Clouds of 12.

Creatures of the Day

Sulli felt a little scared and brought out the necklace her mother gave her before she had moved.

The star that connected her along with a home she can always come back to.

Minho stared as she pulled something from her bag.

He was a little jealous.

She was embracing this small thing instead of him.

He yanked her off him not purposely trying to and attempted to snatch the necklace.

Sulli slipped and tripped on her other shoe trying to balance herself again.

She fell on her necklace.

She felt the shards of glass from the necklace enter through her clothes stabbing her skin.

She was an immortal, so it healed quickly.

Her hands searched through the glass looking for the only thing that was most important to her.

That star. She only relied on that star.

She finally found it.

She stood up and tears fell.

"Did you purposely do that? This is the only thing that you cannot make fun of! This is my mother's..."

She looked at her necklace that was smashed into pieces.

She tried to resist, but picked up all the pieces even if her hands got dirty.

She brought out a napkin and held it in her left hand.

She turned to look at Minho.

"You really are something else.."

She walked towards the door.


Minho laughed sarcastically and rolled his eyes.

He was about to chase her, but thought it was enought for one day.


Onew walked in and crossed his arms.

He yelled what Minho would say.

"I am the only thing she needs to live life in LUXURY! Is that what you were going to say, Minho? You really have not changed a bit, Minho. I will forever remember this quote because you said the same to Victoria once... And thankfully, that was not the reason why she left you. Thinking of it now.. was it not because--."

Minho sighed and closed his eyes in exhaustion.

"What do you want, Onew?"

Onew walked towards him and showed him a letter.

"I have been meaning to show you this since last night..."

Minho brushed his hair back and focused his eyes towards the letter.

In bold letters. The introduction summarized it enough.


"I thought she never wanted to see someone like me again...? And..., I no longer love or have nothing else to do with her..."

Onew patted his back.

He grinned.

"Things will never be over between you..., nothing will ever end. We are immortals for jack's sake."

Minho began to read the letter.

As Victoria states...

"I have been in town for awhile. I was not planning to visit, but there is something I have not finished. And the thing is, I never wanted to end this. Will you agree to see me once more? I am not apologizing, I just want to know what had happened that day. Meet me at DEK. I will be there on Friday."

Today was was Thursday.

Minho closed his eyes and remembered that last day they were ever together.

Tears were shed, love had disappeared, and scorch was created.

He wanted to decline, but it was Victoria.

She was his first love, and that, that will never change.

Onew was sympathetic for him.

"Minho, you don't have to, but if you want this burden to disappear from your heart, you are going to have to, Even though you guys will never be back together. Maybe just being friends will help."

Minho smiled.

"Thanks for trying. I really need to finish my work. I will see you at the meeting on Monday."

They bowed and Minho turned the corner to arrive at the Elevator.

Onew ripped the evidence.

He did not want Taemin to see the information.

Taemin had also loved Victoria when Minho and she were together, but he had to live and get through that.

Onew did not want to rekindle that fire.

He went towards the entrance where Sulli disappeared from.


Sulli wiped her tears away and smacked her head.

Minho was her only ride!

Taemin put on his helmet.

He was about to leave, but Sulli came out.

She was gorgeous.

Taemin took out his extra helemt and walked towards Sulli.

Sulli looked at him weirdly.

"Who are you? The pizza delivery man? Look, I do not have any money, but if you take a lef--."

Taemin took off his helmet and smiled.

"You met me before. It's me, Taemin."

Sulli opened her eyes and sighed in relief. He is nicer than Minho.

Taemin looked around and did not see any other car other than Minho's and Onew's motorcycle.

He handed her a helmet.

"I can drop you off? I cannot let a beautiful girl like you be left here."

Sulli laughed.

"Flattery will get you everywhere. Thank you for bringing me home, Taemin."

Taemin helped her on and hopped on the motorcycle also.

"Hold on tight. I don't hold back when I am on my motorcycle!"

Sulli gently wrapped her hands around him. She was flustered.

Taemin took one of his hands and tightened her grip around him.

He started his motorcycle and went until the stop sign.


Onew shook his head and laughed sarcastically.

"You are so sly, I can't believe she picked Minho over you (referring to Victoria)."


After a few hours, they finally got to Sulli's house.

Sulli bowed in gratitude.

"Thank you for dropping me off, you are a lifesaver!"


Taemin brought out his phone and clicked it next to Sulli's phone.

"I think this will do as thanks. Do you want to have coffee with me tomorrow?"

Sulli thought about it for a moment.

"I am pretty busy this week, but if that day does not work, how about Saturday?"

Taemin agreed and took her hand.

"I will await your response..."

He kissed her hand gently and slipped back on his helmet.


Sulli blushed and when she brought up her right hand..., she had his helmet in his grasp.

She was about to go contact him, but that would be a horrible idea.

He was out on the road already.

Sulli sighed and entered her condo.

She was really looking forward to seeing him again.

She zoomed passed her bedroom to her kitchen.

She looked on her calendar and tomorrow was the big meeting.

The meeting between DEK and LeART company.

She had to be there. It was for her best friend... Maybe she could make it quick!

She set that thought aside and just went along with her day.


Taemin got home and he just noticed.

He only lives 20 minutes away from her.

He dropped his keys on a tray and slipped on his PJ's.

"Jeffrey, will you make a plan for clearing my whole day for Saturday and or Friday if I have something more important to do?"

Jeffrey bowed and grinned.

He thought his master was finally getting out there after that last love incident.


Minho took a bite from his sandwich angrily.

He did not know whether to say no or go to meet Victoria again.

They did end it badly; it was literally chaos.

He kept wondering...



2 different loves arising!?

Minsul is a go or no?




Not yet!!!

There is still more chapters to go, tune in! Thanks Fidoodly Friends!













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marifelhojas #1
Chapter 22: tnx authrnim for the update you made nice story pls update again and more minsul mooment pls
marifelhojas #2
Chapter 18: nope thats not true sulli is a nice girl and besides she still young at the age of 19 her popularity has been improve and its been impressive to the fact that she still young ....cheer up authornim we will just continue to support sulli no matter what tnx for the update
minsulshipper #3
Chapter 13: Gosh, this is so sweeeett authornim. Please update soon ne? i'm really curious about the next chapter. I love this kind of story. Hwaiting !!
Chapter 13: YASS, Minho saved his princess Sulli, t'aww so cute..
Hope everything will turn alright at the end for the both of them.
Thanks for the update authornim, but please update soon, can't wait for the next chapter!^^
marifelhojas #5
Chapter 10: pls update it soon!
marifelhojas #6
Chapter 9: more update pls!cant wait to read another chapter
marifelhojas #7
Chapter 8: pls update it soon
Chapter 8: who is it?don't tell me its victoria or other girl.....=(
alisson #9
Chapter 7: pls let minsul be together. pls
Chapter 7: Authornim,please make MinSul get back soon..I also hope that Taemin would not take Sulli..:)