
Creatures of the Day

Sulli pushed away from his grasp and touched her lips.

She was shocked.

"That was..., that was my first kiss.."

Minho rubbed his forehead.

"I'm sorry if I took it too far this time, your just..., so beautiiful. I can't even think of someone who can ignore that.."

Sulli shook her head and shyly smiled.

"No it's fine, I was always curious..."

She turned her head.

"Well if that is all you need, then I will be on my way."

Minho held onto her hand and entwined her fingers with his.

"I don't want you to be the one who got away. I don't want to watch you be taken by another guy, and especially, love someone else. I want to be the man who loves you for the rest of your immortal life... Will you let me do this solid and make this virus disappear from my chest? It beats rapidly whenever your close."

And by that, Sulli trusted him by his words.

They exchanged numbers and they left that morning with the sweetest smiles. 

Even though they were far, they were so close with the red yarn entwined with each other.

The only thing each other did not know, they were having lunch with people who were and are going to start something.

Something deadly. Undersirable.

Minho drove out of the parking building and another two miles to his other company.

He locked his car door and loosened his tie.

He was ready for this..., this meeting with someone he used to love so dearly.

He entered and the workers in the main hall bowed. He walked towards the waiting room and there she was.

Minho saw her through the door. Beautiful as always, her smile was bright, and her fashion sense was perfect as always.

"Well, even though this was exepcted, I am relieved to see you again."

Kyrstal stood up and walked towards him.

"You already know what I would say. I have missed you longer than the roses were ever named 'roses.' So to speak, it has been long enough."

Minho brought out his hand and tried to shake hers.

Victoria giggled.

"We are to familiar with each other, you can't even shake my hand. Show me the affection you usually have."

Victoria (not literally) jumped into his arms and he dodged.

"My apologies Victoria, we can no longer be like that anymore. I hope we both (you) can move on from the past... I met someone else."

Victoria felt like the building was becoming smaller. She took out her notepad and a pencil. She was writing something in anger but broke the pencil after a second. But what was she going to write, no matter what, everything she would have done would have been of no use.

"You met someone else? Is it something that I now lack? My hair? My height? My smile? What is so WRONG WITH ME!"

Minho brought her out and towards his car.

"We can talk it over during lunch, alright? I really need you to understand..."

Victoria stepped into the car and closed the door. She directed her eyes towards the front window, and so did Minho. They didn't even try to make eye-contact.

Victoria sniffled and crossed her arms. She started to talk and the tears already started to form into one big glob in her eyes.

"Well then...,what is this, why did we meet? I know I said we can just meet as friends, but I can't do that.., I can't do something like that(sniffle). I thought you would always try to catch me like the butterfly. The same butterfly that led you towards me... We met at the cafe down this road, and I will never forget that. You told me two weeks after that you were going to propose, I was so happy..."

It began to rain.

Minho clenched his fists.

"I did not mean to end it that way that day. I loved you Victoria, I thought, just maybe, we can become friends again. I really had thought..."

Victoria cut him off.

"Well you thought wrong. I was the first girl you ever loved and you threw me away like that? What was I suppost to think? I felt hatred and it felt like everything I had touched, I burned it to the ground..."

Minho held her wrist.

"Don't you ever think that you just leave scars on every person you met in your life.. We are immortals, Victoria, we get so many chances, life never even feels like it has changed. When I met you and to the very end, we loved and conveyed alll our passion for each other as much as we could have. That was something truly amazing and now, it's just become a dream I do not wish to press the playback button for.. It ended there, Victoria."

Victoria wiped her tears and flipped her hair back.

"I  understand..."

Victoria took out a piece of paper that looked like it was ripped into pieces and then taped back together.

"I want you to read this, it was the same day you broke my heart.."

Minho straightened the paper out and his heart sank.

"Are these..., were these you vows?"

Victoria nodded and fixed her mascara.

"Did you not say that you were going to propose to me? When you had told me a week before that day, all my attention was towards that day when you would propose.. Did you not know how happy I was?"

Minho turned to her and took something out of his pocket while giving her back the note.

He slipped this ripped up piece of paper and gave it to her.

"You can keep it.. I don't know if it means a lot to you, but I made this especially for you."

She began to read...

"Well it has come to this day.., and one of days I will remmeber for my whole immortal life. My true love, Victoria. You are my sweet butterfly. The one that was made for me. Even though we may be creatures, it would not even matter if I or you were human. Even if you were a creature and I was not, I would still look at you as the most beautiful... And Victoria, I need to say it now before I just tell you about how beautiful you are again. WIll you do the honor, and make this last longer than a lifetime. Will you agree to entwine each other with a sign of two rings? And also, will you do the honors and marry me?"

Victoria took a deep breath and her voice cracked. 

"What was it, Minho? What was it that made us grow apart so quickly?"

Minho coughed.

"I know it sounds so stupid, but it was the family factor. I cannot do that for you, I couldn't make you happy, that is what I went with. So I tried to get you to hate me so much that you would move on. Find someone else, and take your smile and direct it towards someone else. That is what I had thought..."

Victoria's tears finally fell from her face adn she covered . She closed her eyes and just let all of them leave her eyes. Like Minho did to her.

Minho heard her pain and his heart started to feel confused.

Minho closed his eyes and waited for a few minutes. He knew Victoria too well, when she did not get what she had wanted, she would just walk away.

He heard the car door close and the loud steps by her heels walk away from his car.

He started the car and he left the company quickly.

He did not want to burst into tears too. 

He took out his phone and dialed Sulli's phone number.

For a few seconds, he focused on his phone and SUlli finally picking up.

She didn't and Minho heard a car beep in front of him. He turned the car and slid until he came to the side to a stop.

"Victoria..., I'm sorry I was never fair to you... And especially that this life, is unfair to you also.."


Sulli felt rain drops falling in her hair and noticed that her car window was open. She closed it and fixed her face when the traffic light was red.

She heard the beeps behind her and turned towards a cafe. Not the one where Minho and Victoria met, but another place.

"Hey, even though it is the afternoon. Can you still have a cup of coffee?"

Taemin gestured Jeffrey to get his clothes ready.

"I'm really surprised you would call. And sure, I still have some free time to spare. Especially for you, cherry sweet pie."

Sulli giggled.

"Don't get too confortable, Taemin. I just simply wanted to make a new friend and just maybe some business cooperations. Oh, sorry if that sounded bad.."

Taemin laughed sarcastically. 

"No it's fine, I hope we can become great friends."

Sulli hung up the phone and ordered two Machiatto's.

Taemin changed into his clothes and asked Jeffrey how he looked.

"Taemin, is their ever a day you don't look good? You are an excellent and handsome young man. Find a woman, before I have to tell you, you look y. Seriously, why is that word so hip!"

Taemin winked at him and walked down the stairs to his car.

He combed his hair once more and left.

30 Minutes Later.

"Hey SUlli!"

Taemin grinned.

Sulli swished around his drink.

"I asked if they could re-heat it and thankfully, you came at the right time... Well, how is business?"

Taemin sighed.

"I think it's doing pretty well, but I would not mind if you would cooperate with me.. I have been thinking lately.. that a visual approach is a more persuasive one. So how about it?"

Sulli took out a folder.

"Here this is all, and everything you need to know about me and my company. And I have to ask also, are you and Minho friends?"

Taemin flinched and went silent for a moment.

"Well.., it has been hard for us. We used to love the same woman, and he got her first.. After that, I felt like I could not EVER forgive someone like him. But now, I think it is different. They split ways a long time ago and I thought of all the great things we had done together even after her. Victoria was someone so amazing to me, but sometimes love does not last I guess. And.., I met someone else. I think things are going great between him and I now"

Taemin put his cup down and made eye-contact with SUlli.

Sulli smiled at him with relief.

"I'm glad you were able to move on.., I was about to explode into tears. And I also need to tell you something. Minho and I are now dating. I hope you can treat me well... And I also hope, we can become great friends."

Tamin's heart broke. 

He fell silent.

"Wait.., what? You'r dating Minho? I thought you guys had just met?"

Sulli giggled shyly. 

"When you stay with someone as long as I did with him. You can just feel that spark even from a far. I didn't know he could be nice, but he is. He just tried not to show it too much."

Taemin changed the subject. He needed to accept that chances can come at anytime. She was with Minho right now, that was all he could conclude to.

"Well that's good for you. So how about we start working together tomorrow? Maybe at my place? I can call Onew also. He has somethings only he can help with. In addition, I think he will be a lot of help!"

Sulli nodded her head.

"I met you guys just the other day, so I think that sounds like fun! Only on exception, if I get to invite Krystal. It would be weird if I was the only girl. I'm someone's girl already so it would sound awkward... You know?"

Taemin nodded and snapped.

"Ah, I think you're right! You can contact Krystal tomorrow!"

And after that, they bonded with each other for two long hours..

Sulli threw her stuff away and hugged Taemin.

"That was really fun, Oppa. All see you tomorrow then!"

Taemin chuckled and watched her leave first.

He hen changed his face and drove over to Minho's company, DEK.

Taemin slammed his door behind him and broke the handle on the door.

He walked in and to the elevator because all the co-workers knew who this guy was to Minho.


Onew was on a higher level because he could control his temper.


Taemin rushed into his office and Minho pressed the yellow button. It meant that everybody should evacuate to the lobby because of circumstances that were about the Creatures of the Day; the clan purebloods.

"What are you doing here..., Taemin?"

Taemin sat on the couch and began to yell.

"I thought we were friends! Another girl, Minho. And the effect is another piece of heart leaving my body. Our lifelines have a limit because we have adapted so much to the world we are hurt by emotions, not by injuries anymore..."

Minho turned and looked outside his office.

His heart hurt a little also, he never knew he was hurting his friend again...

"I never knew you had felt that way also, and I never knew, you would fall in love with the same girl, Taemin. But how can I ever make it up to you?"

Taemin brushed his hair back and closed his eyes. He continued to talk.

"Everytime I close my eyes Minho. I was seeing her already. She is apart of my heart now, and I can't let it go this time. Victoria will always be someone special in our eyes, but she came and left in a blink of an eye. But her..., she is so beautiful on the inside and out. I cannot ever forget now, it's like she left a mark on me. And I especially don't say that to everybody Minho, I only know when I meet them for the first time. I look straight into their eyes and see all their memories. Have you seen her mother? She was full of smiles with her daughter. I didn't even try to see more because I wanted her to tell me.l... It already felt like I couldn't without her any longer.. Do you even know how that feels, Minho? You were always the cold one... I really hoped you would just give me one thing.. You were always the one, who took everything. Even my father.., he loves you more because you no longer have one.. Everything Minho."

Minho clenched his fist.

He did not feel that way yet.

He lied to himself. He didn't feel the way that Taemin did yet. He just wanted to her out of temptation.

He couldn't believe he had done it again. He did the same with Victoria also..

"..I don't feel that way. I cannot feel that way yet. Even though it has been a long time since I and Victoria had split. I am not ready to trust someone with my heart in a snap. I can understand you can feel this way because you heart has not been broken like it has for me... Taemin, you haven't faced every single obstacle yet. And the one you haven't, it is love. You have to learn you cannot get love like that, you have to experience after the other before you can actually know how to love someone. If you love yourself, you passed the first test.. But it's hard Taemin, I don't think you can understand yet..."

Taemin bit his lip and looked at him with tears formed in his eyes.

"Really? You think I have not felt my heart breaking to the point I can no longer breathe?! Do you even know how it feels to let someone go...? I knew her my whole life Minho! She was my first love also! Do you not understand, losing someone is also a way of experiencing emotion and parts of your heart cracking!? I know hot fall in love unlike you! It's like a race for you...! You just wanted her before anyone else could have her because you knew someone would take her from you! And I cannot even believe that you don't feel this way yet! You just wanted her.., and then, later on fall in love with her in the process! I envy you so much, I want to turn this building into pieces. I want to watch you break...!"

All you can see was rage in Taemin's eyes...

Minho sat down and covered his ears. His tears began to fall also.


Sulli got a call fom Krystal she needed some more V and she was now driving to the company DEK. It was also where Minho and Taemin were talking.

Sulli parked her car, and dialed Krystal's number again.

"Hey, I see all these people in the lobby. Should I wait for you outside or here to find me?"

Krystal sighed.

"Yeah, my brother and Taemin Oppa are fighting again so just meet me in my office. It really is not a big problem. They do this a lot."

Sulli was a little confused.

They were fighting? Over what?

She went up the elevator and towards Krystal's office. She could not see Minho or Taemin because the office was shaded.

"Well her you go... Do you know what they are fighting about?"

Krystal closed her eyes.

She knew what they were talking about and she didn't know if she should tell Sulli. 

Instead, she thought that Sulli should really know the truth. She wanted Sulli to make her own decision on who she should love.

"I think you should hear this.."

She showed her the camera to Minho's office. 

She saw both of them with tears in their eyes.

Krystal embraced her once more and left to the lobby.

If she had stayed there, she would have also broke down. And her best friend, in tears was the most horrible, but Sulli had to know...

Sulli watched.

Minho wiped his tears and looked at Tamin.

"You're right. I don't love her. Not as much as you do. I just wanted to take her before anyone else did. I knew in the future if I did not, someone else would take her. And I thought, as we began to date, I would fall in love with her in the process. And right now, it's not compared to how much you love her.. I'm sorry."

Sulli covered and closed her eyes.

He did not love her like she did. They didn't love each other equally...

Taemin pounded his desk with his fist.

"Why.. why!? I finally found someone who can really exept who I am, and she is taken away by a man like you!? You are truly the worst!"

Minho rubbed his forehead.

"I know it sounds horrible, but I promise. I do have feelings for her, but they are not as strong as they were when I was with...., when I was with Victoria."

Sulli let the tears flow out and she kept yelling no as she closed herself into a small ball.

Minho continued to talk.

"I visited her this morning, and I felt my heart coming back together. The pieces were being connected together again. Like..., it was never broken... But you have to believe, I can move on... Come on Taemin, you have to trust me."

Taemin laughed sarcastically.

"Do you think I can still trust you? You were not even honest to me even before. You would lie, and then you would try to get me to forgive you by being nice t only me... And I also cannot believe you met her.., after everything you guys went through? I thought you erased her from your mind? ...Wait? Is that scar on your hand, is that the last piece that makes you keep looking at Victoria? She has the same one, doesn't she!? You are TERRIBLE."

Minho replied quickly.

"It will not heal, no matter what I do!"

Taemin opened his eyes widely.

"Maybe it won't because it's not over. You and--"

Sulli entered the room and cut him off.

"That's enough."

Minho stood up. His tears continued to flow.

"Tell me Sulli, you did not hear that whole thing?"

Sulli shaked her head.

Minho sighed with relief.

"Then why are you crying?"

Sulli wiped some of her tears.

"I heard enough! To know that you haven't fallen in love with ME! You're still in love with Victoria aren't you!? I hate you! I hate you! Why would you toy with me! You are the WORST! You keep saying 'yet' but does that change that you only asked me because it was a game!? And then you would fall in love with me after!? Minho, when you want someone. Its not a game. You have to feel that love first before you can tell me. I thought what you had said in that car was REAL! You idiot!"

Sulli wiped her tears again.

"I won't call off that deal because of you sister, but I definitely won't count on seeing you again. And I hope I won't EVER!"

Minho grabbed onto her hand and embraced her.

"I'm sorry.."

Sulli pushed him away.

"Sorry is not going to cut it..."

Minho watched her flip her hair and he took a look at her neck.

The DIAMOND that he marked her with, it has disappeared.

"Where's the diamond that I marked you with...?"

Sulli could not feel it anymore.

"Maybe I am only immune to what you do. And plus, I am the sweet fruit. Maybe I am also called a curse because I might get you so infatuated with me, that in the end, I might end you."

Taemin held her hand.

Sulli looked at him with a smile of relief.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I never knew. Maybe someday I will..."

Sulli took one more look at Minho.

His eyes looked so sad.

She took a deep breath.

"It won't matter if you say sorry to me.., this love of mine won't go just after today. It will take time. But right now, I think all say goodbye today, and then move on after. It was short, it ended badly, and our hearts had a piece broke off from our hearts. This was not love, it was only temptation for you..."

And by that, Sulli left Minho. 

She went her seperate way, away from Minho's red string. 



But no one had noticed but Taemin.

He saw the two ties still but the connected string was invisible.

No the significant other can be tied with someone else...



If you want Sulli and Minho to get back together fast like in the next two chapters. Comment below. And if you do not take that chance in the next 48 hours. I won't let them back together until 4 chapters after this one! Check my blog for updates on what will happen!

Thanks Fidoodly Friends!




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marifelhojas #1
Chapter 22: tnx authrnim for the update you made nice story pls update again and more minsul mooment pls
marifelhojas #2
Chapter 18: nope thats not true sulli is a nice girl and besides she still young at the age of 19 her popularity has been improve and its been impressive to the fact that she still young ....cheer up authornim we will just continue to support sulli no matter what tnx for the update
minsulshipper #3
Chapter 13: Gosh, this is so sweeeett authornim. Please update soon ne? i'm really curious about the next chapter. I love this kind of story. Hwaiting !!
Chapter 13: YASS, Minho saved his princess Sulli, t'aww so cute..
Hope everything will turn alright at the end for the both of them.
Thanks for the update authornim, but please update soon, can't wait for the next chapter!^^
marifelhojas #5
Chapter 10: pls update it soon!
marifelhojas #6
Chapter 9: more update pls!cant wait to read another chapter
marifelhojas #7
Chapter 8: pls update it soon
Chapter 8: who is it?don't tell me its victoria or other girl.....=(
alisson #9
Chapter 7: pls let minsul be together. pls
Chapter 7: Authornim,please make MinSul get back soon..I also hope that Taemin would not take Sulli..:)