
Creatures of the Day

Minho made his way to the door along with brushing off his suit straight.

Before he left, he tried to snatch one more look at Sulli.

But she had her back faced towards him.

She was thinking of her new life...

An immortal.

Even though she loves looking at the world, learning something new everyday.

And saying good morning to the beautiful sun.

She won't ever leave.

She'll be trapped.

And to top it off, what about her friends.

Once it was time they noticed she looks like the same age for years....

She will have to leave them.

Not knowing where she was, her tears started to form into one/

And before they came flowing, Krystal wrapped her arms around her.

"I know it's a lot to take in..., but life is like a bubble. Sometimes it needs to pop because it needs too. But in this situation..., you're not that bubble. You have a chance to change everything in your life. You are a pureblood. Look at all the options you have..."

Krystal fixed Sulli's hair up and smiled.

She took her stuff and walked out the door.

"All let you think about that for awhile... I'm really happy you're my friend. Forever..."

Krystal closed the door and Sulli's tears were gone.

She kept that one sentence in her mind.

She could change her life? Every one of her friends could live long lives like her!

No wait..., what if they didn't want live on earth forever. Then she would have to watch until the end...

She walked out the door and felt the stares towards her again.

She brought out her phone and made notes.

Why were these creatures so attracted to her?

Minho stood up from his chair and grabbed onto her arm.

He used his power to create a guard around her.

So whenever he is not there with her, at least he knows she will be safe.

Minho pushed her into the elevator along with him pressing the button to the lobby.

Sulli looked at him.

"What are you doing?..."

Minho slipped on his sunglasses. 

"Why don't we have some fun our own..."

Sulli laughed confusingly.

"Is that a question?"

Minho snickered.

"Did I do this just to wait for your reply of no?"

Sulli shook her head and smiled.

"I guess since we have all the time in the world, huh?"

Minho sighed.

"Don't worry..., it will be worth it. You now know, you can change whatever you want. Career, life, etc. Even though we may be creatures, we are humans as well. We feel everything that they do, alright? So don't think that you will end up looking like someone you are not because you are capable of controlling your own life."

Sulli stared at him.

This guy was different in every way. He was wearing a black suit, an immortal, blue ring on his left finger, and the face of a model. Messy hair, shiny teeth, long legs, and sweet eyes.

He was ideal, but not the same guy she thought of in her head.

Well time was never going to end for them, so why not have some fun?

Minho told her to wait out the door.

In a few minuutes, he gestured Sulli to get on.

It was a red bike fit for two.

She giggled.

"My impression was that you were a rich lonely guy. And you came here by bike?"

Minho laughed.

"No.., this is my back-up. You cannot go as many places when you are in a car. Well, the place where we are you going, you can't."

Sulli got on.

"I hope you're not lying about this..."







Key picked up the phone.

"This is FAR services, how may I help you?"

Someone answered.

Key's voice cracked and his heart dropped.

"Who is this again...?"

"Oh darling, do you not remember Minho's first love? It is the girl who also broke that man's heart. It's me VICTORIA."

Key took a deep breath.

"I think you have the wrong number."

Key was about to hang up the phone, but...

"Do you not remember, Key. I can destroy everything you have grown to love in just a snap! Remember, I am the...



'Devouring Flames' the Creatures of The Day call me, but you know what I am.







Sorry I have been late on updates!

Tune in Fidoodly friends and I posted a VIDEO. Check out my pageee.

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marifelhojas #1
Chapter 22: tnx authrnim for the update you made nice story pls update again and more minsul mooment pls
marifelhojas #2
Chapter 18: nope thats not true sulli is a nice girl and besides she still young at the age of 19 her popularity has been improve and its been impressive to the fact that she still young ....cheer up authornim we will just continue to support sulli no matter what tnx for the update
minsulshipper #3
Chapter 13: Gosh, this is so sweeeett authornim. Please update soon ne? i'm really curious about the next chapter. I love this kind of story. Hwaiting !!
Chapter 13: YASS, Minho saved his princess Sulli, t'aww so cute..
Hope everything will turn alright at the end for the both of them.
Thanks for the update authornim, but please update soon, can't wait for the next chapter!^^
marifelhojas #5
Chapter 10: pls update it soon!
marifelhojas #6
Chapter 9: more update pls!cant wait to read another chapter
marifelhojas #7
Chapter 8: pls update it soon
Chapter 8: who is it?don't tell me its victoria or other girl.....=(
alisson #9
Chapter 7: pls let minsul be together. pls
Chapter 7: Authornim,please make MinSul get back soon..I also hope that Taemin would not take Sulli..:)