Chapter 4

Falling For Choi Minho
(Your POV)
"You slowly open your eyes and try to adjust to your surroundings." You notice your on a bed but you also remembered you out with a little boy. "MINSEOK!" You scream sitting up. You sat up to fast that it made you dizzy but you didn't care. You got up and wobbled your way out the bedroom door. You went down the stairs and saw a little boy playing with toys. "Minseok?" You ask. He looked up and waved."Jane!" He said. You quickly made your way to him and embraced his little body. "I was so worried. I'm so glad you're safe." You say. "Hehe I'm okay." He replies. "So is this your house?" You ask. "Yupp!" He says. "How did I get here? I know you didn't carry me so did you dad or someone?" You ask. "No just MinMin, my brother." He said. "Well if I ever meet him, I'll make sure to tell him thanks and thanks for having such an awesome dependable little brother." I said pinching his cheeks. Suddenly I heard their front door open. "MinMin's home!" "Is that your brother?" You ask. "Yea. Go meet him. He probababably went to da kitchen." He said pushing you. You and minseok were laughing until you came in the kitchen. "MINHO?" You say in confusion. "Minseok, your brother is Minho. And choi is-" "yupp" he inturrupts. "Well good morning to you Janieboo." Minho says. "Did you bring me here? Would your parents mind?" You ask him. "Yea, I brought you here cuz I didn't know where your house was. It's just me and minseok here and we both agreed you could stay." Minho says getting three glasses of orange juice and giving each of us one. "Thanks guys. Aren't you suppose to be at school Minho?" You ask. "I called the school and said we're both sick." He said. "Okay." You say before drinking some orange juice. "What happened yesterday?" He asks. The memories came back only making your head hurt. "Let's not talk about that. Gives me a headache." You reply. You all finished you juices and were bored again. "So what do you guys wanna do today?" Minho asks. "Let go to the park!" Minseok says. "Okay." Minho replies. "Jane you wanna come with?" He asks. "I guess since I'm not going to school today."you reply.
(Minhos POV)
We walk to the park with minseok in the front pretending to be an airplane all the way there. We get to the park and minseok runs back to us. "Jane Jane! Do that dancy thingy like yesterday!" He exclaimed. I looked at her and she looked around the park. "Okay but only once." She says. She the song Only One which I'm guessing is the song manager picked and she handed her phone to minseok. I watched as she closed her eyes and started to sing and dance amazingly. She finishes so me and minseok applaud her. "Hey I think you need to relax a little and maybe your dancing can be more nicer." I say. "Like you can do any better." She says. "Okay let me show you." I said as I took out my phone. I played EXO'S song my lady and started to dance. Soon enough a small crown came to watch and I can tell that Jane is impressed and pissed at the same time. I continued dancing until the end. Cheers erupted from the crowd and I went back to Jane. "See? I told you." I said. But that's not even the song kibum chose. That's cheating. If I did a different song then I would've so beaten you and plus I need a partner or it doesn't look right doing it alone." She said pouting. "Haha whatever." I said pinching her cheeks. Suddenly an old lady came up to us. "Excuse me, I was watching both of you dance and I wanted to know if you will be going to the carnival this Sunday?" She asked. "Yeah. We're performing." I say. "That's great! I'll go spread the news that the dancing couple will be going to the carnival." The old lady Said with a smile. "Ohh we aren't a couple." I heard Jane say. "Ohh I'm sorry you guys just looked good together so I thought- yeah." She said. "Well I'll leave now. But before I do can I talk to you." She asked pulling Jane. I wonder what she's talking about. Then minseok went to them. Now I'm curious.
The old lady brought me away. "So when are you going to say yes?" She asked. "Yes to what?"  "His eyes are telling me he wants you but you don't want him." He says. "Nonono. We aren't like that. He just stays around me for some reason." You say. "Just don't let him slip away." She says. "What are you guys talking bout?" Minseok asks. "Little boy, make sure they end up together. They are a nice couple right?" "Yupp."you hear minseok reply. "Ughh I'm going." You say walking away to Minho. "So what did she tell you?" He asks you. "Nothing." You state. "Tell me." He says. "Not gunna happen." You said running away.
(Annabel POV)
I was walking to the clothes shop with guys who followed me to carry my bags then I hear laughing. I looked over to see Minho and Jane laughing away. So they skip school to go on a date at the park?! Ughh! "Come on tell me!" He yelled running after her. "Nope!" She replied climbing on the playground laughing. "Minho is mine." I say walking away angrily.
(Minhos POV)
"I think I should go home now. It's getting late." She said grabbing her bag. "We'll walk you." I said lifting up minseok. "Thanks." She says. This time, we walked her all the way to her house. "Thanks again for letting me stay at your house." She says. "No. Thank you for sticking up for my brother." I said. "Your welcome to come over anytime. It's just me and minseok so we won't mind." I stated. "Yeah! Come visit." Minseok says. "Hehe maybe." She said pinching minseok a cheek before walking into her house.
(Another short-ish chapter. I'm sorry, my brain just died for a moment. I promise I will TRY to get better. I WANNA LIVE WITH MINHO......never mind. If I did I would die from fangirling too much. Until next chapter, BAI ) 


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Chapter 20: I know I'm not good at giving comments but I think this story is really good. I'll wait for ur updates if you change ur mind~ Good job author-nim~~~
SS213MH #2
Chapter 16: Oh my god, that minseok is really cute~ aaaaak
Chapter 21: You can take your time and maybe update when you get new idea/s =D
I liked this!
Froggy_girl #5
Chapter 16: Damn, I love this story! I want Minho to be mine!
Chapter 15: This was so cute! But the last part got me curious! Who might would it be?0.0 I'm so curious, yeah~~~~