

CHAPTER ONE   “Perfection”

He was practicing his piano, letting the melody take him away like always, his mother and father watched with awe loving how talented their son was.
Of course he was talented, he is the heir to the Do family, Kyungsoo. 
Sure he is talented, but receiving compliments was something like a waste of time to him, he was too humble and sweet to accept such things in his life. Kyungsoo was kind, and warm hearted and like his parents put it-
Of course he never accepted that statement, Kyungsoo was always kind and humble and never really was rude in any way.
He pressed the keys of the piano grace, his huge & adorable eyes closed lightly and his enormous & heart shaped lips calm, his, his posture top notch and he was playing it perfectly not a single wrong note.
As he played his mother held her hands together by the palms and a huge smile kept on her face and her eyes shut lightly swaying the the music, his father having his hand on his wife's shoulder smiling along with her swaying.
Kyungsoo stayed calm not smiling in appreciation from his parents, not excited for getting all the notes right, just playing because he enjoys it and calmly presses the keys.
When Kyungsoo finished he got up quietly, threw the back of his coat, the tail back lightly, walked to the side of the piano smiled very lightly and bowed the correct ninety degrees.
Once Kyungsoo rose his mother walked over to him and patted his shoulder and complimenting him as he would just nod in response to this as it was a usual for him, now his father would just nod and smile and walk away not really compliment him directly.
Kyungsoo closed the cover for the piano lightly and pushed the bench in carefully not wanting to bend or wreck the burnt maroon wooden floors that spread in their home.
Kyungsoo walked up to his room and did his usual schedule, he spread out his uniform for school tomorrow I mean the last day of summer would go fine and this was normal for him, he pulled out a perfectly ironed white button up shirt, a navy blue jacket and matching trousers and his polished black dress shoes.
Kyungsoo usually did this, as it was something he chose to do on his own appose to the maids in his home too, he found it pitiful for women to do the work around the house, he knew he was fully capable to do it all on his own.
"Sir would you like us to inform you when supper is completed?" a maid spoke of course Kyungsoo memorized all the maids names, he was too kind not to "No thank you Mili" he gave a genuine smile and she rose a brow "Sir why do you remember our names? We are just maids you have no ne-" 
Kyungsoo put his finger to his mouth "It's rude to just not know someone Mili" he smiled again "Tell father I have no need for a reminder I will know when it is done" and Mili just sent a nod "O-Okay sir" she curtsied and left.
Kyungsoo chuckled at the young girls timid nature, many of the maids were timid around him afraid he would swat them or hurt them if they may 'step out of line' which Kyungsoo found ridiculous.
Kyungsoo looked around his room, it was tidy and clean like always, his bed made properly, his books and papers stacked accordingly and all his pens and pencils in a clean holder. 
Not a thing out of place, his closet held formal and casual attire, sneakers and dress shoes and anything he needs, shelves holding old boxes of pictures and scrapbooks of Kyungsoo with his friends and family.
Kyungsoo would reminise the old memories when the rich and posh life didn't consume his now uptight parents.
Kyungsoo would go out and play with neighborhood children, playing ball and soccer although he was never the most athletic person, singing and music really consumed his life not sports.
His parents soon became very popular, his mother was a very popular fashion designer, she designed outfits for many American artists such as Justin Timberlake & Lady Gaga something many Korean fashion designers would love to achieve.
His father was the CEO of a huge music company called SM Entertainment and of course Kyungsoo was in line for the next CEO but obviously Kyungsoo does not want to inherit his father's company.
Kyungsoo would much rather make a career out of his singing not be in charge of people who are living that dream, the dream he wants.
Of course his parents love him to death, and they want nothing more to make their son happy but they just don't understand his love for music, his father thinks running the company will fulfill his dream but it won't.
Kyungsoo though he won't talk back to his parents, he wouldn't dare to do that, he has many thoughts in his head but he just ignores them and follows his parents wishes, he has lots to say just doesn't speak, lots on his mind just doesn't bother to speak it.
His demenor and quiet nature surely are why many girls swoon but he has not time for such pitiful things.
Whenever Kyungsoo goes to school countless girls actually ask him out and he denys, many girls send him letters, he usually would return them and decline their question. 
Kyungsoo is considered perfect in his school, kingka right? Not really he never really likes the title, he ignores the treats, girls and anything materialistic and moves on, not wanting to get tied down by anything like a relationship.
It's not like he is heartless or rude, he is just too busy, and the fact of his personality he is afraid he would hurt his partner with his quiet and honest nature, he is kind and sweet and that's why many girls want him and therefore many guys want to be him but he just doesn't want a relationship.
As Kyungsoo packs his bag for tomorrow packing his books and papers he will need for school a sudden knock breaks his thoughts, of course his thoughts are being lost in either a song he currently knows or a new one he is writing. 
"Sir your supper is prepared and Mistress Do & Master Do are expecting you to come down" Mili spoke softly and just received a nod from Kyungsoo "Thank you Mili" he sent a gentle smile and faint blush faded over her small cheeks, she sent a curtsy and heads out the room.
Kyungsoo sits on his bed for a bit and ponders if he actually wants to eat, but is disturbed when another knock hits his door "yes?" Kyungsoo answers very calmly and his mother walks in.
She is dressed in very formal attire, her finely ironed fuchsia skirt matching her jacket along with a black blouse underneath, he black heels clicking on the floor with each step "Hun~ Kyungsoo~" she speaks very calmly like Kyungsoo.
He looks at her and nods "Yes Mother" she puts up a finger for a moment and pulls out her blackberry and texts like no tomorrow and shoves the phone into her small pocket on her jacket "Aren't you coming down for dinner?"
He glanced around his room "Of course mother" Kyungsoo nods and his mother walks with him down their huge staircase, swirled and pure gold, making Kyungsoo cringe at how stingy his mother is for demanding gold stairs when straight up metal or wood would be fine.
When Kyungsoo and his Mother reach down the stairs their dining table is not only very long but Kyungsoo's mother and father eat so far away from each other, Kyungsoo would usually sit in the middle of the large table.
The table had  long red cloth covering it and the gorgeous polished wooden legs of the table shined from the sun coming from the window.
The table held a huge bird probably a goose, perfectly fried from the inside to every inch of the skin, the mashed potatoes steam flowed out from the bowl and the carrots sweet brown sugar melted on top glimmered.
Many more kinds of extra food lay on the table, gravy steaming hot, and many jugs of drinks, red wine imported from France for Kyungsoo's mother and perfectly grounded coffee from Portugal for Kyungsoo's father, they both like international things even though they could get their things here for cheaper.
Kyungsoo stuck with a simple glass of water, the silence of the room as they ate got broken with the two ice cubes in Kyungsoo's water clinking together.
"So Kyungsoo darling you excited for school?" Kyungsoo's mother speaks to him and he looks up at her as he is being respectful "I am" he quickly answered, "Are you going to join Choir?" his father asks and he looked at him and nods.
Staying as silent as possible was usually something the Do household would do the only real fuss that would occur would be a maid being sick and having to hire one to do her jobs while the one was sick.
It sickened him how ignorant his parents were sometimes but his family was known as the nicest family ever, they were considered perfect, wealthy, polite, and oh so posh.
Not to mention their perfect son, the most pure man in the neighborhood, oh how loved he is by everyone. Something Kyungsoo hates more than anything is being called 'perfect' he would prefer people not call him anything like that.
Although in his life whenever someone heard the word 'pure' they thought none other than Do Kyungsoo.
"Hun are you prepared for school?" Kyungsoo's mother asked and simply nodded and when he was done eating he simply got up removed the napkin from his lap, dabbed his mouth and brought his plate to the kitchen "Sweety let the maids do that you need rest" Kyungsoo sighed and as a maid took the plate from him.
"Night hun" his mother cooed while tapping away at her blackberry, his father sent him a nod and clicked buttons on his Iphone.
Kyungsoo let out a small sigh low enough for no one to hear and pulled himself up the long staircase and went to his room.
Kyungsoo took a short yet relaxing shower letting his bright ruby hair fall over his eyes, he combed it away and pulled on his red plaid pajama bottoms, usually he wasn't so relaxed but tonight was just one of those nights he was just too tired.
Kyungsoo plopped himself into his king size bed that he wished was just single, not like he was in a relationship or was a big person, he was quite petit if anything.
As Kyungsoo pulled the covers up to his mid torso and to his once side he put an alarm on his phone for 6:30am usual time for him.
As he put on his alarm he connected his phone to the iphone dock and played the sweet melody of Super Junior's It's You swarm the area around him. Kyungsoo clapped lightly shutting off his lights and he shut his eyes slowly as he got soothed by the melody.



 author's note So tell me did you like it? I tried to be pretty explainitory considering it's my very first no pov story you know? I love you subbies~

music featured in chapter + link
Super Junior's It's You

» layout credit


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So sorry for not updating -3- school is on my case and often normal procrastination but I promise chapter 8 soon ^^


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Chapter 20: ohmygosh... so many feelings, i can't ceep calm ♥♥♥ i read the story for a day and it's so good... i'm gonna re-read it again soon ♥
swbluey #2
As soon as I saw the title I though of the song by Cobra Stars ships. Without even knowing that you already had the fanfic linked with the song :p
Chapter 20: aww such a cute story :3 i love your writing style; simple yet interesting haha
Chapter 20: awww.. sweet love story...!! thanx for writing this fic.. ^^
Chapter 20: Aww. so cuteee! I cant stop smiling reading this story. good story! :D
Carlybarton #7
Chapter 20: So beautiful! *sobs* I smiled so much at the end :)
Chapter 20: //sobs it's done

so beautiful ;_;

"KIM KYUNGSOO" asdfghjkl!!!
I died!
PandaLovesMe #9

"I love you too, Kim Kyungsoo" ASDFSSFSA that made me cheerfully squeal :-) .

Holybuffalo! If that came true, i would enthusiastically flip tables :DDD. KAISOO's the cutest (sweetest) couple, i truly love and ship. ! This was totally a goooddd fic, authornim. Thumbs up :>