Chapter 2

Falling For Choi Minho

(Your POV)

You walk to school the next morning and find Minho waiting in the front. "Do you love my contact name?" He asked the closer you got.  "NO. I changed it to Mr. Mc Stupid Minho." You lied as you continued walking pass . "Janiee, why you so mean." He pouted. "Why are you so annoying?" You ask. "I don't know. I think I got it from my mom. She's always nagging me and-" "stop. I didn't want to know your reason. I just wanted to call you annoying." You interrupted. "Lets go to class." You say. That walk you haven't heard him say anything. His friends would try to talk to him but he was still depressed. You started to feel a little guilty. You got to your seat and Minho got to his behind you and everything was still quiet. Then you couldn't take it anymore. "Stop being depressed okay. people think i put a curse in you or something!" You say to him. He looked at you in surprise but then pouted again. "You called me annoying so I don't want to talk or it'll annoy people." He said. You sighed. "I'm sorry, you aren't annoying." You say before turning your attention back out the window. you can tell a smile crept up on his face. "Class class class!" The teacher said. "We have yet again another new student. "Here she is." Then a girl that almost looks like a Barbie comes in. That long brown curly hair, those hazel brown eyes. Oh no. "Hi. My name is Annabel. You can just call me Annie." She said. Damn it. It's Annabel. You glared at her until she made eye contact. "Your seat is right there next to Minho in the back. Minho raise your hand." Me and Annabel never broke eye contact as she made her way pass me. "Ohh Jane. Hi." She said when she reached your desk. " off." you stated. "wow still stubborn as always." she said as she made her way to her desk. Of course her looks would gain so much attention. Especially from the guys. Man it was getting annoying. What is that you knew she also has all the same classes as you. She was always trying to be better than you. Ever since grade school.  Then the bell rang. Instead of going to their next class, everyone crowded her. You and Minho just made your way pass those people and left to class. "Jane." She said catching up to you."go away." you stated trying to ignore her. "meanie." you heard her mumble. "ohh sorry. i didnt see you there. you're minho right? Since we're going the same way. How bout you give me a tour later." She said to Minho. "Sure, you heard him say. "Jane you know, if you want to hang out with us you can." She said. "Shut up. Why the would I want to hang with you." You said before storming to class. 
After school you ran straight to the park before work. Again the little kids were there. You went to the nearest bench and just laid there trying to relieve your stress. She's back. The devils spawn is back. Your thoughts were interrupted by a small finger poking your cheek. "Hey minseok." You greeted. "Why are you sad?" He asked. "I'm not sad. I'm just stressed a little." You replied. "Are you gunna be here tomorrow too?" He asked. "Yup. I come here almost everyday. If I'm not here then I'm probably working early." You say. "Imma make you something to make you happy again and to make your stress go away." He stated. "Hehe you don't have to. Just seeing your face smiling makes me happy." You say pinching his cheeks. "I'm still gunna make it." He said rubbing his cheeks. "Okay. I'll be waiting." You smile before getting up. "You know minseok. I love talking to you. I have to go to work so bye for now k." I say. "Make sure to be home before dark." You yell before running away.
(Minho POV)
This girl just wouldn't leave me alone. The whole school day she's been hanging around me like we're really close friends or something. Just when I thought the bell for school to end ment I wouldn't have to see her, she still stuck around me. "Sooo you wanna hangout with me today?" She asked. "Sorry, I'm working. Maybe some other time." I say. "Ohhhh where do you work? Can I come?" She asked nicely. She's kinda annoying but she's nice. I don't see why Jane is fussing over her. "Fine." I say before she grabbed ahold of my arm. "Lets go." She stated. We got to the cafe and I told her to wait while I go change. "I thought you were dating jane? whos that girl?" taemin asked as i passed him. "Just a girl from school. And Jane isnt my girlfriend..yet." i said as i continued my journey to the back room.Right as I was putting the last piece of uniform on, I heard a commotion. I went out of the changing room to see Annabel talking to an angry Jane who had a black-ish eye. "Woah woah woah. What happened?" I asked mostly to Jane. "We were just talking." Annabel said. "How did you get that black eye?" I asked Jane. She looked at Annabel then back at me. "I-I ran into a pole on the way here. It's not that bad." She said. "I'm gunna change." She said before walking off. "Clumsy as ever." Annabel said. "You two know each other?" I asked. "Of course! We were friends since grade school but her and her dad moved here because i think they were having family problems and Jane was becoming more violent." She stated as she sat in the nearest booth.  I sat in front of her."soooo are you two dating?" She asked. "Not really, she doesn't like me." I confessed. "We'll that's her loss. Who wouldn't want a man like you." She said as she rubbed the top of my hand. I can tell she was flirting with me but I didn't care. "How bout on your day off, you and me can go-" "What the hell happened to your face!" Our conversation was inturrupted by kristine, a co-worker, screaming. I got off the booth and told Annabel to go home before heading to the back room. "It's okay Kristine. I just I ran into a pole." I heard Jane say. "That's bull. poles cant actually give you a black eye and No customer would want to get served by a black eyed waitress!" Kristine exclaimed. "Come on. Lets go try to fix this." She said before pulling Jane to the girls restroom. "Minho, open the store, we'll be back in a moment she said. 
(Your POV)
"Girl, tell me what happened." Kristine said as she brought out her make up didn't really mind Kristine because she was like you, honest and straightforward.  "Nothing! Everything's okay!" You state. "Don't you dare lie to me. Is it school? If I was your age and not in college, I would so watch you carefully at school to know what's happening." She said. "If I tell you then you can't tell anyone. That means Kibum, Jinki, Taemin, Amber, or Minho." You say. You waited until she nodded. "Ok so here's what happened."
*flash back*
You got into the cafe and you saw the she devil standing there. "What the brings you here?" You say in a pretend to be nice tone. "Why the should I tell you?"she said. "Because I ing work here and I can kick your out of here and all the way to Neptune." You state. "I bet you work here since your daddy has been up all night getting drunk so you have to work to support you poor asses. What a bunch of low lives." She says. "Ohh I still see you still talk like before." You say. "Is that why your breath always stinks?" With that, you can tell she's furious. Before you could walk away she punched you in the eye. You wanted to hit back but Minho came right before.
*end of flashback*
"That ." Kristine said as she put the finishing makeup on your eye. "I know right. Remember though. Keep this between us." You tell her. "I will but if I see that in this cafe, Imma make sure she regrets coming back." Kristine said as he gave you a hug. "Thanks Kristine." You say. "Anytime." She says as both of you walk out of the bathroom. You changed into your waitress outfit and continued with your life as if nothing happened. 
Your shift ended and you said bye to all your co-workers before heading out. A few steps out Minho called out to you. "Jane, wait up." You stopped and watched him slightly jog to you. "Are you okay?" He asked. "You know cuz your eye looked really bad."  "Minho please stop. I'm not in the mood for this. I just want to go home. I'm tired, my eye hurts, and I'm really stressed out. Please no sly or Minho remarks tonight." You say. "Are you still going to the park?" He asked. "Of course why not?" You ask. "Well your tired. Wouldn't you just want to go home. Isn't your family worried?" He asked. "I rather check to see if those kids are still there than go home to what you call family." You state. "Ohh." He says. With that, it was silent until we reached the park. When you got there, you looked around and no sign of kids. "Okay they're not here. We can go home." You say. Minho walked until the spot he turned around yesterday. "Call or text me when you get home." He said. "Whatever." You say before walking off. You got home and found your dad on the ground unconscious. "Dad, go to your room." You say shaking him. "DAD!" You say a bit louder. "What's the point?" You say to yourself. You went upstairs, flopped on your bed, and took out your phone.
To:Mr.Manly Minho<3
I'm home. I'm going to bed.
(Minho POV)
To:Janieboo :D
From Minho
After I texted her I put my earphones in and walked home. When I got home, I was about to go upstairs until I saw a light in the kitchen. When I went to see the reason, there was my little brother creating something. "Watchu doin?" I asked. "My friend is sad and I want her to be happy." He said. "I think that that will be a great present but it's getting late. I'll let you finish it in the morning so lets go sleep." I say to him. "Okay.." He replies.
(I hate girls like Annabel. I think that's why I made her like that. SORRY FOR ANYONE READING WHOSE NAME IS ANNABEL. I DONT MEAN TO OFFEND ANYONE I JUST THOUGHT ANNABEL WAS A NICE NAME. DONT KILL ME! Until next chapter, BAI!")
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Chapter 20: I know I'm not good at giving comments but I think this story is really good. I'll wait for ur updates if you change ur mind~ Good job author-nim~~~
SS213MH #2
Chapter 16: Oh my god, that minseok is really cute~ aaaaak
Chapter 21: You can take your time and maybe update when you get new idea/s =D
I liked this!
Froggy_girl #5
Chapter 16: Damn, I love this story! I want Minho to be mine!
Chapter 15: This was so cute! But the last part got me curious! Who might would it be?0.0 I'm so curious, yeah~~~~