy shoots up slightly and glares at Kyungsoo "K-Kyungsoo" she stutteres and he glances at her and nods not wanting to speak, just get to class "You've changed so much over the years, here" she hands Kyungsoo the paper and he nods and walks out without another word.
Kyungsoo walks through the halls in the school, lectures and lessons of many teachers echo through the empty halls, the only noises heard are the lessons from teachers, students chattering in classrooms and Kyungsoo's feet walking on the polished marble floors.
He looked at his schedule and saw his first class was math with a teacher named Mrs.Yoo in room 144.
Kyungsoo walks through the empty halls full of lockers, the scent of old and new food and old and tacky and cheap perfume and cologne swirled through Kyungsoo's nose causing him to scrunch it in slight disgust.
He glanced around and saw rooms 88 and 79 getting closer to room 144, Kyungsoo felt terrible for being late but if it wasn't for the stubbornness of that girl he would be on time.
But his calm and polite manor doesn't allow him to be rude nor pushy with anyone or anything in his way.
He may get annoyed but he keeps it hidden a lot of his time never showing any anger or frustration. 
"Finally" Kyungsoo sighs seeing the number 144 on a door and quickly walks to the room and knocks on the door "Annyeonghasyeo" he bows and walks in to take a seat "Name?" Mrs.Yoo asked and Kyungsoo glanced at her, her hair in a tight bun above her head, her grey and maroon suit and her makeup free face.
"Do Kyungsoo" he spoke calmly and took a seat unaware of the things around him "I see" Mrs.Yoo muttered and continued her lecture.
Kyungsoo quickly snatched his notepad and pencil out of his bag and started to write down everything he missed and everything she continued to write. Once he knew he was all caught up he looked up and saw everyone else in the class.
A few boys in the very front getting everything Mrs.Yoo said down, people in the back not paying attention at all just goofing around and throwing paper at each other.
As Kyungsoo wrote his notes quickly yet neatly murmuring could be heard from around him but he didn't care enough to turn around or even lift an eye off the paper.
Beside him sat that boy from the office, his blonde hair tousled, his uniform styled sloppily and he was just texting away on his phone not caring at all really, his head shot up when Mrs.Yoo was doing her usual scan around the room to make sure people were actually doing their work and not just slacking off the entire time like Kim Jongin would usually do.
As soon as Mrs.Yoo eyes Jongin for a few moments she turns to help another student on a equation. 
Kyungsoo scribbles his math notes into his book finishing quickly, while Jongin is struggling with a simple algebra question, he never even bothered with school so he failed everything.
Jongin quickly flipped his gaze from his empty sheet to his phone and tapped away making Kyungsoo cringe slightly, if there was anything he hated most was phones, he had one only for the purpose of emergencies which rarely happened and alarm and maybe a schedule but nothing else, he never texted anyone yet he had enough money to pay for it all he just didn't need it.
Kyungsoo looked around the room and saw Mrs.Yoo coming and he looked at the blonde boy, Jongin. Jongin's eyes were glued to his phone and Mrs.Yoo was coming.
Kyungsoo lightly nudged the younger males shoulder, Jongin shot his head up and gave Kyungsoo a cold glare "What!" he snapped and Mrs.Yoo came over right then and there and Jongin felt his blood boil beneath his skin.
"Well Mr.Kim are you Mr.Do enjoying your chat" Mrs.Yoo scolded them both, Kyungsoo wasn't mad a bit annoyed how he got blamed when he was going to tell Jongin to pay attention and Jongin just got even more furious with this small boy.
"Well you can both leave now and continue your chat outside" Mrs.Yoo continued, while Jongin let out a loud sigh of anger and got up pushing his desk and chair in front and behind him and stomping out.
Kyungsoo got up and gave an apologetic bow and walked out peacefully with his back straight and face calm.
Jongin and Kyungsoo left the room and Jongin immediately got pissed "You little " he murmured and stomped in front of Kyungsoo, his hands balled into fists and his face red all around.
Kyungsoo just stayed calm and speechless not really angry or anything anymore the annoyed feelings towards Mrs.Yoo dispersed.
Jongin turns to face Kyungsoo and his face is now a bit calmer, Jongin leans on a locker "Why aren't you angry?" he asked and Kyungsoo just sent him a careless shrug and walked to the library till next period.
Jongin ran to catch up with Kyungsoo "W-Where are you going?" he asked, Kyungsoo simply nodded towards the library and opened the doors to walk in.
Jongin looked around, he had never been here enough to look at it and it's beautiful structure. The shelves were handcarved honey wood with velvet cushion padding on each shelf holding the books carefully.
The carpet, a glorious sapphire blue seeming as if glimmering against the rays of sun shining through the white silk curtains covering the windows.
A few computers lined up on wooden desks accompanied by wooden chairs also holding velvet cushions for sitting. Many tables scattered around the room, with the same chairs that sat at the computers.
Some couches and comfy chairs near the corners for reading matched everything in the room perfectly.
Kyungsoo walked to the shelves and picked a book, a rather large book where the cover looks as if painted a solid gold.
Kyungsoo sits on one of the red couch and crosses a leg over the other and leans back letting out a sigh and opens the book and reads and Jongin follows to the couch.
Kyungsoo feels the weight shift on the couch and he shoots his head to the side seeing Jongin looking over his shoulder into the book "Whatcha reading?"  he asked and Kyungsoo sighed and showed him the cover.
'Shakespear- Midsummer Nights Dream' 
"Who is Shakespear?" he asked and Kyungsoo stayed calm not annoyed nor angry just s little bothered, "William Shakespeare was an English poet and playwright" Kyungsoo answered calmly earning a nod from Jongin, "Is he good?" he asked and Kyungsoo actually chukled, in a long time.
"He was amazing" Kyungsoo smiled and Jongin laughed a bit "Woah-" Kyungsoo's head shot towards him and he looked normal again, not happy nor any emotion, just calm "Woah what?" he asked and rubbed his neck.
"Your smile and laugh" Jongin patted Kyungsoo's head causing Kyungsoo to cringe, he wasn't used to skin ship, his mother and father haven't hugged him nor kissed him in a while, it was rare if they did like the other day, when his mother kissed his forehead he cringed at her touch.
Jongin laughed lightly "You okay litte guy" he chuckled at Kyungsoo cringing and sat up straight "I believe I am hyung to you" Kyungsoo spoke calmly and Jongin just sighed "Why don't you ever smile huh? You're always so calm and demeanor" Jongin put his hand on Kyungsoo's shoulder making Kyungsoo flinch.
"Woah calm I'm not going to punch you alright-" Jongin muttered causing Kyungsoo to not be so tense and relax his shoulders a bit "Good" Jongin chuckled and turned his head to fully face Kyungsoo "Name's Kim Jongin" Jongin introduced himself he stuck his hand out, his sleeve slipped up and a few scars and bruises got reveled.
Jongin quickly brought his sleeve up again and Kyungsoo eyed him and reached out to shake his hand, although Kyungsoo was wondering what was on his arm, he wasn't paying attention long enough to notice.
"Do Kyungsoo" Kyungsoo spoke very quietly and calmly while Jongin's personality was loud and crazy, Jongin chuckled "Matches you well" he giggled and Kyungsoo just felt a small smile creep up, his lips curling upwards.
"Oh are you going to smile?" Jongin teased and pinched the small boys cheek and Kyungsoo immediately shook his head in denial, also trying to remove Jongin's grip on his cheeks.
Breaking the I guess anyone could call introduction between the two the bell struck a loud ringing and they shot their heads towards the entrance.
"Nice meeting you" Kyungsoo answered simply and got up gave a small bow and started to walk out of the library, Jongin gave a gaped look and jumped up and ran to the small boy and slung his arm around Kyungsoo's shoulder "Hey what's your next class huh?" 
Kyungsoo lightly and hardly noticeably giggled at this boys enthusiasm and grabbed his schedule and pointed to the next class, Science with Mr.Dae.
"Hey I have science too" Jongin laughed and ruffled Kyungsoo's hair and walked with him to science,.
Kyungsoo was not annoyed or anything, but he was fascinated with this boys happiness and loud personality, it was so  different to Kyungsoo considering he never had any interaction with other kids as a child, maybe why he turned out so much like he was already sixty-seven.
They walked down the halls and girls were staring along the way and Jongin immediately remembered where he may have seen Kyungsoo before.
"Hey I've seen you, I mean not in person but from afar-" Jongin started and nudged Kyungsoo's side earning a nod to know he was listening.
"You got out a limousine in front of the school and all those were swooning over you and you ignored them, why?" Jongin asked furrowing his brows.
"Because-" Kyungsoo started "-I have no interest in them, nor am I interested in a relationship at all" Kyungsoo answered and Jongin scoffed at his answer "You could have any girl and you ignore them all" Jongin was a bit baffled at this boy's personality, it wasn't something he met often.
Kyungsoo nodded "Ignore is a cruel word-" Kyungsoo started "-More like deny I would say"
"You're a tough one" Jongin chuckled as he ruffled Kyungsoo's hair again, Kyungsoo's flinching response has calmed down more considering how much skin ship Jongin started off with.
The Science room, 198.
They walked in and Jongin insisted Kyungsoo sit next to him and Kyungsoo again lightly chuckled at Jongin's child like behavior around him, even though just this morning he was flirting like a twenty-eight year old.
The class went by rather quickly, it wasn't much learning as it was just more things about starting a new year and getting to know everyone, you'd think in grade twelve they would be done with the whole 'learning names' thing.
Just as Mr.Dae was about to get to know the next row of students, the row Jongin and Kyungsoo sat in the bell bellowed loudly earning a flinch from many people, except Jongin.
Kyungsoo didn't speak but he eyed Jongin, how could he not flinch at such a sudden and loud noise, but he quickly shook the though away.
"Finally" was the only word that left Jongin's mouth at the time as he took Kyungsoo's hand and pulled him lightly through the huge crowd of people in the halls either getting things from their lockers or getting their coats to go out for lunch.
When they got to the cafe Jongin sighed loudly as his stomach made odd noises, as they were about to go to the cafe room to get their food people from behind started to call for Jongin.
He turned to see Chanyeol and his other friends in a group calling him out, trying to get him to go to them for lunch and Kyungsoo lightly chuckled again and removed his hand from Jongin's grasp "Go with your friends" Kyungsoo nodded towards them.
Jongin shook his head "No I want to have lunch wi-"
"Jongin! Captin ! Come on!" Chanyeol shouted loudly waving his hand in a gesture to come over making Jongin sigh and started to walk away from Kyungsoo, gazing at him as he walked away and Kyungsoo walked away without looking back but could feel Jongin's gaze on his back.



 author's note So this took a long time to make but I finally made chapter 5 and I hope you all like it, remember please comment, subscribe and upvote, thank you much subbies~

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So sorry for not updating -3- school is on my case and often normal procrastination but I promise chapter 8 soon ^^


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Chapter 20: ohmygosh... so many feelings, i can't ceep calm ♥♥♥ i read the story for a day and it's so good... i'm gonna re-read it again soon ♥
swbluey #2
As soon as I saw the title I though of the song by Cobra Stars ships. Without even knowing that you already had the fanfic linked with the song :p
Chapter 20: aww such a cute story :3 i love your writing style; simple yet interesting haha
Chapter 20: awww.. sweet love story...!! thanx for writing this fic.. ^^
Chapter 20: Aww. so cuteee! I cant stop smiling reading this story. good story! :D
Carlybarton #7
Chapter 20: So beautiful! *sobs* I smiled so much at the end :)
Chapter 20: //sobs it's done

so beautiful ;_;

"KIM KYUNGSOO" asdfghjkl!!!
I died!
PandaLovesMe #9

"I love you too, Kim Kyungsoo" ASDFSSFSA that made me cheerfully squeal :-) .

Holybuffalo! If that came true, i would enthusiastically flip tables :DDD. KAISOO's the cutest (sweetest) couple, i truly love and ship. ! This was totally a goooddd fic, authornim. Thumbs up :>