Jealousy Short (1)

Creatures of the Day

Minho set down Sulli on the bed. "Oppa.. Why are you so anxious? I like you. Heechul Oppa is just a piece of my childhood, please understand that he means a lot to me..."

"It's unsettling.. Unsettling in my stomach. I can't wrap it around my head nor leave it..."

Sulli sat up and threw her dress back. She got ready with her foot. 

She kicked Minho. "Yah, do you think I get around the castle...!? I like the stupid guy standing in front of me. Is that enough to assure you?" 

Minho pouted his lips and dropped himself onto her lap. Sulli squished his cheeks and made him look like fish. "You are so sensitive, sometimes I just need to squish your face and remind you that you're the one who wears the pant in the relationship."

Minho clasped onto her hands and brought himself up where he was looking directly into her eyes. "Can I not be simply adoreable..? For example, who is the one who has had more than one love? I do because I have a variety of unique traits, do I not?"

Sulli pushed him off the bed. "Are you really bragging about yourself in front of me? I know your amazing and if I didn't would I still be listening to you brag? I put up with this because that is a to-do thing in a relationship". Sulli then slipped on her headband and walked towards the door. 

"You know.. I really miss the rebel in you.. Where did that all go...?" Sulli groaned and closed the door. 

"Aishh! yah, YAH! I'm the most rebellious man you will ever KNOW!" 

Heechul entered the room. "Are you sure...? It just seems like you're admitting.. that you are; desperate. Are you not?"

Minho bit his lip. "The last person I want to see." 

Heechul sat by him and brought a sack out of his pocket. Why don't you give this to her...? Yong Hwa gave it to her as a symbol for the hardship you both went through."

He took out a flower. It was simple but it had its own true beauty to it. It looked like there was gold bursting from the middle. 

"What is this..?"

"Well so to say, he told me the last part of the myth. Well I thought it was not real, but this flower had seen every last bit of your love and affection towards each other. In the garden, that flower grew only once every other decade. And this one happened to survive even after it was plucked from its soul kind of home."

Minho poked at him. "How are you such a pro in these kinds of situations?" 

Heechul stood up. He walked towards the door. 

"As I was going to say. You'll never be as rebellious as this old hunk of handsome... There is just too many situations to name."

Minho threw a pillow at him. "She's MINE." 

Heechul winked at him with sinister flair. "Even your friends will doubt that title."

Heechul walked out the door. Minho took the pillow back and began to punch countless times. 



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marifelhojas #1
Chapter 22: tnx authrnim for the update you made nice story pls update again and more minsul mooment pls
marifelhojas #2
Chapter 18: nope thats not true sulli is a nice girl and besides she still young at the age of 19 her popularity has been improve and its been impressive to the fact that she still young ....cheer up authornim we will just continue to support sulli no matter what tnx for the update
minsulshipper #3
Chapter 13: Gosh, this is so sweeeett authornim. Please update soon ne? i'm really curious about the next chapter. I love this kind of story. Hwaiting !!
Chapter 13: YASS, Minho saved his princess Sulli, t'aww so cute..
Hope everything will turn alright at the end for the both of them.
Thanks for the update authornim, but please update soon, can't wait for the next chapter!^^
marifelhojas #5
Chapter 10: pls update it soon!
marifelhojas #6
Chapter 9: more update pls!cant wait to read another chapter
marifelhojas #7
Chapter 8: pls update it soon
Chapter 8: who is it?don't tell me its victoria or other girl.....=(
alisson #9
Chapter 7: pls let minsul be together. pls
Chapter 7: Authornim,please make MinSul get back soon..I also hope that Taemin would not take Sulli..:)