[Edited]When Stars become Dark.

Creatures of the Day

Dreams are meant to break free in your head. Sometimes it creates options to your solutions, it sends you to a place that calms you, and just maybe.., leads you towards your true love.. And haven't we all ever wondered, wondered why we dreamt about a sprcific person, didn't we all want to know once in our lifetime?

Sulli opened the door to the bedroom.

She smelled something sweet and entered the room. She lightly touched each of the potions, colognes, perfumes... Well even if it was perfume for a girl, maybe Minho had some weird tastes. She walked towards the mirror and looked at all the notes on it. 'Diet, Working, Party Tonight, Company collaborations, etc.' The only thing she could see was her lips in the mirror. Minho was taller than her so she could barely see. She jumped high and  lifted her lipstick with her. She was about to see her face, but a sock interfered with her plan.

Sulli slipped and fell on the bed. She felt it move and she noticed, this was a water bed. This made her think, think of family memories. When she was young, she had only one bed to sleep on including her siblings and parents. During that time, her family was as close as cothes are worn by humans. She took off her bag and squirmed into the blanket. 

Closing her eyes, Sulli picked the puffiest pillow and embraced it. She opened her eyes, She could see the beautiful rose garden from here. She turned around and her eyes met another.


Sulli's eyes opened widely and she fell of the bed due to the slippery bed sheet. She pointed at Onew.

"What, ..wh-what are you doing!?"

Onew rolled out of his caterpillar like state and slipped on his socks. He sat back onto the bed and stretched his arms out. "Can I not be left in peace..., and sleep in my buddies cozy bed? And we meet again, Big Strawberry."

Sulli fixed her shirt and finally got the black marks from her nose off. She put her purse back on and kicked his back. "You're the only person I know..., who would do that, Oppa!" Sulli rushed towards the door.

Onew caught her. "Why don't we have a litte..., a little conversation." He wanted to speak to her about the Taemin incident. Even though Taemin was one of his best friends. Sulli sat down and Onew scooted a little closer. "I don't know how to say this..., oh wait, I do! Taemin brainwashed Minho, now you should believe me and ask him what actually happened." Onew patted her on the back and opened the window.

Onew jumped out and their they were. Wings as sinister is to black; they made him look powerful. But Onew was supposed to be an ordinary immortal, but maybe she underestimated him.

Sulli took out her phone and called Krystal; Krystal was like her mirror. She told her everything. After the third ring, Krystal picked up. "Now you can tell me the real story..."


Minho took a sip of his smoothie awkwardly. Sulli was taking her time fixing herself. He began to tap on the counter and check the time on his watch frequently. "How long does it take a woman to wash her hands...?"

Eve sighed. "You really don't understand how a woman thinks.., do you?" Eve whipped up another banana smoothie for him. 

Minho turned the living room TV and began jamming to some random music. " He saw some smoke fog up his door from the backyard and ran through the door to see if his roses were alright. He was really panicking by that time, and just intentionally used his powers.. The maid was there. Minho stopped and waved at her. "Hello Nanny... How's y-your da-dayy?" The Nanny was as still as a statue. She was terrified, but she walked towards him. She sprayed his arms. And in a thick french accent she replied. "Dirty man, equals frustrated life. You smell good now!" She walked back to her post and continued to work on planting trees.

Minho walked towards her and put something on her head, it was like glitter, but it was as bright as a star. It was forget-me-not dust. As it fell onto her head, it reflected the sun and it looked just like a rainbow collapsing..., after a fat leprechaun had slid down it. Minho whispered a few words and the woman twitched. He just took that memory away from her. A memory looks just like a marble, it has fog inside where only the people who were included in that memory can see it. He sticked it into his pocket. He smelled the smoke, it had came from the top. It was VIC. Pretty as she was, her eyes were filled with rage.

Victoria stared down at him. She wanted everything she had back, including her first love. She jumped gently down like a tiger. She limped towards him, her rage was overcoming her true self.

Minho backed up and touched her arms. They were freezing cold. He looked at her with pitiful eyes. "What are you doing here? I thought you finally got over me, Victoria? I-i thought you could finally live a better life with someone else.."

Victoria lowered her attack and she was vulnerable enough. Someone could hold her down.

The only thing is..., Minho can't do something like that to a woman. And especially, Vic.

"I won't hurt you or kill you because you scarred my life. I just want to be connected with you again. I want us to laugh at stupid things.., smile at each other even though we know we just had a fight, visit the cafe down the street from your company, eat mini-cupcakes under the stars, and more specifically hug you anytime I want to."

Victoria opened her arms and ran towards him. For some reason, he couldn't move. Victoria reached him and smiled with her eyes. She then snickered and her personality transferred back. Dark and deadly. "But I guess..., that's NOT POSSIBLE, is it? Only if you had accepted me before Minho... I would have treated you so well... The emphasis on so well..."

Minho coughed. She pushed him to the ground and grinned a grin like The Joker. "Like I said, I would have treated you better, but now everything has finally changed me into a woman who will hate you and hurt everything that involves you. Everything you love, I will ruin every single puny thing. I hope this won't change the impression of the girl you had loved first."

Minho moved off to the side and quietly whispered. "Dreams are meant to break free in your head. Sometimes it creates options to your solutions, it sends you to a place that calms you, and just maybe.., leads you towards your true love.. And haven't we all ever wondered, wondered why we dreamt about a sprcific person, didn't we all want to know once in our lifetime?" He then finished it off with the man who told him this many times. "Onew, Onew. Break me free from this nightmare and bring me back to the dream I was living."

After that, A soft wind passed and the clouds seperated from each other. It was enough where the sun was bright enough for Victoria to shield herself with her back. Now she was defenseless. 

Onew popped up from behind Minho. He whispered in his ear. "Can we finally send her back to the castle to be judged by our elders whether or not if she can control herself? She has been doing some bad stuff. You know we cannot send back Taemin, or he will never be welcomed to the home he was born in. That was the same home we were also trained and grew-up in together."

Minho communicated him without speaking. He turned around towards him and used sign language. "I wasn't planning on sending him back. We had just witnessed that Victoria has not yet admitted herself towards the dark side.  If she did, she would have died. Dark Roamers kill at night, that's why were the creatures of the day, we try to fix those dark immortals before they get crazy in the night. I will follow after, you take Victoria with you and all get Sulli to convince Taemin to follow.. He needs someone, and you know we can't be that person to help him..."

Onew nodded. He grew his wings back out and stood tall in front of Victoria. She opened her eyes and Onew wrapped his wings around. Creating vines entwining her where she couldn't even move a proportion of her finger. "I hope you like where we are going." Victoria attempted to burn the weeds but it was of no use. Onew was of higher rank compared to her. She wiggled and wacked but nothing worked. Onew whispered mysterious words and then.., they were gone.

Minho took out the silver needle from his stomach. It had venom on it. The venom of the dark king. Since it was from him, he was not able to recovery as quickly as he should have. "Sulli!"


Sulli fixed her hair once more and heard a racket outside the door. 

Author's Note- She now understands what exactly happened when they had broken up.

She opened the door and she heard Minho calling her. She could feel that he was in excruciating pain. "Minho.., MINHO!"

Sulli jumped from the stairs. She threw her purse on the couch and ran towards Minho. She saw blood from his clothes.. She automatically put her hand on it. "I love life, I love to care, and I love him. Cure the bad and break free the good.." She opened her eyes and backed away from him. It felt she had -out just then. She blinked again and again. And sparks were flying through his wound like dolphins. The blood vansihed and the wound looked like he never even got hurt from the first place. "I don't know what I just did, but that was pretty awesome right?"

Minho hugged her. "It seems like you're in a better mood."

Sulli pushed him off. "I guess I was a little too harsh, but it was because I thought you were playing with me.. but truth is you were brainwahsed. Okay. Before you say anything, I just turned into an immortal a few weeks ago, give me a break, I don't know every single power. Specifically, every power each person has.."

Minho caught her hand. "So I guess I get something from this???" Sulli humorously punched him in the head. Minho was about to turn to her and yell, but Sulli locked lips with him.

SUlli smiled. "Oppa..., oppa.., I'm sorry.." She helped him stand and brushed off his suit. "So we can continue our day?"

Minho directed her back into his house. After she came in, Minho closed the door and locked it. Sulli noticed the door slam before her and turned around like a hawk.

"May I ask, What are you doing!?"

Minho took some leaves from a nearby tree. Thankfully he had a pencil to write with. 

Minho begged on his knees and began to show her the leaves in order. 

"Hey strawberry..., I need you to call Taemin."

"Taemin needs our help, if you don't I will force you into it."

Sulli glared at him.

Minho made another one.

"I will force you gently..."

"You ask him to go to the Castle of Collandra with you. This castle is where Onew, Taemin, Victoria, and I grew up. We all owned different castles, but we were close friends. If he asks you, how you know, you say you found out from the assistant you talked to the othe day."

"Ask him to meet you at DEK corporations. Tell him it's not to talk about me, but just for a time to hangout."

Sulli angrily agreed. "Open the door."

Minho opened the door slowly and slipped away from Sulli before she could hurt him. He found the thing nearest to him to use for defense. A teddy Bear...

Minho whimpered as this was the only thing nearby.

Sulli punched and kicked him humorously, but made it look like she was furious with her face filled with determination.

"Aishh! I wonder what kind a favor I will make up for you! Now go get me some tea! You CLOWN."

Minho bowed down to her and kissed her on the forehead. 

Sulli gripped onto his cheeks and looked him straight in the eyes.

"You want to be a man? Than kiss me like you mean it."

Sulli confidently had said it, but the thing is, that was all she could say. She would feel so awkward if Minho left her for the tea.

Minho fixed her hair.

"If you wanted me that bad, you should have just said so...."

Sulli closed her eyes. After a few seconds she heard a click. She opened her eyes and Minho took a picture and a video of her puckering her lips like she was chewing bubblegum. 

"Well.., did I ever say I was an easy catch?" Minho walked towards the kitchen and sticked his tongue out. He laughed loudly and prepared the tea.

Sulli sulked. How did she catch such a talkative fish?



Tune in Fidoodly Friends. Next Chapter will be..


Tomorrow. Or later tonight. 

It will be called.

Castle of Collandra.

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marifelhojas #1
Chapter 22: tnx authrnim for the update you made nice story pls update again and more minsul mooment pls
marifelhojas #2
Chapter 18: nope thats not true sulli is a nice girl and besides she still young at the age of 19 her popularity has been improve and its been impressive to the fact that she still young ....cheer up authornim we will just continue to support sulli no matter what tnx for the update
minsulshipper #3
Chapter 13: Gosh, this is so sweeeett authornim. Please update soon ne? i'm really curious about the next chapter. I love this kind of story. Hwaiting !!
Chapter 13: YASS, Minho saved his princess Sulli, t'aww so cute..
Hope everything will turn alright at the end for the both of them.
Thanks for the update authornim, but please update soon, can't wait for the next chapter!^^
marifelhojas #5
Chapter 10: pls update it soon!
marifelhojas #6
Chapter 9: more update pls!cant wait to read another chapter
marifelhojas #7
Chapter 8: pls update it soon
Chapter 8: who is it?don't tell me its victoria or other girl.....=(
alisson #9
Chapter 7: pls let minsul be together. pls
Chapter 7: Authornim,please make MinSul get back soon..I also hope that Taemin would not take Sulli..:)