
Creatures of the Day

Sulli passed the hall and all the men fell over their chairs.

They have never seen someone so beautiful as she.

Sulli looked for the door that said Krystal's name on it, and it was the door before Minho's.

Sulli didn't know who he was yet and entered Krystal's office.

"I did not bring my papers for him to read, but I can show him on my Tab I guess..."

Krystal dashed to her and hugged her, then she offered her to sit.

"Finally, it's been such a long time. Well all let you get settled first. Thank you for bringing me Super V, I really needed it. It is so hard to live off of just human food."

Sulli laughed and took out her phone.

"You can send him in now."

Krystal pressed the first button on her desk and it beeped in the other room.

Sulli had a lightbulb.

Sulli remembered the weird encounter with the guy.

She gestured Krystal come closer.

"You know..., there was this strong man I met in the elevator earlier. He was wearing a black suit and, uhhh... Ohh! He seemed like he was really sick or something... Maybe you should check on tha..-- person.."

Sulli finished her conversation as the man she had just depicted entered the door.

"Is he your brother?"

Krystal gestured him to sit beside Sulli and nodded.

"Yes, this is my selfish older brother..."

Minho laughed.

"Well aren't you the best sister in the world.."

Minho saw Sulli and he tried to act mature.

"Are you Sulli, I thought you would have a more strong presence because you're known for taming my young sister. Interesting. I bet you are still thinking about the elevator thing, right? I have a great explanatio--."

Krystal cut him off.

"OPPA. She already knows we are the Creatures of the Day. Well she knew about me already, she has no idea what you are. And if I wasn't your sister, I would also not know what you are. But I am your sister, he is a pure blood like I, but you can call him a Lan-Cell. He has powers that come overtime as he ages. We summarize him as the Dark and Lovely "sad" Bird."

Minho laughed at Krystal sarcastically.

"My name is Minho and I'm not sad, I am just not the nicest person you will ever meet. So what did you call me for, Krystal?"

Sulli brought out the plan on her tab and showed it to him.

"If you team up with us, I am sure your company will keep expanding and will live long. It will prosper for many years to come. I assure you."

Minho lowered the tab and came closer to Sulli's face.

"I don't think I need that, I just need..."

Sulli's face transformed into a red red cherry.


Sulli felt very uncomfortable and inched away.

"I am pretty sure I came for a business meeting and Krystal, that is all..."

Minho never stopped gazing at her beauty.

He automatically said the words he said to the first girl he fell in love with.

"Sulli, be cautious."

Minho got up and pointed at Krystal.

"FInish that, before any of the other managers find it. After that, burn it."

Krystal pointed him out the door.

"She is someone special to me, Minho. I don't need someone like you to ruin it for me... And if you do, you won't know what I'll become."

Minho patted her head and grabbed her into the hallway where his office was.

He whispered into her ear.

"She's sweet like candy, everyone here is already mesmorized with her. Even I am, it's too strong. I sensed earlier that she is an immortal also, did you not know that either?"

Krystal was confused.

"NO. She can't be.., she is just a mortal. I don't want her to live the way we do. We have to leave love ones every life-span and it breaks me. To you it's nothing, but I've always been that lonely girl, Minho."

Minho held her hand.

"That's why she's an immortal. She will stay with us till the end. Now you have to trust me, and let me have her before something else will.. Krystal please...?"

Krystal yanked him off of her. She was upset, she felt like she should rely on him, but she had to be 100% sure. And she wasn't sure about this...

"I don't think I can do that.."

Minho bit his lip and he got a little angry.

"Do you not trust me.., I understand she means a lot to you, but I'm your brother. Hand her to me, while you still have the option to..!"

Krystal looked over to SUlli through the window. She was still flustered. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"You will have to do the seal, won't you? Just like the other girl you thought would stay, and then you had to kill her because she tried to kill me...!? I don't want that to happen to Sulli. She might go crazy with your power!"

Minho reassured her.

"Krystal, you have to trust me. When I put that seal on her, she can finally realize she is an immortal!"

Krystal looked down and crossed her arms.

She finally came to a decision.

She nodded slowly.

Minho pushed her gently to the side.

"Evacuate all the people to the next floor, tell them it's Code Sweet Cold."

Krystal entered Minho's office and pressed the blue button. It represented emergency for this one floor.

All the people walked down the hall and to the stairs. They entered the next floor. The last man automatically thought everybody was out and closed the door so the room was then sound proof.

Minho looked at Sulli's back.

Sulli felt this strong presence behind her and turned around.

She saw the eyes of a jaguar.






Tune in Fidoodly Friends!

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marifelhojas #1
Chapter 22: tnx authrnim for the update you made nice story pls update again and more minsul mooment pls
marifelhojas #2
Chapter 18: nope thats not true sulli is a nice girl and besides she still young at the age of 19 her popularity has been improve and its been impressive to the fact that she still young ....cheer up authornim we will just continue to support sulli no matter what tnx for the update
minsulshipper #3
Chapter 13: Gosh, this is so sweeeett authornim. Please update soon ne? i'm really curious about the next chapter. I love this kind of story. Hwaiting !!
Chapter 13: YASS, Minho saved his princess Sulli, t'aww so cute..
Hope everything will turn alright at the end for the both of them.
Thanks for the update authornim, but please update soon, can't wait for the next chapter!^^
marifelhojas #5
Chapter 10: pls update it soon!
marifelhojas #6
Chapter 9: more update pls!cant wait to read another chapter
marifelhojas #7
Chapter 8: pls update it soon
Chapter 8: who is it?don't tell me its victoria or other girl.....=(
alisson #9
Chapter 7: pls let minsul be together. pls
Chapter 7: Authornim,please make MinSul get back soon..I also hope that Taemin would not take Sulli..:)