Chapter 7

Falling For Choi Minho
(Your POV)
You look at your face in the mirror. Your eyes were swollen from last night and you barely got sleep. "Stupid dad. Leaving me alone." You say to yourself. You got dressed for school. Just in black skinned jeans, white shirt and black sunglasses to hide your eyes. Then you headed out the door.
(Annabel POV)
Back to school and of course I need to look perf. for the first day back. I came to school and saw Minho waiting at the gate. "Hey hot stuff how was break?" I asked. "Good." He replied smiling. "Were you waiting for me?" I ask cutely. "Actually I'm waiting for Jane. I was talking to her last ni-" "oh there she is!" I said interrupting him. I did not want to hear him talk about that disgusting girl. She was walking with her black skinny jeans and white shirt with black sunglasses. Which I have to say wasn't the best fashion combination but I didn't care."How was your break?" I asked not really wanting to hear the answer. "Shut up. Don't talk to me." She said walking right pass me and Minho. "Jane wait up." Minho said following her. "Ughh. What does Minho see in you." I ask myself.  
(Your POV)
"Jane come on wait." Minho said behind you. You were really tired and didn't want to deal with it. "What?" You commanded. "Are you okay? On the phone you sounded like you were crying." He said with worry in his eyes. Does he know everything? You ask yourself. "I'm fine." You lied before continuing your journey to class with Minho lurking behind. You tried so hard not to fall asleep during class that all your notes just turned into a pile of letters and scribbles. You lasted half of the day until lunch. You didn't feel like eatng so you wandered around the school. Walking around like you were drunk until Minho grabbed your arm. "Where are we going." You asked sleepily. He didn't answer you until he stopped and sat down. "What is this place?" You ask. "Secret garden. I found this place the third week I got here. No one is usually around here during lunch. Come here." He says motioning for you to sit beside him on the grass. You went over there then he said. "Lay on my lap."  "Wha?" You ask. "Come on. I know you didn't get much sleep last night." He said patting his lap. He was right. As you laid on his lap, you watched as he took off his jacket and put it over you. "Go to sleep." He stated. "B-but school is still-" "just sleep. I'll wake you when the bell rings." He says. Wasn't before long until all you saw was darkness.
(Minho POV)
About 5 minutes a and Jane was passed out. I slowly took off her a glasses and revealed her puffy red eyes. She was crying last night. I gently rubbed the side of her eyes. "You don't have to deal with these things on your own. You could tell me. I say to the sleeping body. Why does she do this to herself. I stared at her face for a while and couldn't resist. So I kissed her lips. I pulled away when she moved. "M-Minho" she said in her sleep. At first I look at her in surprise but then it went away. "Sweet dreams Jane."
(Your POV)
"Jane! Did you hear! Minho's my boyfriend now." You look at Annabel then to the figure whose hand were locked with hers. "Minho? W-why? I-I thought." "No Jane. I've loved you but you were too late. I wasted my life following you when I could have a smoking girl like Annabel the whole time." He said. "Jane I never liked you. Your a bad person." Minseok says beside Minho. "Now that I have everything that's important to you, how bout I destroy every single one of it. Starting with the person who cared for you since you were little." You watch as your dad appears from the shadows all tied up and bruised. "Dad!" You scream. "Now how about this twerp." She said holding minseok by a foot. "Put him down!" You scream. "Why would I do that. I don't need him getting in between me and Minho." She said. "Take him away." She ordered. Suddenly the darkness crept in and minseok vanished. "I swear I'm going t ing kill you!" You yelled. "Now how can you do that when you're tied to a chair." She states. You looked down to find yourself tied onto a chair. "Let's go Minho." She said pulling him away. "MINHO!" You scream. "MINHO DONT LEAVE! MINHO!" Before you knew it. He was gone. "Please." You say crying. Then darkness covered you and you owned your eyes revealing the dark starry sky and a fast asleep Minho. "Just a dream." You say sitting up. "Minho. Hey Minho." You say shaking him. "Ohh hi Jane. Um......oh crap." He says realizing what happened. "Yea. You we're suppose to wake me up when lunch ends. Not when school ends and it's like 10 o'clock at night. Not only that but you left minseok all alone! What kind of brother are you." You say. "Hey it's not my fault. I get tired to. And by the way, I am an awesome brother." He said getting up. "Just go hom-" *gurgle* "someone seems hungry." Minho says smiling. "Well what did you expect. I missed lunch and dinner." You state. "Let's go to my house. I'll cook something I know you'll like." He says grabbing your hand and started walking to his house. Wasn't long till you both arrived. When he let go of your hand to open the door, you felt like disappointment just smacked you in the face. What are you thinking Jane?! You should be glad that idiots sweaty hand isn't attached to yours. You tell yourself. When he unlocked then opened the door, little minseok ran to you both. "MinMin, why did you come home so late?" He asks hugging his brother. "Sorry Minnie, umma Jane kept me busy." He said. You look at him with surprised eyes. "Excuse me? Your the one who didn't wake me up." You say. "Listen minseok, MinMin is an irresponsible appa and a big stupid idiot." You tell minseok as you bend down to meet eye level. "Jane, I know dat already." He replied giggling. "Hehehe I bet you did." You say ruffling his hair. "You got my own brother to go against me?! Oh that hurts the heart." He says pointing to his heart. "Stop whining and go in the kitchen and make us food you peasent." You say in a queen-like voice. "Yea!" Minseok says.  "As you wish my queen and queen's little minion." He replies before bowing and going into the kitchen. "Minseok, what do you wanna do now?" You ask the little boy beside you. "Let's play truth or dare!" He says excitedly. Oh if he was in highschool truth or dare would end up with people making out or fist fights. "Truth or dare?" He asks. "Truth." You answer. "Do you like me and MinMin?" He asks. "Of course. MinMin is always helping me and you're too cute and adorable so why wouldn't I like you?" You state. "Now your turn. Truth or Dare?"  "Dare."  "Ooooo someone's brave."you say before whispering the dare in his ear. After, you watched as he took him and his smile into the kitchen. Few second later you can hear Minho yell and minseok run back to you. "Minseok!" He says coming into the living room. "Jane dared me too." He said pointing at you. "Really Jane. You told him to pull my pants down. That's messed up. Especially when I just finished cooking for you both. You know what, you can make your own dinner. I'm not sharing." He said pouting. "I'm sorry MinMin." Minseok said running and holding onto his brothers leg who was walking back to the kitchen. "That's not gunna do anything. You and umma Jane can starve tonight. Before you knew it you had already jumped on Minho's back causing all three of you to fall. "Don't be like that. We said we're sorry okay." You tell him. "Nope you can still starve." He states. "Where is he ticklish?" You whispered to minseok behind you. "I think his neck. I already tried his feet and sides." Minseok whispers back. "Now will you let us eat?" You whisper into his neck. "Hahahaha okay fine. Fine. You win. haha" he says. "Thank you." You say getting off of him and taking a seat at the table. The food was delicious. It was like heaven in food form. Well after, it was pretty late so minseok suggested you sleep over. Of course you couldn't resist that face of his so you agreed. "You can sleep on my bed. I'll sleep on the couch." Minho says. "Nono it's okay. Sleep in your bed. I'll just sleep with minseok." You say. "Okay I guess. Goodnight you two." He says walking to his room. "Goodnight" you both say in sync. You laid on the bed with minseok and started talking laughing about useless things. Then he yawned meaning he was getting tired. Well who wouldn't be, it was like midnight. You couldn't sleep that night. Mostly because you took a long nap at school. Then you hear noise coming from the other side of the bedroom door. Is it a burglary? Should I tell minho? You snuck out of minseoks bed and slowly opened the door. You peaked through to see the living room lights still off but the tv on. Why would the burglar be watching tv? You made your way to the figure watching and found out it was just Minho. "Why are you still awake? I thought you were a freaking burglar." You whispered/yelled. "Sorry for wanting to watch tv in my house." He says. "Can I ask you something." You asked. "Okay."  "Where are your parents?"  "I knew that question would pop up one day. Well my mom got pregnant with me at 17 with this douche I was suppose to call father. He left her when he found out she wasn't rich. Um she was a drug addict then she was a photographer for  5 years then got a job in modeling and she was seeing her rich boss which was when minseok was born. Then that guy said that he never wanted kids so one day my mom just disappeared leaving me alone with minseok." He says. "I'm sorry." "Why are you sorry?" He asks. "You had to deal with this by yourself. It must've been hard. Yet you still dealt with my bullcrap." You state sitting on the edge of the couch. "Yea it's hard sometimes but that's life. Plus I have minseok. That little boy might not know it but he is the reason I try really hard
And have the courage to keep moving foreward" He says giving you a smile. "I'm here now stop stressing. And if you do you'll end up with wrinkles." You state. "Haha yea I guess." He says turning his attention back to the tv. "Goodnight. See you in the morning." You say. "Night." Out of instinct, you moved closer kissed his forehead then walked back to minseoks room. What did I just do?! You asked as you mentally punched yourself.
(Eww the chapters are getting shorter again!! I DONT LIKE IT!!! Her dream though. So like it was amazing. AMAZINGLY RETARDED, UNORGANIZED, AND WORST DESCRIPTION OF A DREAM EVER!!  Ahhhh! Well hoped u kinda liked it. I just realized that Jane has been visiting/staying at Minho's house a lot. Ehh it's okay I guess. Until next chapter children, BAI)
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Chapter 20: I know I'm not good at giving comments but I think this story is really good. I'll wait for ur updates if you change ur mind~ Good job author-nim~~~
SS213MH #2
Chapter 16: Oh my god, that minseok is really cute~ aaaaak
Chapter 21: You can take your time and maybe update when you get new idea/s =D
I liked this!
Froggy_girl #5
Chapter 16: Damn, I love this story! I want Minho to be mine!
Chapter 15: This was so cute! But the last part got me curious! Who might would it be?0.0 I'm so curious, yeah~~~~