Bitter Sweet

Creatures of the Day

Who knew if he would kill? He wasn't the kind of person to hold back. 

Sulli grabbed his arm and held him back. Minho's jaw was left open, his eyes were stunned that the animal inside of him finally found a way out. He shook his head; this couldn't be the man he saw in his nightmares. Minho only met the queen because the king had many other affairs to attend to. 

Not even a picture to come by, this was his first, and he had hoped it would be his last. 

The King bowed back and held out his hand. His smile was fake, it told Minho everything. Did you see your mother? What a load of crap. I made the right decision, huh? Leaving trash like her behind. Minho grits his teeth and got ready with his fists. He wanted to kill him right then and there. But he couldn't, Sulli grabbed him by the arms and embraced him. She whispered quietly. "Show him, Minho. Show him that you're the better man that he will never be." 

Minho let down his anger and turned, facing away the horrid monsters. He lifted up his arm and Sulli wrapped her hand around it. "We will gladly your majesties toward the entrance." The King followed and then the Queen behind him, she smiled like a doll. That Queen looked fake. As long as she was the Mother of the Land, nothing else mattered.

A few minutes past, they came to the gates. As they began to open, Minho laughed sarcastically. He turned towards Sulli. "Why don't we have a little fun, shall we?" Sulli separated from Minho and then ran towards the stairs dropping sprinkles. 

"Mirror, mirror by my side. Take the souls of these two we have guided from the other side. Sacrifice and blood, whatever it may be, we will accomplish it, no matter how much it may BURN. Then finally, will they ever be lost to the SEA.

The Mirror rang a little bell that could be heard in the east corridor. Even the dark princess of the dungeon could hear the eerie ring (Yuri). The King looked around as he threw his golden coat at the maids. While he rubbed his hands, he began to speak. "So... where is the beauty to be Queen? Is she not supposed to be holding your arm and wearing silk?" Minho thought again, before, he was going to pass them his unforgivable apology. But who cares now? These two sick and wicked immortals make immortals in general seem like the ones from the movies. Typical blood-ers. 

"Juli, throw that golden suit in the dungeon. Oh, and make sure when I see it again, it's in ashes." He looked towards The King and grinned. "I guess they are visitors, you can drop it in a pot made of bronze. By then will they know they're actual rank?" The King was furious. "I will not let you marry our daughter if this is who you really are! ...Now where is she!?" 

Minho snapped his fingers twice, a few seconds later, a load of elites came along with their Master, and that was Heechul. Heechul crossed his arms and chuckled, he couldn't wait to see what would happen next. "Well, we'll let you see her now, your majesty..." Heechul pointed down a hallway. 

Juli and some men walked down to the dungeon. She brought out a sack of blue powder; she flicked it where the torches should be lit. Fireworks were made. She walked towards Yuri's dungeon, crouched to the side, and threw in the golden cloak her father had worn. Juli laughed. "It's so to say that now is the end of your true ruling. We have your mother and father in our hands.. What a load of CRAP they are. Looking for fame and popularity.. Just like yourself." 

Yuri banged on the bars. "I was looking for LOVE. Do you not understand that? And if I couldn't have him, I would slash each one of the hearts that came into his mind other than me, alright? Let go of my parents... not like they had to come and they don't have anything to do with this." Juli shook her head. "Poor thing. You can't get out of this so easily.. Master would have let you off for your situation... but another problem has arisen." 

Yuri scratched the floor with her fingernails. "Like what? Why can't they just let us go instead of playing with us..? They're just wasting their time." Juli stood up slowly. She lit the torch by her cellar before she left. "Your father was the one, Yuri. The one that took his mother and then left her in the cold to die.. She is still alive, but she's getting weaker day by day because she found out the life taken by the father was because of her doing. I know it's your entire father's fault, but this happy family that could have been, now suffers a rekindling past, you wicked little girl." Juli walked back up the stairs and locked the door behind her. 

Yuri covered her face. For the tears in her eyes were of no use. She sobbed, but she didn't know what to do to make it up to him. She banged the on the cellar calling his name. Continuously saying sorry, she wanted to die by then taking all her sins and all of Minho's burdens along with her. 

Sulli rubbed her hands. She watched on top of the stairs as the King and Queen were taken down the hallway. "Krystal, get the boulder ready." Krystal nodded and then brought a few guards with her. 

They followed them down to the cellar, but had a little shortcut along the way. 

Minho didn't know this plan was happening. His mind was filled with so much anger. 

Minho opened a door before they went to Yuri. It was full of bunnies and gumdrops. He pushed the two inside and locked the door behind him. He ripped the sticker on top which said the Sound Room, but it was actually the Room of Horrors. It generates the memories from the both and makes up a nightmare. 

A few minutes later. You could hear them scream and bang on the door. Minho switched it off where only darkness now surrounded them. 

He waited a little longer and then opened the door. They fell to the ground. Minho told the guards to hold them. The last destination, they had finally arrived. Minho was the first to walk down; there was something bright from the far cellar. That was Yuri's cellar. He ceased the movement from behind him and ran towards Yuri’s cellar. 

All he could see was light and snow. Teas fell from his face as he fell onto his knees, he was left watching the snowfall. 

It was empty. On the side, there were marks from chalk. It was pictures of Yuri and him in front of the castle. It said on the bottom. My dream, my miracle, my home, my love, and my sin. He covered his mouth. 

5 minutes ago. Sulli brought the boulder into Yuri's cellar, she broke her out. Krystal was told another plan, Sulli would bring Yuri to an end, but this was the total opposite. She walked towards Yuri and picked her up and laid her on her back. She walked the rest of the way towards the carriage. "Why are you helping someone like me?" Sulli grunted. "You wanted to end this from the start, right? We're not going to forgive your parents, but we'll let you go. You fell in love somebody, you didn't kill. As Minho did back then, we'll let you start anew. And especially, in another dimension." Sulli pushed her into the carriage then walked towards the horses. She pets them softly while laying he head by theirs. For she would never see them again. They were to stay with her because they only know one way. "Farewell Dream and Hope, May you guide her in the future. I will love and keep it in my heart, our secrets..." She didn't shed a tear this time. 

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marifelhojas #1
Chapter 22: tnx authrnim for the update you made nice story pls update again and more minsul mooment pls
marifelhojas #2
Chapter 18: nope thats not true sulli is a nice girl and besides she still young at the age of 19 her popularity has been improve and its been impressive to the fact that she still young ....cheer up authornim we will just continue to support sulli no matter what tnx for the update
minsulshipper #3
Chapter 13: Gosh, this is so sweeeett authornim. Please update soon ne? i'm really curious about the next chapter. I love this kind of story. Hwaiting !!
Chapter 13: YASS, Minho saved his princess Sulli, t'aww so cute..
Hope everything will turn alright at the end for the both of them.
Thanks for the update authornim, but please update soon, can't wait for the next chapter!^^
marifelhojas #5
Chapter 10: pls update it soon!
marifelhojas #6
Chapter 9: more update pls!cant wait to read another chapter
marifelhojas #7
Chapter 8: pls update it soon
Chapter 8: who is it?don't tell me its victoria or other girl.....=(
alisson #9
Chapter 7: pls let minsul be together. pls
Chapter 7: Authornim,please make MinSul get back soon..I also hope that Taemin would not take Sulli..:)