Edited.When the Sun shines on Earth.

Creatures of the Day


When it shines, and he is the brightest. 

You have to understand, that Sulli let herself get crazy in love with you, but she just couldn't show that side of her to you..

She was scared. 



"Minho, can you just embrace me? I'm going to really miss-."

Minho was confused. Miss what..? "What do you mean miss? Even though we may have our ups and downs, we deal with obstacles together because aren't we the ones who created them?" 

Sulli tried to calm him down, by his cheeks gently. "My apologies, I used the wrong set of words. I just mean... we won't always be next to each other Minho. We have to prepare for the worst.. You know that right?"

Minho pulled Sulli closer to him where they were just 3 inches apart. He took her by the hips, and Sulli blushed, she was also shocked at his straightforwardness towards her. She wasn't sure to do, and attempted to push him a little back. 

"Minho? Ha ha, you're being a little pushy today, aren't you? It's sweet, but can you let me go?"

Minho looked at Sulli. "You have to understand, you can't tell me when to stop, Sulli. I love you and it feels like you want to keep pushing me away."

Sulli shook her head and finally fell from his grasp. She was sitting on the ground with her two hands slightly grazed. 

"You think that's my goal!? I'm doing this to save you! The only thing I can do to keep you smiling is injure myself repeatedly..! I have to keep pushing you away because I don't want to become crazy..."

Minho held out his hand, but Sulli shook her head. She couldn't accept. 

"This is just like dancing Minho. When you want someone to feel something, you have to have some separation in the middle until the end. Do you think that will happen to the both of us...? No matter who we fall in love with, the same ending will happen because we both have a person who loves us unconditionally. They will fight until the very end, Minho. You think I can still hold up after that?"

Minho shook his head and picked her up. He ran towards the Garden wall. There were seat placed by. He let her down on one of them and knelt on his knees. 

"Do you not understand.. the meaning of together? Tell me anything, Sulli. And I will fix it. I will bring back everything they stole. Now who has put this curse onto you where you cannot even tell me?"

Sulli looked at the sky and the sun was placed at the middle. It had not set yet. Did she have enough time to lay all of them down? 

Or she could choose the other way. She could tell him. She did not even care about what would happen to her nor her health. She needed Minho to bring her back. Back in his arms. Embracing her.  

She took the bag of marbles from her pocket and her Mirror. She repeated the same words she did earlier. 

Tapping one after the other. She passed them to Minho.  

"Sulli? What are these?"

Sulli smiled. "I have enough time to tell you... These are my memories. You-."


"Did you hear that? ... Nevermind. Read each one of these carefully... They will tell you the whole truth. And nothing but the truth. "

"Ha ha. Did she really think, I would not be watching? Now since she broke the promise I will end her. Since I go by y words, all save her little bunch. Well so to say her only friends.. Tap, Tap, Tap."

Sulli told him to open them up. 

Minho searched through them. "Sulli you've explained this with no details.. what do you mean by this?"

Sulli laughed. Minho looked up at her. His face grew pale. She was disappearing..

"I guess she was listening.. Minho, I wanna tell you so much, but time flies by us so quickly.. I hope what I say to you will stay in your memories.. I hope you will come find me.." 

Minho coughed, he was about to cry. "What do you freaking mean by this, Sulli!? We are in this together- ! What the heck!? Don't you dare leave me Sulli!" 

Sulli held his hands with all her might. You could barely see her. She was leaving his sight. 

Minho wiped his tears and embraced her in his arms. "Where will you go.. Sulli. When will I ever see you again.."

Sulli put her hands on his face where they were looking straight into each other's eyes. 

"The only thing I can do, Minho. Is injure myself repeatedly to let you keep living. If I say their name, you will die.. Didn't we promise to love each other everlasting? And didn't I promise to you I would always have your back?"

Sulli was getting cold. She was disappearing from his sight but she would stay in this era until he found every single piece of the puzzle. 

"Will you still love me when I have nothing, but my aching soul? I know that you will.. I will love you everlasting, Minho." -Lana Del Ray. 

And by those last words she disappeared. But Minho could still feel her presence in his arms. 

Sulli was strong enough to fight Yuri's powers by that much, she could only communicate him by the seasons. If she wrote, Yuri would know and hunt her down

"Tell me what to do, Sulli... I will fight. I will fix every single thing they took from us.. I will find out who had done this to you."

Sulli made the leaves swarm around him. She sang him a lullaby. If he arranged them in the right order, he could find the name Yuri. That was the first thing Sulli thought of. 

Sulli pushed him away from her. She felt so weak in front of him, she didn't want him to feel her body. She felt weak and her bones were stiff. She felt like a skeleton body. 

She kept repeating in her mind the state she was in would not last long. Minho would find everything for sure. 

He will won't he? 

1 hour passes by, and less time for Sulli and Minho to figure out the solution.

Minho finds all the pieces. And after searching everywhere for Sulli's bag, he found the mirror.

But he did not know how to activate them. 

And Yuri was a burden also. Visiting him time and time again. Then he would forget what he had just found out and start all over again. 

"You scared me! Your hands Sulli, they are as cold as ice... Please do not touch me for now. I really want to figure this out."

She noticed even before that he wasn't eating well and he was skinnier than usual. She was getting worried, she wanted to embrace him.

But everytime she had touched him, it felt like a pale of ice water had wrapped around him. 

He would grow cold and his health would begin to burden him.  

So Sulli just leaned by the window waiting. 

The real truth would soon surface.  

Author's Note: Are you wondering why the others in the Castle do not notice Sulli has disappeared? Once you are influenced by a strong force. All things weaker than that force will automatically clear you from their minds because they follow the high noble.

Minho scrached his head in confusion. And after another had passed he exploded. He threw them on the ground one by one. And he finally got something out of it. A puff a smoke entered the room and out from the marble. It showed the memories of Sulli. Every obstacle she went through to get to Minho. 

He threw the last one on the ground and it was a picture of Yuri. When she had himself in her arms and her sister entangled in thorns. 

He then noticed. 

This girl interrupted his past, but how? 

Minho connected all the pieces together and told Sulli to touch his hands. 

"What do I do now, so I can see you again? I have connected all the pieces, but you are still transparent..."

Sulli drew something on his hand. 

A heart. 

A symbol of love. He can't just tell her he loves her, but give her kiss. Even though it feels like ice. He will have to endure it. 

The warm love that will be showed after. Will break the seal. And he will see the true form of Sulli. 

Princess of the Ice Kingdom. 

Minho held her face gently and he made the first move. 

Inch after inch. From afar, it looked like they were already sharing a kiss. 

And Sulli had felt like he was already staring at her, like he had known. He was looking right into her eyes. 

And then a second later he went in for the kiss.

Sulli wrapped her hands around his neck. 

It no longer felt cold. 

Sulli giggled, she felt warm. She could hear Minho's heart beat rapidly. 

She was happy to know he had felt the same as she. 

Sulli finally let go of his kiss. She took a breath and one last peck on the cheek. 

Minho picked her up and carried her onto the bed. 

Then she found her right hand and gripped onto it firmly. 

She looked like a mosaic. 

Pieces at a time. 

It was first the basics of her body. The sweet fair skin she had.  

Then from her sweet eyes to her warm smile. 

Then lastly her blue gem tiara to her stone glass shoes. 

Her dress was bright blue, and she was wearing a ring. A wedding ring.  

Minho looked at her hand. 

"You're married to me, right?"

Sulli giggled and she took off her tiara. That is where his ring was hiding. 

She took his hand, slipped it on, and watched as his casual outfit turned into the suit he was wearing on his wedding day. 

"I say King, you look ravishing today... I;m glad you broke the curse before the sun had set." 

Minho knelt down and held her hands tightly. 

"The Sun takes it's time to shine on Earth because they have a bond were they cannot ignore each other. And I thank that you are my sun. No matter how far apart we may get. You take your time to care and love me. No matter what I looked like, you got to know me... And I thank the gift they gave us." 

Sulli kissed him on the forehead. "Now let's get rid of Yuri... Before she can make another appearance. That will result in another obstacle for us."

Minho looked at her with sympathetic eyes. "You know I cannot kill her, right? You will have to do it.."

Sulli could not argue. But she did npt mean that rid her means to kill her. Just to remove the motive she developed to hurt their relationship so much. Wipe out her memory. And maybe using Minho's forget-me-not dust. 

"I will use your forget-me-not dust Minho, it does not mean I will kill her. And if I did kill her, your smile would no longer be accessible to me, would it..?"

Minho could not answer and look away. It meant he did agree.

Sulli picked up her dress and stood up. She walked towards Minho, and slipped her arms through his and embraced him. 

"Finally.. I get to embrace you once again. Without the complaint, it really id refreshing!"

Minho turned around and wrapped his arms around her hips. 

Sulli thought it was a little ticklish and giggled. 

Then Minho went for the move. 

He lifted up her chin. 

And kissed her again. 


This one lasted longer than the other. 




Now the happiness. You hope it will continue, do you not? 

Well it might.



Thanks Fidoodly Friends Tune in!

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marifelhojas #1
Chapter 22: tnx authrnim for the update you made nice story pls update again and more minsul mooment pls
marifelhojas #2
Chapter 18: nope thats not true sulli is a nice girl and besides she still young at the age of 19 her popularity has been improve and its been impressive to the fact that she still young ....cheer up authornim we will just continue to support sulli no matter what tnx for the update
minsulshipper #3
Chapter 13: Gosh, this is so sweeeett authornim. Please update soon ne? i'm really curious about the next chapter. I love this kind of story. Hwaiting !!
Chapter 13: YASS, Minho saved his princess Sulli, t'aww so cute..
Hope everything will turn alright at the end for the both of them.
Thanks for the update authornim, but please update soon, can't wait for the next chapter!^^
marifelhojas #5
Chapter 10: pls update it soon!
marifelhojas #6
Chapter 9: more update pls!cant wait to read another chapter
marifelhojas #7
Chapter 8: pls update it soon
Chapter 8: who is it?don't tell me its victoria or other girl.....=(
alisson #9
Chapter 7: pls let minsul be together. pls
Chapter 7: Authornim,please make MinSul get back soon..I also hope that Taemin would not take Sulli..:)